
jì shù tiáo jiàn
  • technical conditions;technical specifications;technical provisions
  1. 另外业主还提出了额外的技术条件以确保施工标准和质量。

    Furthermore the Employer has provided additional technical provisions in order to ensure the standard and quality of the construction .

  2. GB/T14251-1993镀锡薄钢板圆形罐头容器技术条件

    Technical specifications of round tin-Plate container for canned foods bullet type tank

  3. 不同的经济技术条件确定不同的开采境界。

    Different condition of economy and technology define different open pit limit .

  4. 投标将按照订货单的技术条件严格评估。

    Bid will be evaluated strictly in accordance with the indent specifications .

  5. 结合RS码自身的特点并根据当前的技术条件,实现了简易有效的跳频同步方案;

    Effective synchronization is achieved based on the characteristics of Reed-Solomon code ;

  6. 就新的技术条件下如何开发齿轮传动CAD系统进行探讨。

    In this paper , it is discussed how to design the CAD system for gear drive under the advanced conditions .

  7. 本文在图像增强技术条件下采用一种改进的多尺度Harris角点检测算法。

    In this paper , image enhancement technologies to the use of an improved multi-scale Harris corner detection algorithm .

  8. 随着合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像定量应用的日益广泛和深入,定标已成为现代星载SAR遥感测量的必备技术条件。

    With the increasingly extensive and in-depth application of quantitative Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) images , SAR calibration became a necessary technique in modern spaceborne SAR remote sensing .

  9. 通过实验研究,获得了的膨润土直接碱溶法制备4A沸石的工艺技术条件。

    Through the experiments of alkali dissolve and consulted previous researches of others , gained the suitable technical conditions of preparating 4A zeolite .

  10. 试验结果表明,在目前的技术条件下,马尾松钻一次孔其连续流脂时间最长为2d,不宜进行钻孔法采脂。

    According to the results , under the current technique term , for masson pine there is continuous oleoresin flowing for only 2 days in one borehole drilling period , and the borehole tapping is not suitable .

  11. 文章详细探讨了在大覆冰地区OPGW光缆结构的选择,并针对大覆冰地区的应用条件,对OPGW光缆提出了特殊要求和技术条件,对从事相关专业的技术人员有一定的借鉴作用。

    The paper discusses the choice of type and structure of OPGW in heavy icing area , and put forward the special request and technological condition to OPGW .

  12. 4通过正交试验对糙米发芽技术条件进行了优化,优化后的糙米发芽生产技术参数为浸泡温度30℃、浸泡时间20h、发芽温度30℃、发芽时间24h。

    According to perpendicular experiments , the optimum germination conditions are : soaking temperature 30 ℃ , soaking time 20 hours , germination temperature 30 ℃, germination time 24 hours .

  13. 抓紧制订优化软件的技术条件和评价标准;促进DCS厂商改善应用软件设计,并使其优化软件本地化。

    It is time to promote the development , trial and commercialization of optimized domestic software , to put forth the technical specification and assessment standard for software , and to encourage DCS manufacturers to improve their software design and localization .

  14. 本文提出了现代技术条件下军用雷达接收机保护技术发展的新需求,探讨了HPM短脉冲雷达接收机保护装置的组成原则;

    The new demand of military radar receiver protection technique under the modern technical condition is given and the composing principle of HPM short pulse radar receiver protection device is provided in this paper .

  15. 结合国内外情况,对目前现场代用的18号双曲线齿轮油技术条件、使用性能与8K电力机车齿轮油进行了比较;

    The Paper Compared that specifications and use properties of No 18 hypoid gear oil today used not so 8K type electric locomotive draw gear oil as better .

  16. 就变电站监控模型部分,本文以IEC61850标准建模的核心思想为基础,根据现有的技术条件提出了在RTAP实时运行环境上建立变电站监控主站模型的方法。

    Modeling methods of SCADA have been put forward based on RTAP runtime environment of current technology conditions after the author masters the IEC61850 standards'kernel ideas .

  17. 在此基础上设计了制备符合VVER项目技术条件要求的中孔芯块的手动模具;

    Based on it , we designed the manual model for pellets with central hole , which fit to the specification of VVER item ;

  18. 依据广东岭澳核电站二期2台1000MW发电机组采用强迫风冷母线国际招标书中的技术条件,进行研究,提出了强迫风冷离相封闭母线的发、散热计算程序;

    The paper introduced the technology research project in international public bidding of 2 × 1 000 MW forced air-cooling enclosed bus for Phase 2 of Guangdong Lingao Nuclear Power Station .

  19. 目前路内尚未对既有线提速的路基技术条件进行系统研究,在京秦客运通道200km·h-1提速改造中,路基加固已成为改造工程的一个关键项目。

    The researcher in the railway system has slighted the technical condition of speed raise subgrade . The subgrade improvement has become a key item in the project of the Jing Qin passenger line , which will provide a 200 km · h - 1 service .

  20. 优质稻米与环境技术条件的影响因子

    High-quality Rice and Influence Factors of the Technological Condition of Environment

  21. 沙虫女船安全渡运技术条件分析

    Analyses on Technical Conditions for Safe Sailing of the Vessel Sha-Chong-Nu

  22. 信息技术条件下教师的角色转换

    The Role Conversion of Teachers in the Condition of Information Technology

  23. 信息技术条件下保护企业商业秘密的研究

    Study of Keeping Business Secrets under the Condition of IT for Organizations

  24. 无成组技术条件下流水车间调度的多目标优化

    Multi-objective optimization for flow shop scheduling with the group technology assumption removed

  25. 固定化细胞处理废水的关键性包埋技术条件研究

    Study on the key condition for entrapping cells applied to wastewater treatment

  26. 现代信息技术条件下学校图书馆工作的策略效应

    Strategic Effect of School Library Work under the Modern Information Technique Condition

  27. 现代远程教育是现代信息技术条件下产生的新型教育形式,教与学的非永久性分离是其一大特色。

    The modern distance education is the new education form .

  28. 现代技术条件下建筑的可持续发展&论生态建筑与可持续发展

    The Sustainability of Architecture in the Condition of Modern Technique

  29. 信息技术条件下学习环境设计的原则

    Research on the principle of study environment design in information technique environment

  30. 侧插自焙电解槽技术条件优化的探讨

    Discussion on technology condition optimization of side-insert Soderberg electric cell