
jì shù fā mínɡ
  • Technical Inventions;technical innovation
  1. 原因是有人从根本上反对搞情报活动,就象有人反对技术发明一样。

    The reason was a basic antagonism to intelligence that paralleled the opposition to any technical innovation .

  2. 从1977年Sanger测序技术发明开始,到2005年第二代测序技术问世这段时间,DNA测序主要采用Sanger测序技术。

    From the invention of Sanger sequencing technology in 1977 , to the invention of the next-generation sequencing technology in 2005 , DNA sequencing mainly uses Sanger sequencing technology .

  3. 2006年,获得技术发明专利证书。

    In2006 , we attained technical invention letter of patent .

  4. 试论科学技术发明创造人才培养模式

    Strategic Thought About the Invention and Creation-Talent Cultivation Mode

  5. 生物技术发明和工业产权专家委员会

    Committee of Experts on Biotechnological Invention and Industrial Property

  6. 侵害与网络有关的技术发明等。

    Pirating the invention of the networks , etc.

  7. 近现代技术发明组织的演变研究

    Evolvement Study on Modern Organization of Technological Invention

  8. 依靠科学技术发明,多种知识的组合。

    Depends upon the science and technology invention , many kinds of knowledge combinations .

  9. 所以玻璃吹制技术发明以后,沙漏开始使用。

    So , after glass blowing was invented , the hourglass came into use .

  10. 正确利用商业秘密和专利权,保护新技术发明;

    Make correct use of commercial secrecy and patent right to preserve new technical inventions ;

  11. 我们将从技术发明中受益。

    We will benefit from technology invention .

  12. 技术发明的需求动力和一般机制

    Need-motivated Technological Invention and Its Usual Mechanism

  13. 本文用典型的数量经济分析方法研究技术发明的效益。

    By use of a econometric model this paper analyses the benefit of technical innovations .

  14. 黄帝时代的技术发明

    Technological inventions of Yellow Emperor period

  15. 国家技术发明奖;

    State Technological Invention Prize ;

  16. 这些成果包括科学发现、技术发明和理论创新三种类型。

    The achievements are 117.They include three types : scientific discovery 、 technology invention and theoretic research .

  17. 冲击式压路机是利用冲击碾压技术发明的一种新型的压实设备。

    Impact roller is a new kind of compacting equipment which is produced by using impact technology .

  18. 这项技术发明是一套嵌入式转换装置,能够显著减少能耗和碳排放。

    The invention is a plug-in conversion kit that saves considerably on fuel efficiency and carbon emissions .

  19. 经验性技术发明与高等院校的研究功能&兼论强化高职院校的研究功能

    Empirical technological invention and the research function of colleges & On strengthening the researching function of vocational college

  20. 这些不同包括了下一代人大胆直率的言辞和他们的技术发明性。

    These differences include the bolder and more forthright speech of the later generation and its technical inventiveness .

  21. 2009年,数十项成果获得国家技术发明奖和国家科技进步奖。

    In2009 , dozens of innovations won National Technology Invention Awards or National Science and Technology Progress Awards .

  22. 从2004年度国家技术发明奖一等奖看材料科学基础研究的重要性

    Thinking the importance of basic research on materials science according the first awards of national technical invention in 2004

  23. 体育科学研究、体育技术发明创新、体育实践应用是体育科技服务于运动的实践的途径。

    Scientific research , technological innovation , and practical application are the ways of sport science and technology serving practice .

  24. 磁共振成像被认为是过去100年里世界上最大的应用技术发明之一。

    Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) has been considered as one of the greatest inventions in the last century .

  25. 我想详述的观点是,金融学的历史由一项又一项技术发明组成。

    The idea that I want to develop is that the history of finance is a history of discrete inventions .

  26. 每当一种新技术发明以后,就为设计领域拓展了一个新的平台。

    Every time there is a new technological invention , there expands a new platform for the field of design .

  27. 本文从技术发明组织历史发展的状况展开,对技术发明组织进行了详尽的论述。

    Through studying the history of the organization of technological invention , this term paper expands the organization of technological invention .

  28. 这是一个很多技术发明的集合,导致更加透明和细节的声音,是另外一个层次。

    It is the sum of so many technical innovations that gives access to a new level of transparency and resolution .

  29. 我们的一切技术发明、哲学观点还有科学理论都经过了人类智力的“产道”。

    All our technological inventions , philosophical ideas and scientific theories have gone through the birth canal of the human intellect .

  30. 每一个技术发明都会发展到极限,而宇宙飞船的最终速度是光速。

    Every technical device is always developed to its limit and the ultimate speed for spaceships is the velocity of light .