
jì shù kē xué
  • Technical Science;engineering science
  1. 丰桥技术科学大学开发了Terapio,这是一种机器人医用推车,可以进行查房、递送药物和其他物品,以及检索记录。

    Toyohashi University of Technology has developed Terapio , a robotic medical cart that can make hospital rounds , deliver medications and other items , and retrieve records .

  2. 技术科学如何为应用服务;

    How do technological sciences contribute to engineering and other applications ;

  3. 教育技术科学研究规范化细则探讨

    The Study on the Specified Criterion of Educational Technology Scientific Studies

  4. 基于定量统计分析的技术科学发展预测

    Forecast about development of technological sciences based on the statistic analysis

  5. 应当高度重视建筑技术科学的发展

    Pay Special Attention to the Development of the Building Science and Technology

  6. 以技术科学思想指导包装工程教学改革

    To Guide the Reform of Package Engineering Education Applying Technological Science Thought

  7. 建筑技术科学在建筑创作中的作用

    An Important Role of Building Technology in Architectural Creation

  8. 现代技术科学中的一门新兴学科&光子学

    Photonics A New Discipline in Modern S T

  9. 技术科学发展的统计计量研究

    Statistic Computation Study on Development of Technological Sciences

  10. 全俄食品生物技术科学研究所在酒精生产领域的科研工作

    Science Researching At The All-Russian Institute of Food Biotechnology In The Field of The Alcohol Production

  11. 技术科学课程与工程教育质量直接有关。

    The courses of technological sciences are directly related to the quality of the engineering education .

  12. 技术科学化的历史演变、表现形式及发展趋势&从工业时代到高科技时代

    The Historical Evolvement , Representative Form and Trend of the Techno-scientization & From industrial age to high-tech age

  13. 论技术科学与工程科学

    On the Applied Sciences and Engineering Sciences Some Technical Challenges in West Line of South-North Water Transfer Project

  14. 中国生物技术科学研究取得瞩目的成绩,某些领域达到国际水平,但产业化发展相对滞后。

    Biotechnology in China has made great progress , and in some research area , has reached international level .

  15. 可以说,力学是技术科学和工程技术中大多数学科的共同基础。

    It can be said that mechanics is the common foundation of most of technological sciences and engineering sciences .

  16. 其中,有关近代留学的中科院技术科学部院士籍贯分布地域的不均衡以及学成年龄构成的状况等统计结果,对当代人才培养和科技决策有一定的参考价值。

    The result of the research might be used for reference in today 's talent cultivation and science policy making .

  17. 技术科学的任务是发明技术规则,人们通过实施技术规则来改造自然。

    The task of technological science is to discover the technological rule , by means of carrying out which to change the nature .

  18. 在这个科学大统一的潮流中,与技术科学紧密相关的工程学发挥了重要的沟通作用。

    In the whole unification trend of science , engineering , which is closely related to technological sciences serves as import communication roles .

  19. 建筑文化是技术科学、社会科学、人文科学、宗教、哲学和艺术等学科发展的历史化石。

    Architectural culture is the historical heritage of development of technical science , social science , the humanities , religions , philosophy and arts .

  20. 办公自动化是一门正在发展的综合学科,涉及计算机与通信技术科学、管理与行为科学、系统工程与人机工程学等学科,是当今计算机应用的一个非常活跃的领域。

    Office automation is a developing multi-disciplinary computer science and communications technology , involved management and behavioral science , and engineering disciplines , such as ergonomics .

  21. 近几年来,复杂网络的研究正从数学和物理学渗透到生物学、信息科学、工程技术科学、以及社会科学等众多不同的学科。

    Recently , the study of complex networks has permeated form math and physics to biology , informatics , engineering , and sociology and so on .

  22. 通过对近代留学的中国科学院技术科学部院士进行多视角的计量统计分析,得到了院士群体状况的量化分析结论。

    The paper makes a statistical analysis of the state of the academicians in the Technology Division of China Academy of Science who used to study abroad .

  23. 为便以论述,本文用科学泛指自然科学、技术科学、技术产品、工艺等。

    In order to discuss clearly , " science " in this article generally refers to the natural sciences , technical sciences , technology products , processes and so on .

  24. 适应社会需要,具备完备的基础理论、技术科学、工程技术,对森林资源实现有效的管理是学科建设的目标;

    Meeting the need of society , perfected basic theories , technology science , engineering technology , efficient operation of forest resources are the goals for the construction of subject ;

  25. 目前,中山大学是一所包括人文科学、社会科学、自然科学、技术科学、工学、医学、药学和管理科学等在内的综合性大学。

    At present , Sun Yat-sen University is a comprehensive university including the humanities , social sciences , natural sciences , technical science , medical science , pharmacology and management science .

  26. 人机交互是研究人与计算机之间通过相互理解的交流与通信,在最大程度上为人们完成信息管理,服务和处理等功能的一门技术科学。

    Human-computer interaction is a complex of technical science , which investigates the interaction and communications through mutual understanding between human and computers to solve problems of information managements , services and processing in maximized degree for human needs .

  27. 课题综合城市规划、地理信息技术科学、计算机科学等多学科的理论要点,以天津三维数字技术规划管理审批平台为载体,进行多学科技术整合。

    Through the study of city planning , geographic information science and technology , computer science and other disciplines , the paper integrate varied of disciplines and technologies which takes Tianjin 3D digital technology planning management platform as the carrier .

  28. 论文借鉴哲学、美学、信息技术科学、社会学、文化学、地理学与建筑学等等多领域多学科的思想观点,力图建立信息化城市的空间观念、预测信息时代城市空间的发展趋势。

    The paper try hard to set up the space conception of informational city and forecast the development trend of urban space in information age , through studying the points of view in the fields of philosophy , aesthetics , sociology , culture , geography , architecture and information technology .

  29. 英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。

    English , Maths , ICT and science are compulsory subjects .

  30. 技术是科学的副产品。

    Technology is the outgrowth of science .