
rì shí
  • solar eclipse;eclipse of the sun
日食 [rì shí]
  • [solar eclipse] 由月球遮掩太阳光射向地球而引起的现象

日食[rì shí]
  1. 当月亮直接从太阳和地球之间经过,遮住太阳一部分或全部时,日食便发生了。

    An eclipse of the sun occurs when the moon passes directly between the sun and the earth , screening part or all of the sun 's disk .

  2. 日食发生的时间可以推算出来。

    The time when a solar eclipse will occur can be calculated .

  3. 胶卷或感光片应在日食前装入暗盒。

    The films and plates are put in their holders the night before the eclipse .

  4. 日食是非常引人入胜的天文现象。

    Eclipse is a very intriguing astronomic phenomenon .

  5. 天文学家能精确地预告未来日食月食的日期、时刻和时长

    Astronomers can accurately foretell the date , time , and length of future eclipses .

  6. 日食对Ne发射光谱强度的影响

    Influence of Eclipse Effects on the Ne Spectrum Intensity

  7. 日食对低纬地区f0F2和ICF的影响

    Effects of the solar eclipse on f_0f_2 and ICF for low latitude region

  8. 一个国际科学研究团队利用最新的x射线和超级成像技术,揭开了一个可以精确预测日食和月食的古希腊计算器的工作原理。

    An international scientific team has used the latest X-ray and super-imaging technology to reveal the workings of an ancient Greek calculator that could accurately predict eclipses of the sun and moon .

  9. 作者认为,日食时电子温度变化引起电离层等离子体的热收缩,是这次日食时F2层形态形成的主要原因。

    The authors consider that the thermal contraction of the ionospheric plasma produced by the change of the electronic temperature may be the principal cause of the morphological behavior of F2 layer during this solar eclipse .

  10. 日食过程中,紫外辐射、可见光辐射、红外辐射和总辐射能量亏损值分别为0.09、0.55、0.72、1.28MJ/m2。

    The radiance exposure losses of solar UV , visible , infrared and total radiation in solar eclipse are 0 09,0 55,0 72 and 1 28MJ / m 2 , respectively .

  11. NASA还表示,此次日食于印度当地时间凌晨5:28开始,持续时间长达6分39秒,最后在到达太平洋时结束。

    The eclipse began at 5:28 am local time in India and will last up to a maximum of 6 minutes , 39 seconds when it hits the Pacific Ocean , according to NASA .

  12. 本文概述1991年7月11日日全食时中国日食观测队在墨西哥LaPaz所作的近红外光谱观测情况及得到的初步结果。

    This paper briefly presents the preliminary results of the infrared spectroscopic observations made by the Chinese expedition during the 1991 July 11 total solar eclipse at La Paz , Mexico .

  13. 但这个理论的确预言了光的弯曲。柏林天文台(BerlinObservatory)的天文学家埃尔温·弗罗因德利希(ErwinFreundlich)动身前往克里米亚,去观测日食期间星光的折射幅度。

    But it did predict light bending , and Erwin Freundlich , an astronomer at the Berlin Observatory , set off to measure the deflection of starlight during a solar eclipse in the Crimea .

  14. 日食过程中地表实测各辐射分量辐照度变化各不相同,但每一分量均可分解成两条曲线(i)外推到假定无日食时的辐照度(ii)辐照度相对值的迭加(相乘)。

    The curve of irradiance of each component of net radiation during the solar eclipse under clear sky can be expressed as a product of two curves , ( I ) irradiance of the component assuming without solar eclipse , and ( ii ) the relative value of the component .

  15. 据统计,仅春秋时代(770BC一446BC)记载的日食就有37次,其中33次已经被证明是完全可靠的。

    Statistics show that during the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770BC-446BC ) a-lone , there were 37 solar eclipse records , among which 33 have been proven to be reliable .

  16. 爱因斯坦在1919年取得了巨大成功,当时亚瑟·爱丁顿(ArthurEddington)做了弗罗因德利希之前开始做的实验,他发现,正如爱因斯坦预测的那样,出现日食时,天空中的光线在太阳的暗引力下发生弯曲,出现偏斜。

    Einstein 's greatest success came in 1919 , when Arthur Eddington did the experiment that Freundlich had set out to do , and ascertained that lights in the heavens were all askew during an eclipse , bent by the sun 's dark gravity , just as Einstein had predicted .

  17. 仲康日食古代推算结果的复原

    Recovery of the ancient calculation of the Zhong Kang solar eclipse

  18. 但我还是不明白,为什么他们在日食的时候聚集在一起。

    But I still wonder why they gather during an eclipse .

  19. 这使我们对日食的过程有所了解。

    This keeps us informed about the progress of the eclipse .

  20. 大多数混合型的日食都在结束前变成了日环食。

    Most hybrids go back to annular before the eclipse ends .

  21. 日食射电观测和资料预处理

    Radio Observation and pre-processing of the data for the solar eclipse

  22. 日食与厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜现象

    Relation between Solar Eclipses and El Nino and La Nina Events

  23. 一次日食电离层效应模拟研究

    Modeling study of the ionospheric effects during a total solar eclipse

  24. 它那美丽的光线在日食时景象非常壮观。

    Its beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse .

  25. 不是世界上所有的地方都能看到日食和月食的。

    Eclipses are not seen in every part of the world .

  26. 《中国历史日食典》的编算方法与特点

    Compilation Methods and Characteristics of " Chinese History of Solar Eclipse "

  27. 他们会留在森林里,除非日食发生的时候。

    They stay in the forest except during the eclipse .

  28. 日食大概持续了两分钟时间。

    The solar eclipse was roughly two minutes in duration .

  29. 中国早期日食记录研究进展

    Progress in Studies of Solar Eclipses Recorded in Early China

  30. 前者的波动周期较长,振幅较大,直接与日食期间太阳辐射的起伏有关;

    The former has long wave period and strong amplitude .