
rì xīn
  • center of the sun
  1. 阿里斯塔克斯(aristarchus)比托勒密早两百多年提出了太阳系日心说理论。

    Aristarchus had more than 200 years earlier come up with a heliocentric model of the solar system .

  2. 尼古拉斯·哥白尼冲破了思维定势,提出了宇宙的日心说。

    Nicolas Copernicus challenged the mindset and found that it was heliocentric .

  3. 日心说就是指太阳是中心,地球围绕太阳转。

    Heliocentric means Sun-centered , that the Earth revolves around the Sun .

  4. 哥白尼日心说体系的美学特征

    On the aesthetic characteristics of copernican system

  5. 哥白尼同他的日心说理论就遭到过这样的遭遇。

    Such was the case with Copernicus and his theory that the earth revolves around the sun .

  6. 他也提出以引力作用为基础的日心说,比哥白尼早了几乎一千年。

    He also propounded the Heliocentric theory of gravitation , thus predating Copernicus by almost one thousand years .

  7. 1497年,天文学家哥白尼,通过对天体运行规律的观察与计算,提出了日心宇宙学。

    In1497 , astronomer Corpernicus proposed the heliocentric cosmology from his observations and calculations of the motion of the heavenly bodies .

  8. 哥白尼,波兰天文学家,他提出地球及其它行星绕太阳运动的日心说,推翻了托勒密的天文学理论即地心体系。

    Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun , disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy .

  9. 哥白尼日心地动说之传入中国,乃中西文化交流之大事,历来为学界所重。

    The introduction of the Heliocentric Theory proposed by Copernicus into China is a major event in the cultural exchange between China and the West .

  10. 按照圆锥曲线拼接法,借力飞行轨道设计主要包括日心转移轨道段和借力天体飞越轨道段。

    According to patched conic assumption , gravity-assist trajectory can be divided into two major segments : the heliocentric transfer segment and the planet centric flyby segment .

  11. 文章分析了I型彗尾风差角的大量资料,得出其变化和日心距离的关系是不大的;

    In this paper , it is shown that the aberration angles of I type cometary tails do not have a clear change with the heliocentric distance , but they have a slow change with the solar latitude .

  12. 然而,希腊及其他地区也有几位天文学家不相信地心说的,比如说公元前三世纪的一位希腊天文学家就提出了我们的行星系统的日心说,他就是阿利斯塔克斯。

    However , there were a few astronomers in Greece and other places who didn 't agree with the geocentric view , for example , a Greek astronomer who lived in the third century B.C.E. He proposed the theory that our planetary system might be heliocentric , his name was Aristarchus .