
wù lǐ xué jiā
  • physicist;natural philosopher
  1. 他被公认为杰出的物理学家。

    He 's known to be an outstanding physicist .

  2. 她立志成为一个物理学家。

    She designs to become a physicist .

  3. 一些物理学家竟然提出整个宇宙就像一台巨型计算机。

    Some physicists have gone so far as to suggest that the entire Universe is a sort of gigantic computer .

  4. 物理学家正在研究宇宙射线。

    Physicists are now studying cosmic rays .

  5. 生物物理学家亚历克斯·扎沃洛科夫认为衰老应该被视为一种疾病。

    Biophysicist Alex Zhavoronkov believes that aging should be considered a disease .

  6. 然而,物理学家约瑟夫·韦斯特(JosephWest)认为,领导这项新研究的方法可能更简单。

    However , physicist Joseph West thinks there might have been a simpler way , who led the new study .

  7. 然而,在1933年9月12日,物理学家利奥·斯齐拉德发明了中子诱导的核链式反应。

    However , on September 12,1933 , physicist Leo Szilard invented the neutron-induced nuclear chain reaction .

  8. 物理学家丹尼尔·波恩说:“从技术上讲,我认为他们的提议是有可能的。”

    " Technically , I think what they 're proposing is possible , " physicist Daniel Bonn said .

  9. 1933年9月11日,著名物理学家欧内斯特·卢瑟福满怀信心地说:"任何希望在原子转变过程中获得能量的人都在胡说八道。"

    On September 11,1933 , famous physicist Ernest Rutherford stated , with confidence , " Anyone who expects a source of power in the transformation of these atoms is talking moonshine . "

  10. 2018年3月14日,世界著名物理学家斯蒂芬霍金在剑桥的家中安详去世。

    World famous physicist Stephen Hawking died peacefully at his home in Cambridge on March 14th , 2018 .

  11. 对于许多粒子物理学家来说,这是受挫折的一年

    For many particle physicists , however , it was a year of frustration .

  12. (我想成为一名物理学家。我爱物理。)

    I want to be a physicist .

  13. 著名物理学家史蒂芬·霍金和俄罗斯亿万富豪尤里·米尔纳的联合将外星人搜索推向了一个全新的高度。

    Renowned1 physicist2 Stephen Hawking3 and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner are pushing the search for extraterrestrial life into higher gear .

  14. 物理学家可以通过四种基本力的作用来解释我们身边的世界,即电(磁)力、引力和两种核力。

    Physicists2 can explain the world around us through the action of four fundamental forces – electricity , gravity and two nuclear forces .

  15. 物理学家使用这种超强力的磁石为粒子加速,控制X射线等射线。

    Physicists use super-powerful magnets to speed particles and control radiation like X-rays .

  16. 标记正是物理学家们表示“名叫X的向量(或状态)”的方式。

    Notation is just the way physicists denote " a vector ( or state ) called X " .

  17. 胶结指数m和饱和度指数n变化规律的研究一直是岩石物理学家和测井解释分析家关注的问题。

    The change of cementation exponent m and the saturation exponent n is always concerned by the rock physicists and the well logging interpretation analysts .

  18. 根据物理学家EricVandernoot所说,人体天生适应光与暗的循环。

    According to physicist Eric Vandernoot , the human body is hardwired for a cycle of light and darkness .

  19. 最近的一次警告来自于患运动神经元疾病的著名天体物理学家斯蒂芬霍金(StephenHawking)教授。

    The latest warning comes from Professor Stephen Hawking , the renowned astrophysicist who has motor neurone disease .

  20. 物理学家、信息专家和开发人员在线开会,记录和访问Web开发项目,以创新方式将物理定律和原理重新集成到信息科学或其他科学领域。

    Physicists , information specialists , and developers meet online to blog on and access Web development projects on innovative ways of reintegrating physics laws and principles into the science of information or another field of science .

  21. 同样地,作为能量和功的单位的焦耳是根据物理学家JamesJoule而命名的。

    Likewise , the Joule , a unit of energy and work , comes from a physical called James Joule .

  22. 物理学家基普·索恩(KipThorne)出版了一本书《星际穿越背后的科学》(TheScienceofInterstellar),解释了所有科学原理。

    The physicist Kip Thorne has a book out , The Science of Interstellar , explaining it all .

  23. 近来,纽约市立学院(CityCollegeofNewYork)物理学家维诺德·梅农(VinodMenon)率领的一个团队,展示了基于超材料的高速开关LED的发光。

    More recently , a group at City College of New York , led by the physicist Vinod Menon , demonstrated light emission from ultrafast-switching LEDs based on metamaterials .

  24. 著名物理学家理查德费曼(RichardFeynman)曾经说过:试想,如果电子也有感情的话,物理学该比现在难多少。

    As the great physicist Richard Feynman once said : Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings .

  25. PaulGraham在匹兹堡的郊区长大。他的父亲是一个设计核反应堆的物理学家,他的母亲在家照看他和他的妹妹。

    Graham grew up outside of Pittsburgh , where his father , a physicist , designed nuclear reactors and his mother raised Graham and his sister .

  26. 但在未来,物理学家可能会让一颗钻石具有比一张DVD大100万倍的信息存储容量,也许还会更多。

    But in the future physicists could access a diamond with storage capacity a million times greater than that of a DVD , maybe more .

  27. 你能否想象物理学家为了推广自己的观点,便试图证明它们暗含在爱因斯坦(Einstein)或是艾萨克牛顿(IsaacNewton)作品的某个不知名的段落里?

    Can one imagine physicists trying to advance their views by showing that they were implicit in some obscure passage in Einstein or Isaac Newton ?

  28. 卫尔斯理的校友中包括两位国务卿,一位开创新时代的弦理论物理学家,一位NASA航天员,还有韩国的首位女性大使。

    Its alums have become two secretaries of state ; a groundbreaking string theorist ; a NASA astronaut ; and Korea 's first female ambassador .

  29. Jayaraman是位于春奈(Chennai)的数学科学研究所的一位理论物理学家。

    T.Jayaraman is a theoretical physicist with the Institute of Mathematical Sciences , Chennai .

  30. 奥地利-瑞士物理学家沃尔夫冈·泡利(WolfgangPauli)称广义相对论可能是现有理论中最美的。

    The Austrian-Swiss physicist Wolfgang Pauli called it probably the most beautiful of all existing theories .