
tiān wén xué jiā
  • astronomer;stargazer
  1. 天文学家通过望远镜来观察天空。

    The astronomer scanned the heavens through the telescope .

  2. “每个人都有被别人抢先发表的可怕经历,”纽约大学天文学家大卫·霍格说道。

    Everybody has a scary story about someone getting scooped , " says New York University astronomer David Hogg .

  3. 航天科学家和天文学家又取得了进展。

    Space scientists and astronomers have taken another step forwards .

  4. 早期的天文学家认为我们的星球是宇宙的中心。

    Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe .

  5. 天文学家们发现了一个遥远的星系。

    Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy .

  6. 天文学家们必须要从这些恒星上采集更多的光谱来证实他们的推想。

    Astronomers will have to collect more spectra from these stars to confirm their suspicions .

  7. “旅行者二号”发回的数据给天文学家们提出了一个难题:离我们最远的那颗行星为什么会存在。

    Data from Voyager II has presented astronomers with a puzzle about why our outermost planet exists

  8. 天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量与密度。

    Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size , mass , and density .

  9. 通过测量星系在一个星系团内的运动,天文学家们可以推定这个星系团的质量。

    By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster , astronomers can infer the cluster 's mass .

  10. 天文学家们正在观测木星。

    The astronomers were taking an observation of jupiter .

  11. 那些天文学家发现了一颗新星。

    The astronomers have discovered a new star .

  12. 十多年以来,天文学家们一直在猜想,超新星激波可以充当巨型粒子加速器。

    Astronomers have suspected for more than a decade that supernova shock waves can act like giant particle accelerators .

  13. 然后,经过了一番讨论,关于计划的那部分,大家同意去请教天文学家。

    There , after some discussion , it was agreed to consult the astronomers regarding that part of the enterprise .

  14. 天文学家还没有目击过小行星撞击其它行星。

    Astronomers have yet to witness an asteroid impact with another planet .

  15. 他们认为这个庞大的物体是由两颗“白矮星”合并而成的,通常白矮星会以强大的超新星的形式爆炸。这颗新星被天文学家称为“白矮星”。

    The new star is what astronomers1 call a ' white dwarf2 ' .

  16. 天文学家能精确地预告未来日食月食的日期、时刻和时长

    Astronomers can accurately foretell the date , time , and length of future eclipses .

  17. 国民询问者》甚至宣称,我们天文学家已真正发现了其它星球上的文明

    The " National Enquirer " blazoned forth that we astronomers had really discovered another civilization . 《

  18. 如果第五种力确实存在,那它就可能解答目前困扰天文学家的诸多问题。

    If there is a fifth force , it could answer a lot of questions currently baffling astronomers4 .

  19. 但这张地图并不如天文学家所预期的那样,图中的物质本应稍微更聚集在一起。

    But the map is not what astronomers expected – the matter should be slightly more clumped9 together .

  20. 这得以让天文学家们绘制出了这张地图,展现了暗物质在无尽的太空中的分布情况。

    And that 's allowed astronomers1 to produce this map of how it 's spread across the expanse of space .

  21. 天文学家相信,我们正处于宇宙学新革命的开端,这将使我们更全面地了解宇宙的起源,以及它将如何演变下去。

    Astronomers believe that we are at the start of a new revolution in cosmology that will give us a fuller understanding of how the Universe began – and how it will evolve .

  22. 英国天文学家近日公布了我们临近宇宙空间迄今最详细的3D地图。

    The most complete3D map of the local universe has been unveiled by British astronomers .

  23. 一些天文学家预测5月23的晚上,来自彗星LINEAR的微小粒子将带来众多流星划破夜空。

    Some astronomers had predicted that on the night of May 23 , particles from a comet called LINEAR would bring many meteors to the night sky .

  24. 以往天文学家就曾观测到过从中子星发出来的x射线闪光,但其亮度从来不会超过艾丁顿上限太多。

    X-ray flashes had previously been detected from some neutron stars , but they never exceeded the Eddington limit by very much .

  25. 美国天文学家W·S亚当斯发现了一种求恒星固有亮度的好办法。

    A suitable method for finding the intrinsic brightness of a star was discovered by the American astronomer W. S. Adams .

  26. 强烈的X射线爆炸引起天文学家们的注意,它发生在到离地球大约7亿光年的星系中心附近。

    A powerful X-ray blast drew the attention of astronomers to the event , located near the center of a galaxy about 700 million light-years from Earth .

  27. 英国皇家天文学家、宇宙学家里斯勋爵(LordRees)第一次见到霍金是在1964年,那时两人都是剑桥大学的研究生。

    Lord Rees , astronomer royal and fellow cosmologist , first met Prof Hawking in 1964 when both were graduate students at Cambridge university .

  28. 天文学家是使用美国航空航天局的远紫外线光谱探测仪(FUSE)卫星,在我们所居住的星系边缘外发现此日冕的。

    Astronomers found the halo using NASA 's Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer ( FUSE ) satellite to peer beyond the edges of our home galaxy .

  29. 加利福尼亚州搜寻地外文明学会(SETIInstitute)的资深天文学家塞思·肖斯塔克也表现得非常谨慎,并不急于将这些粒子称为生命。

    Seth Shostak , a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View , California , also was cautious in calling the particles alive .

  30. 现在通过这种技术,天文学家们相信他们已经发现了一个黑洞,这被称作天鹅座X1。

    Through this technique astronomers now believe that they have found a black hole known as Cygnus Xl .