
  • 网络cosmogonical;cosmogony
  1. 张载对天体宇宙结构以及天体演化理论的研究,主要表现在对宣夜浑天合一说的创造性阐释与发挥上。

    His studies in the structure of the universe and in cosmogony can be seen chiefly in his creative expounding of the theory of the rounded heaven with the great void .

  2. N-Body问题是一个经典的高性能计算应用,由给定的粒子初始位置、质量、速度等模拟N个粒子的天体演化进程。

    N-Body problem is a classic high performance computing application to simulate the evolution of N celestial bodies , given the initial positions , masses , and velocities of particles .

  3. 辛算法在长期天体演化中的能量误差比较

    Compare about Energies Error of Symplectic Algorithm for the Secular Evolution of Celestial Bodies

  4. 现代天文学发现天体演化时得到双星系统是一种普遍现象。

    The modern astronomy has discovered that obtaining the binary stars is general phenomenon in the Universe Evolution .

  5. 自由基分子及分子离子光谱在天体演化、化学反应动力学、医学等方面具有重要意义。

    Free radicals and molecular ions play an important role in the study of interstellar medium , chemical reaction dynamics and medicines .

  6. 自然界中存在的各种体系,包括物理系统,化学系统,生物系统,小至微观粒子运动,大至宇宙空间天体演化,他们的运动大多呈现非线性动力学行为。

    All the systems in nature including physical system , chemical system , biological system , microscopic particle , and celestial body in astrospace exhibit nonlinear dynamic behaviors .

  7. 元素丰度是指化学元素及其同位素在各类物体中的相对含量,它是解释各类天体演化过程的基础。

    Abundance of the elements refers to the relative content of chemical elements and isotopes in all kinds of objects . It is the basis to explain evolution process of celestial objects .

  8. 关于天地的生成问题,《灵宪》认为天地万物是从原始的浑沌未分的元气发展来的。这种天体演化思想,是从物质运动的本身来说明宇宙的形成,认为宇宙结构不是亘古不变的,而是不断发展变化的。

    In terms of the formation of the heaven and earth , Ling Xian believes that the heaven . the earth , and all the other things have their origins in primitive and chaotic yuanqi ( vi-tality ) . ft further holds that , instead of staying permanently unchanged , the struc-ture of the cosmos is constantly developing .

  9. Kuiper带小天体动力演化

    Dynamical Evolution of Kuiper Belt Objects Little Dolphin

  10. 宇宙射线联系于宇宙的形成、天体的演化、空间的环境和宇观环境中的高能物理过程。

    Cosmic Rays linked with the cosmogony , the evolution of stars , the matter distribution in space and the high energy physics processes in the cosmic environment .

  11. Blazar天体统一与演化的研究

    The Study on the Unification and Evolution of Blazar

  12. 原初典型星系的形成、演化及大尺度天体层次结构和演化的基本规律

    Fundamental Rules of Formation and Evolution of Primary Typical Galaxies and Fundamental Rules of Hierarchical Structure and Evolution of Large - scale Celestial Bodies

  13. 随后物理学家们就开始运用它研究天体运动、天体演化、宇宙演化、宇宙起源等各种天体物理问题。

    Then physicists began to use it to study the movement of celestial objects , celestial evolution , evolution of the universe , origin of the universe , and other astrophysical problems .

  14. 无碰撞粒子在外引力场中的分布讨论不同场中的质量亏损效应对于研究不同天体的形成及演化都有重要意义。

    ON DISTRIBUTION OF THE COLLISIONLESS PARTICLES IN AN EXTERNAL GRAVITATIONAL FIELD Calculating the mass-defect in the different gravitational field helps us study the formation and evolution of different kind of celestial body .

  15. 大幅度快速光变、高偏振、整个电磁波段的非热连续辐射及致密的射电辐射是blazar天体的主要特征,blazar天体的统一与演化是blazar天体研究的重要内容。

    Blazar is mainly characterized by rapid variability with a large amplitude , high polarization , compact radio radiation , and nonthermal radiation in the electromagnetic wave from radio bands to gamma rays . An important research aspect for the blazar is the unification and evolution of blazar .

  16. 核天体物理学的中心内容是元素核合成及其天体演化的研究。

    Nuclear astrophysics involves study of the synthesis of elements and the evolution of cosmic sites where such syntheses occur .

  17. 这表明太阳系天体存在着多样性和复杂性,对太阳系天体的起源与演化研究具有重要意义。

    It indicates the diversity and complexity of the objects in the solar system and has significance to research on the origin and evolution of solar system objects .

  18. 辐射转移模型与其它相关天体物理模型的结合应用,如与流体动力学模型、尘埃形成模型、中心星结构和演化模型等相结合,将更加合理地解释天体形成和演化过程。

    Combination of the radiative transter models with other relevant models , such as the hydrodynamics , dust formation and stellar structure and evolution models , will lead to the better understanding of the observations .

  19. 本文对Kuiper带天体的轨道分布特点进行简要归纳,着重讨论目前存在的几种解释Kuiper带天体分布的动力学演化机制,以及原始Kuiper带天体的碰撞演化。

    This paper induce orbital distribution properties of Kuiper belt objects simply , discuss dynamical evolution mechanisms existed currently to explain the distributions of the Kuiper belt objects and collision evolution of primal Kuiper belt objects .