
tiān tǐ cè liánɡ xué
  • astrometry
  1. 天体测量学的主要工作之一是利用天文望远镜观测天体,并对所得资料进行分析处理,获取目标天体的有用信息。

    One of the main works of astrometry is to observe celestial bodies , reduce observational data and obtain the information of objects .

  2. 反常折射已成为传统天体测量学的主要误差来源。

    Anomalous refraction is believed to be the main error source for classical astrometry .

  3. 认为观测精度比较好的仪器,例如PZT,子午环,还有很多工作要做,在天体测量学以及地球物理学领域内,空间技术并不能完全取代经典手段。

    In astrometric and geodynamic areas the classical instruments will not be fully replaced by space technology .

  4. 相对论天体测量学中的基本概念和定义

    Basic Conceptions and Definitions of Relativistic Astrometry

  5. 天体测量学需要在相对论框架下重新建立自己的理论体系。

    A new theoretical system of astrometry in the frame of relativity ought to be finished .

  6. 我国现代天体测量学工作取得了很大成绩,有较好的基础;

    Astrogeodynamics , in which our work has better foundation , should be paid ample attention to ;

  7. 天体测量学许多问题中的相对论效应已被许多人讨论过并在资料处理中应用。

    The effects of relativity on a lot of subjects in astrometry have been discussed and applied in reduction of data .

  8. 地球的自转运动和公转运动本来就是天体测量学和地学共同的研究课题,但方法和目的有所不同。

    The Earth 's rotation and revolution Movement was originally astrometry and ground studies of common research topics , but the methods and goals of different .

  9. 直到五十年代,由于射电天体测量学的发展,实验证明才提供了无可争议的证据,而事实上,这么多年的实践努力并无多大意义。

    Not until the development of radio astronomy in the fifties was there incontrovertible experimental verification , but essentially these years of practical striving were irrelevant .

  10. 用天文学方法研究地球的各种运动状态及其力学机制的学科,是天体测量学与地学交叉的科学。

    Study on the Earth with a variety of astronomical state of motion and mechanical mechanisms of disciplines , is astrometry intersection of science and earth science .

  11. 天体测量学是天文学中最早发展起来的学科,因为它可以提供研究天体运动的基本资料,并以其实用性为社会生活提供服务。

    Astrometry is the earliest astronomy developed discipline , study of celestial bodies because it can provide basic information on the movement and its relevance for the community life services .

  12. 天文大气折射是经典天体测量学和大地测量的一项误差源,大气折射延迟是空间大地测量技术中的一项重要误差源,它们的改正模型都直接与大气折射率和大气分布模型有关。

    The astronomical atmospheric refraction is an error source in classical astrometry and geodesy . The refraction delay is a very important error source in techniques of space geodesy . Their correction models are directly related to the atmospheric refractive index and the atmosphere distribution model .

  13. 本文介绍了由地球人造卫星进行天体测量的两项计划,并提出了它们对天体测量学、天体物理学和恒星天文学的影响。

    Two projects for astrometry from Earth satellites are described and their impact on astrometry , astrophysics and stellar astronomy are outlined .