
Tiān jīn shì
  • Tianjin
  1. 而这样的想法来自天津市中北中学的四名学生。

    And such an idea came from four students from Zhongbei Middle School , Tianjin .

  2. 华北地区的天津市将从明年起禁止企业事业单位等收集个人生物信息。人脸识别如今已被广泛应用于移动支付、考试甚至公共卫生间等场所,这种无序使用状况引发公众担忧。

    North China 's Tianjin municipality will prohibit businesses and institutes from collecting personal bioinformation starting next year , amid heightened public concerns over the uncontrolled use of facial recognition , now employed in mobile payment , test-taking , and even public restrooms .

  3. 基于多Agent的天津市水资源系统仿真优化研究

    Simulation and Optimization of Water Resources System in Tianjin Based on Multi-Agent System

  4. 天津市CT、MRI设备管理工作的几点体会

    Some experience of Tianjin CT and MRI equipment management work

  5. 天津市市区地面沉降的GPS监测分析

    Ground Subsidence Monitoring with GPS in Tianjin Downtown Area

  6. 基于GIS的天津市水土流失监测信息系统建设

    Construction of Monitoring System for Loss of Soil and Water in Tianjin Based on GIS Technique

  7. 天津市浅层地下水Pb污染研究

    Research on Lead Pollution of Shallow Groundwater in Tianjin City

  8. 1995年以来,天津市控制地面沉降工作办公室在天津市内陆续布设了一批永久性GPS观测点。

    Since 1995 , many permanent GPS stations have been established in Tianjin by Tianjin municipal office of settlement monitoring .

  9. 天津市发展休闲体育产业的SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis of leisure sports industry development in Tianjin

  10. 冶金企业实施CIMS总体方案的探讨&天津市轧三制钢有限公司CIM总体方案简介

    The Discussion of Implement of CIMS General Project for Metallurgical Enterprises

  11. 最后,本文基于GIS建立了天津市地面沉降地理信息与预测系统,设计了操作性强的人机交互工作界面。

    Aided by GIS technology , land subsidence geographical information and prediction system is established and a human-computer interactional interface is designed .

  12. 天津市某小型医院采用一体化SBR设备处理医院污水。

    The integrated sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) was used to treat a small-scale hospital wastewater .

  13. 回归分析表明,天津市土壤全锌、阳离子代换总量和pH值是影响土壤有效锌含量的重要元素。

    Regress analysis shows that the available Zn content of soil in Tianjin is influenced mainly by the total zinc content of soil , pH and CEC .

  14. 天津市药品零售企业实施GSP认证后的调查研究及发展趋势

    Study on Drug Retail Companies with GSP Certification in Tianjin

  15. TOPSIS法在天津市艾滋病防治工作质量评价中的应用

    TOPSIS Method for The Quality Evaluation of AIDS Control and Prevention in Tianjin City

  16. 研究结果:1、天津市医院的问卷调查显示ACR在天津市医院的应用不普遍,全市仅有4家。

    Application of ACR is not common in Tianjin , there are only 4 hospitals .

  17. 目的了解天津市城市和农村0-6岁儿童特应性皮炎(AD)的患病率及患病因素。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of and predisposing factors of atopic dermatitis ( AD ) in 0 - 6 year-old children in rural and urban area of Tianjin .

  18. 1995&2005年天津市儿童医院PICU死亡病例分析

    Analysis of dead cases in PICU of from 1995 to 2005

  19. 利用三种预测模型和BP神经网络法对收集到的实例的极限承载力进行了预测,发现神经网络法在天津市塘沽区深层搅拌复合地基极限承载力预测中效果最好。

    Utilizing three kinds of prediction models and BP neural network method the ultimate bearing capacity of composite foundation of deep-layered agitating piles is estimated . Results show the later method is good in ultimate bearing capacity prediction .

  20. 本文通过对天津市电信公司的无线代维公司工程师存在上站周期不合理和上站不及时现象问题进行分析,提出了建设C网代维巡检签到系统来解决代维公司巡检率不足的问题。

    This article suggests establishing a patrol signed system of the maintenance agency of CDMA network to resolve the problem of the insufficient inspection through the analysis of the phenomena that the wireless engineers of the maintenance agency for Tianjin telecom exists unreasonable standing cycle and untimely entry .

  21. 最后提出了天津市防汛指挥系统计算机网络系统结构及VLAN技术的具体应用实例.Intranet在防汛指挥信息网中的应用

    Finally , it puts forward some application examples of VLAN technology and the computer network system used in Tianjin municipal flood control commanding system . The practice of intranet in guiding information net against flood

  22. 本研究从天津市五所高校中选取336名大学生和44名教师,对他们在SARS流行时期对SARS的危险性认知、恐惧心理、行为特征以及他们对与SARS相关的事件的态度进行评估。

    Using the inventory of SARS , the authors studied the cognition of SARS , the psychological and behavioral responses , and some events related to the SARS of 336 students and 44 teachers of universities in Tianjin .

  23. 采用BIN能耗分析的方法,对天津市某一商住楼空调系统的两种不同方案进行能耗分析,比较两种系统在能源消耗上的差别,并提出了系统节能改造建议。

    Used the BIN energy analysis method to make the energy consumption analysis of two different air-conditioning systems in the building of Tianjin , and compared the differences between two systems on energy consumption , giving some suggestion on energy saving .

  24. 方法对天津市市内六区1998年91例新发胃癌病人进行了1∶1配对病例对照研究,资料处理采用条件Logistic回归分析。

    Methods A 1 ∶ 1 matched case control study was used in this study . A total of 91 patients with stomach cancer , who were individually matched with population control , were interviewed in Tianjin urban in 1998 . The data were treated with conditional Logistic regression .

  25. 采用SWOT法分析天津市发展休闲体育产业的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,认为专业人才匮乏和营销策略滞后是当前天津休闲体育产业发展面临的主要挑战。

    SWOT was used to analyze the advantages , disadvantages , opportunities and challenges of the leisure sports industry development in Tianjin . It is thought that the main challenges that the development is confronted with currently are the shortage of professional talents and the delay of the marketing strategy .

  26. 方法对天津市医科大学附属肿瘤医院1972年3月~2003年12月收治的222名BPBC患者的临床资料进行预后因素分析。

    Methods The clinical data of 222 patients with BPBC , admitted to Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital from March 1972 to December 2003 were collected and analyzed on prognosis factors .

  27. 首先,台网的控制能力为:以天津市为中心,半经30km范围内,震级下限为ML2.0,天津地区及邻区20km内震级下限为ML2.5。

    First , the lower limit of magnitude is M_L 2.0 for the area centered around Tianjin city with a radius of 30 km and M_L 2.5 for the Tianjin region and its vicinity within 20km .

  28. 方法将天津市1992~2001年循环系疾病死亡状况进行汇总分析,应用死亡率及潜在寿命损失年数(PYLL)揭示10年的动态变化。

    Methods This study analyzed 10-year ( 1992 ~ 2001 ) diseases of circulatory system mortality trends , and disclosed the 10-year death trend by using death rate and person-years of life lost ( PYLL ) .

  29. 本课题来源于天津市社会发展重点基金资助项目(09ZCGYSF00300)车速安全实时监测系统计量溯源校准标准的研究。

    This topic is based on the Social Development Fund Project in Tianjin ( 09ZCGYSF00300 ) " Research of Speed Secure Real-time monitoring system for measuring traceable calibration standards " .

  30. 结果:天津市共有221个垃圾堆放点,其中600m2以上有196个,对垃圾点周围进行水质监测,其项目COD、全氮、全磷均超过地表水Ⅴ类标准。

    Result : there are altogether 221 solid waste heaps including 196 ones which covers more than 600 ? m 2 . The water body test indicates that the content of COD , total , phosphorus and total nitrogen have exceeded standard V for surface water .