
tiān qì xué
  • synoptic meteorology
  1. 依据天气学原理确定预报因子,利用逐步消空法得出冰雹预报因子集合。

    Based on the principle of synoptic meteorology , the prediction factor was determined .

  2. 锋生(锋消)在天气学和气候学方面是一个重要问题。

    The frontogenesis ( frontolysis ) is a problem of significance in synoptic meteorology and climatology .

  3. 华北地区地基GPS遥感可降水量及天气学应用研究华北山区年降水量的推算和分布特征

    Remote Sensing Precipitable Water Vapor by Ground-based GPS and Its Meteorological Application in North China ; CALCULATION AND DISTRIBUTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ANNUAL RAINFALL AMOUNT IN MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS OF NORTH CHIAN

  4. 污染天气学概念模型在空气质量预报中的应用(S4)在多年的空气质量预报中,建立了一套污染天气学概念模型,作为空气质量预报工具之一。

    The pollution synoptic concept model is founded on the practical experience of air quality forecasting in many years to be as a predictive tool and accomplish the objective application of concept model .

  5. 文中利用1970~2001年NCEP再分析500hPa逐日高度场资料,根据阻塞高压的天气学定义,采用客观统计方法检索出近32a亚欧中高纬度392个阻塞高压个例,对其进行了气候学分析。

    According to synoptic definition of blocking , a objective method is used to statistic atmospheric blocking in Eurasia high-mid latitudes based on 32-year summers by means of 1970-2001 NCEP analysis data .

  6. 利用不同时空分辨率降水资料和NCEP再分析资料,本文首先对陕西、甘肃、宁夏三省(区)汛期(5-9月)不同量级强降水时空分布、天气学概念模型以及物理参数特征进行分析。

    Based on different spatial and temporal resolutions precipitation dataset in Shaanxi , Gansu , Ningxia Province and NCEP reanalysis data , the temporal-spatial distribution of heavy rainfall in different class during flood season , synoptic conceptual models and their characteristic of physical parameters have been firstly explored .

  7. 广州地区雷电时空分布特点及天气学分析

    Analysis of Distribution Characteristics and Synoptic Patterns of Lightning in Guangzhou

  8. 我对天气学完全着了迷。

    And I was totally obsessed with the science of weather .

  9. 一次锋面暴雨的天气学和云物理特征分析

    A synoptic and cloud physics analysis of a Cold Front Rainstorm

  10. 8111号南海台风的天气学分析

    A synoptic meteorological analysis of typhoon No.8111 in the South China Sea

  11. 热带东风喷射气流之天气学研究

    A Study of the Tropical Easterly Jet Stream Over Asia and Africa

  12. 近来,空间天气学已成为空间科学中的一个重要内容。

    Recently , space weather has become an important subject in space sciences .

  13. 天气学和天气预报的研究进展

    Weather index ; The Research Progress of the Synoptic Meteorology and Synoptic Forecast

  14. 郑州大学学报(医学版)琼州海峡沿岸雾统计特征及天气学预报指标

    Statistical Characteristics of Fog along Qiongzhou Strait Coast and Its Synoptic Forecasting Indexes

  15. 造成我国北方暴雨的热带气旋天气学特征分析

    The tropical cyclone caused northern storm climatology characteristic analyse

  16. 南半球7619热带风暴的天气学分析

    The synoptic meteorological analysis on the 7619 tropical storm in the southern hemisphere

  17. 丹东附近海域海雾产生的条件及天气学预报方法

    Conditions for sea fog formation in Dandong coast and its synoptic forecasting method

  18. 蓬勃发展的空间天气学

    Flourishing development of the study on space weather

  19. 热带季风爆发前云南雨季的天气学特征

    The synoptic features of rain season in Yunnan Province before outbreak of tropical monsoon

  20. 南方极端低温雨雪冰冻过程天气学特征分析

    Analysis of Synoptic Characteristic of Extremely Low Temperature and Snow-ice Weather in South China

  21. 建立了梅雨锋暴雨的天气学模型;

    It has established a synoptic model for heavy rainfall within the Meiyu front ;

  22. 分别总结了冷锋型和蒙古气旋型沙尘暴过程的天气学概念模型。

    The weather conceptual models of cold-front sandstorm and Mongolia cyclone sandstorm were summarized .

  23. 山东沿海主要城市酸雾的天气学分析

    The synoptic analysis of the acid fog over cities along the coast of Shandong Peninsula

  24. 空间天气学国家重点实验室

    State Key Laboratory of Space Weather

  25. 走进我们生活的新学科&空间天气学

    Space Weather Comes into Our Life

  26. 天气学检验在东北区域数值模式秋冬季降水预报中的应用

    Application of synoptic verification in autumn and winter precipitation forecast of NWP model in Northeast China

  27. 2007年7月淮河流域暴雨过程天气学诊断计算与分析

    Synoptic Diagnostic Calculation and Analysis of Heavy Rain in the Huaihe River Basin during July 2007

  28. 第二次全国空间天气学研讨会

    Second symposium on space weather

  29. 空间天气学的基本问题

    Basic Problems in Space Weather

  30. 江西暴雨预报的客观天气学模型和物理诊断模型研究

    A study of objective synoptic model and physical diagnostic model of torrential rain forecast in Jiangxi Province