
tiān qì yù bào
  • weather forecast;weather prediction
天气预报 [tiān qì yù bào]
  • (1) [weather forecast]

  • (2) 有关一项或多项天气要素的未来大气状态的预报

  • (3) 对未来一定时期内天气变化的预报。根据天气形势、天气图的分析,结合有关气象资料、地形及季节特点、群众经验等综合研究后作出。就空间范围讲,有本地和区域等;就时效长短讲,通常分短期(一般指2-3天)、中期(3-15天)及长期(10-15天)三种。按农业、渔业、航空、交通运输等生产部门的特点和需要,又有各种不同的专业天气预报。天气预报是气象为国防和国民经济建设服务的重要手段

  1. 按天气预报,现在该下雪才是。

    It should be snowing now , according to the weather forecast .

  2. 天气预报上说多云并伴有阵雨。

    The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies

  3. 根据天气预报,晚一点天应该会转晴。

    According to the forecast , it should brighten up later .

  4. 服务沿海地区的地方广播电台经常为驾驶游艇出海的人播报天气预报。

    Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen

  5. 天气预报从来都不是完美的科学。

    Weather prediction has never been a perfect science .

  6. 天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。

    Weather forecasts predict more hot weather , gusty winds and lightning strikes .

  7. 天气预报员说不久还将有降雪。

    The forecasters say more snow is on the way

  8. 天气预报概念的发展速度快得令人难以置信。

    The idea of weather forecasting developed incredibly quickly .

  9. 天气预报说今天天气要好一些。

    The weather forecast is better for today .

  10. 稍后是1点45分的财经新闻和天气预报。

    Still to come , the financial news and the weather at a quarter to two .

  11. 天气预报说会有雷雨。

    Thundery weather is forecast

  12. 天气预报有的时候准,有的时候不准。

    Sometimes the weather forecast is accurate , sometimes not .

  13. 天气预报说明天有大暴雨。

    Weather forecast said there would be a heavy downpour tomorrow .

  14. 天气预报很准。

    The weather forecast turned out to be accurate .

  15. 根据天气预报,明天要下雨。

    According to the weather forecast , it 's going to rain tomorrow .

  16. 天气预报预示今夜有小雪。

    The weather forecast calls for snow flurries tonight .

  17. 天气预报员预报今晚有冰冻。

    The weatherman predicted a freeze for tonight .

  18. 基于目前的情况,天气预报中心预测,这场干旱将至少持续到十月底。

    Based on current conditions , the Climate Prediction Center expects the drought to last through at least the end of october .

  19. 在智能手机时代,没有理由问那些曾经可以接受的问题,如天气预报、企业的电话号码、如何找到某个建筑、餐馆或办公室等等,因为这些都可以在数字地图上很容易找到。

    In the age of the smart phone , there is no reason to ask once-acceptable questions about : the weather forecast , a business 's phone number , or directions to a house , a restaurant , or an office , which can be easily found on a digital map .

  20. B:嗯,我听了天气预报。太阳很快就会出来。

    B : Well , I listened to the weather report . The sun will come out soon .

  21. 几乎每个人都会收听天气预报。

    Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says .

  22. 天气预报说,我们婚礼那天可能会下雨。

    The weather forecast says that rain is likely on our wedding day .

  23. 天气预报明天有大雨。

    Heavy rain has been forecast for tomorrow .

  24. 天气预报对明天是否能举行滑翔表示怀疑。

    The weather forecast has put a question mark against the chance of doing any gliding tomorrow .

  25. 天气预报员说有一股寒流正向我们袭来,所以我们或许应该推迟度假安排。

    The weather forecaster said that a cold snap is heading our way , so we should probably postpone1 our holiday .

  26. 我们不得不取消假期,这让我很生气,但我觉得这可能是塞翁失马,焉知非福。天气预报预计那周的天气很糟糕!

    I 'm annoyed we had to cancel the holiday , but I think it could be a blessing in disguise – the weather forecast for that week is terrible !

  27. 用CAR模型作年旱涝长期天气预报的研究

    The Research on Annual Drought and Long-term Flood Prediction by CAR Model

  28. 创建天气预报动态Web工程。

    Create the weather forecast dynamic Web project .

  29. 我们要从PHP中访问的Web服务是一个天气预报应用程序。

    The Web service we 're going to consume from PHP is a weather forecast application .

  30. 同时对流层延迟也是GPS气象学、数值天气预报所关心的焦点问题。

    At the same time troposphere delay is also the focus of GPS meteorology and numerical weather forecasting .