
  • Nice;NCE;Neath;OGC Nice
  1. 一家人决定还是到尼斯过冬。

    The family decided to winter in Nice again .

  2. 自从在尼斯见到内维尔后,我一直忐忑不安。

    It 's been niggling at my mind ever since I met Neville in Nice

  3. 贾尼斯∙乔普林就是众所周知的摇滚乐大师。

    Janis Joplin was known as the High Priestess of Rock .

  4. 《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》是透纳比较重要的油画作品之一。

    Among the more important Turner oils was ' Venus and Adonis ' .

  5. 杰克不会同意贾尼斯还在上学就结婚。

    Jake would not countenance Janis 's marrying while still a student .

  6. 有很多人或随意或认真地尝试过,想要找到尼斯湖水怪。

    There have been many attempts , both light-hearted and serious , to locate the Loch Ness Monster .

  7. 所以,你拯救了我的生命。你的,塔尼斯

    This is why you 're saving my life . Yours , Tanis

  8. 尼斯湖水怪是一个著名的传说。

    The Loch Ness Monster is a famous legend .

  9. 在苏格兰北部有一个又长又深的湖,叫做尼斯湖。

    In northern Scotland there is a long , deep lake called Loch Ness .

  10. 关于尼斯湖,有一件事是真的:那里有很多游客。

    One thing is true about Loch Ness : there are a lot of tourists there .

  11. 从那以后,有不少人说他们在尼斯湖中看到了一只怪物。

    Since then , a number of people have said that they have seen a monster in Loch Ness .

  12. 许多人到尼斯湖去寻找这个奇怪的怪物,但只有少数人见过它。

    Many people travel to Loch Ness to look for this strange monster , but only a few people have seen it .

  13. 没有事实能够证明尼斯湖里住着一只水怪,但也没有事实能够证明尼斯湖里没有水怪。

    There is no real fact that a monster lives in Loch Ness , but there is also no fact that one doesn 't live .

  14. 关于尼斯湖水怪的第一个故事出现在500多年前,但这个传说到20世纪才广泛流传。

    The first story about a monster in Loch Ness was told over 500 years ago , but the legend of the monster spread widely only in the twentieth century .

  15. 泽尼斯运动俱乐部里的那种神经质的健谈和自以为是的态度从他们身上消失了

    The nervous loquacity and opinionation of the Zenith Athletic Club dropped from them .

  16. 阿芙罗狄蒂爱阿多尼斯胜过爱别的任何人,因为他是一个精神抖擞、生气勃勃的少年猎手。

    Aphrodite loved Adonis more than she did anybody else , for he was a brisk , lovely young hunter .

  17. 我们正在为吉尔尼斯做一些牛X的素材。

    We are doing some awesome stuff for Gilneas .

  18. ABC新闻,早安美国,林赛詹尼斯,巴哈马群岛报道。

    For Good Morning America , Lindsey Janis , ABC News , the Bahamas .

  19. 话说有个领班,叫菲尼斯·P·盖奇,25岁,人精神抖擞讨大伙喜欢,一帮男人正跟着他在拉特兰到伯灵顿的新增铁路线上干活。

    A gang of men , under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman , 25-year-old Phineas P.Gage , was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad .

  20. 一伙工人正跟着他们的领班在拉特兰-伯灵顿铁路的新线路上干活。这位领班名叫菲尼斯·P·盖奇,二十五岁,他精力充沛,待人和气。

    A gang of men , under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman , 25-year-old Phineas P. Gage , was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad .

  21. 现在想像您自己处在意大利里维埃拉的一个中世纪的小镇,周围是SouthernMaritime阿尔卑斯的青山环绕,离法国尼斯不远。

    Now imagine yourself in a medieval town nestled in the lush folds of the Southern Maritime Alps , not too far from Nice , France , in the Italian Riviera .

  22. 埃罗尼斯辩称,他与妻子结婚近7年,当妻子带着他们的两个孩子离开之后,他感到很郁闷,他只不过是通过Facebook泄愤。

    Mr Elonis argued that he was under emotional duress after his wife of nearly seven years left with their two children and that he was merely venting through Facebook .

  23. 加尼斯证实,中投从未涉足QSL任何的潜在竞购。

    Mr Ganis confirmed CIC was never involved in a potential QSL bid .

  24. 作家安德鲁•阿多尼斯(AndrewAdonis)说,伦敦需要解决的问题,除了住房还是住房。阿多尼斯是伦敦人,工党成员,已受封贵族。

    The problem London needs to solve , says Andrew Adonis , Londoner , Labour peer and writer , is , Housing , housing , housing .

  25. 数据处理结果表明,这类NTC热敏电阻器的寿命分布属于威布尔分布;失效的数学模型为阿伦尼斯模型。

    The results of data processing show that the lifetime distribution is a Weibull one , and the mathematical model that failed is an Arrhenius one .

  26. 侏儒提利昂•兰尼斯特(TyrionLannister)(剧中由彼得•丁克拉格(PeterDinklage)出演,获得了艾美奖)是他书中最接近英雄的侏儒。

    And the dwarf Tyrion Lannister ( played in the series by Peter Dinklage , in an Emmy-winning performance ) is the closest the books have to a hero .

  27. 数据管理公司iControl系统CEOT.J.紫罗托尼斯基说道。

    T.J. Zlotnitsky is CEO of iControl Systems , a data management company .

  28. 这个项目前不久在洛杉矶录制,朗诵者共28名,有明星播音员斯科特•布里克(ScottBrick)、作曲家亚尼斯•伊恩(JanisIan)和英国演员萨曼莎•埃加(SamanthaEggar)等。

    The project was recently recorded in Los Angeles by a cast of 28 narrators , including superstar narrator Scott Brick , songwriter Janis Ian and English actress Samantha Eggar .

  29. 他们4人很早就同意将收入平分为5等份&其中1份给他们的经纪人保罗麦吉尼斯(PaulMcGuinness),并一贯愿意牺牲一些短期利益,以控制出版和录制权等商业资产。

    They agreed early on to split revenues five equal ways with Paul McGuinness , their manager , and consistently sacrificed short-term rewards to control publishing and recording rights – their business equity .

  30. 博维达餐馆位于博尔哈的购物中心,餐馆主人何塞·M·巴亚(JoséM.Baya)认为正是西门尼斯的艺术才华令自己生意兴隆。

    Jos é M. Baya , the owner of La B ó veda , in Borja 's market plaza , freely credits her artistry for helping his business flourish .