- Nepal

We went trekking in Nepal .
India and Nepal have sorted out their trade and security dispute
He was an official interpreter to the government of Nepal .
This year we 're going trekking in Nepal .
The Rough Guide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide to the region .
Over two-thirds of the world 's jute is from india , pakistan , bangladesh , thailand , and nepal .
" I learned that the population of Nepal is .... "
" The population of Nepal . Hmm.Well .... " he 'd say .
Not a single day has been wasted , though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful .
" Get the map ; let 's see where Nepal is . " And the whole family went on a search for Nepal .
She decided to travel and arrived in western Nepal in 2006 .
What sad news ! Thousands of people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal .
Before , very few foreigners visited the southem foot of Himalayas .
China and Nepal should push forward their strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever-lasting friendship for development and prosperity , and work together to build a closer community of shared future benefitting both countries and peoples .
Genetic Diversity of Fusarium Graminearum in China and Its Comparison with the Isolates from of Nepal , Europe and USA
Genetic Diversity of Frankia Strains in Alnus nepalensis Nodules in Yunnan Revealed by rep-PCR
The UN Development Programme has estimated that more than 40 per cent of Nepal was affected by the quake and subsequent aftershocks .
After centuries of rivalry between the three kingdoms , Prithvi Narayan Shah , a Gorkha ruler , managed to unify Nepal in1768 .
One explanation for the country 's progress is that the public sector apparatus continued to function amid turmoil , says World Bank Nepal country director Susan Goldmark .
Andreas Schild , director general of the Nepal-based International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development , agreed with the report 's conclusions .
Home to most of the Himalayas , Nepal must be at the heart of any regional climate change initiative , says Murari Sharma .
By the late 11th century , southern Nepal came under the influence of the chalukaya empire of southern India .
Some one hundred million cubic meters of gravel , sand and mud flow out of the Chatara gorge in mountainous Nepal every year .
" Drinking water , basic sanitation and nutrition , because these are a major health hazard for the majority of children in the world ," & Prakash Shrestha , Nepal
Twenty strains of actinomycetes , originally isolated from nodules of Coriaria nepalensis wall in Hubei , Sichuan and Yunnan provinces of China , were shown to fall in the genus of Frankia according to the morphological characteristics .
China has the largest gap between rich and poor in Asia , together with Nepal , following a decade in which income distribution in the region has become ever more skewed in favour of the rich , according to a new study by the Asian Development Bank .
Forecasting glacial lake outburst floods ( GLOFs ) is a major worry for Bhutan and Nepal , with projections indicating that these are likely to increase in the future as a result of climate change .
Rivalry between Nepal and the British East India Company over the annexation of minor states bordering Nepal led to the Anglo-Nepalese War ( 1815C16 ), in which Nepal suffered a complete rout .
So , after taking the test on Dec.2 , they flew to the Nepalese town of Simara , went from there to Birganj by taxi , and then by auto-rickshaw across the border .
Charlotte Moore , Controller of BBC One , said : " David Beckham returns to BBC One for a special film following his long held personal ambition to play seven games of football in every continent around the world from Nepal , Papua New Guinea , Chile to Antarctica .