
yuǎn dōng
  • the Far East;orient
远东 [yuǎn dōng]
  • [Far East] 欧洲人指亚洲东部地区,常指中国、日本、朝鲜和西伯利亚东部

远东[yuǎn dōng]
  1. 马克被派往远东出差。

    Mark was sent to the Far East on a business trip .

  2. 远东70%的机场都将不得不升级改造。

    70 per cent of airports in the Far East will have to be upgraded

  3. 他们在远东海域保持着一支非常强大的舰队。

    They maintain a very powerful fleet in Oriental waters .

  4. 远东的影响已经带来了许多新的风尚。

    The influence of the Far East has brought in many new fashions .

  5. 远东地区盛产原油。

    The Orient is rich in its crude petroleum .

  6. 它从罗马延伸至中国,从西方延伸至远东。

    It went from Rome to China , which is from the West to the Far East .

  7. 直到八月份,远东地区的战斗才停止,二战终于结束了。

    It was not until August that fighting in the Far East ceased and the war finally ended .

  8. 俄罗斯一架苏-34战斗机周五在远东地区从雷达上消失,机组可能已弹射逃生。

    A Su-34 fighter jet on Friday vanished off the radars in Russia 's Far East and the crew possibly managed to eject , local press reported .

  9. 远东地区的微粒E层事件

    The events of the particle E in the Far East

  10. 该组织称在俄罗斯远东地区的豹之乡国家公园(LandoftheLeopardNationalPark)发现了57只远东豹。

    The group said 57 were found in Land of the Leopard National Park in the Russian Far East .

  11. 英国的标志性汽车品牌MG在远东地方重获新生。具有MG经典徽章的轿车现在开始从中国的装配线上下线了。CNN记者约翰·沃斯试驾了这款MG轿车。MG汽车在中国卷土重来CNN主播:英国的标志性汽车品牌MG在远东地方重获新生。

    CNN ANCHOR : The iconic British brand MG has been reborn in the Far East .

  12. 总部位于美国休斯敦的远东能源公司(FarEastEnergy)刚刚就山西省一个煤层气开发项目签署了天然气销售协议。

    And Far East Energy , a Houston-based firm , has just signed a gas sales contract for a coal bed methane project in Shanxi province .

  13. 远东及国内LPG市场分析

    The Market Analysis of LPG in the Far East of Asia and China

  14. 从ADB协定看太平洋战争爆发前英美在远东的军事合作

    The ADB Agreement and Anglo-American Military , Cooperation in the Far East before the Pacific War

  15. 上海远东国际租赁有限公司(internationalfareasternleasing)上月向香港证交所递交了上市申请,有望成为中国首家上市租赁公司。

    International Far Eastern Leasing , based in Shanghai , is set to be the first Chinese leasing company to go public after its filing with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last month .

  16. TLD亚洲总部位于香港,负责整个亚太及远东市场。

    Located in Hong Kong , TLD Asia headquarter is covering Asia Pacific and far-east market .

  17. STT焊接技术在俄罗斯远东管道中的应用

    Application of STT Welding Technology in Russian East Siberia-Pacific Oil Pipeline Project

  18. 在6个月时间里,摩根士丹利国际(MSCI)远东指数下跌三分之二。

    The Morgan Stanley Capital International Far East index fell by two thirds in six months .

  19. 为了批准一个大型煤层气项目,政府已经与寿阳的煤矿经营者及各村进行了谈判。该项目将由总部位于休斯顿的远东能源公司(FarEastEnergyCorporation)牵头开展。

    The Chinese government has negotiated with mine operators and villages here in Shouyang , 220 miles southwest of Beijing , to authorize a large coal bed methane project , led by Far East Energy Corporation , based in Houston .

  20. 俄罗斯远东地区发展部(MinistryfortheDevelopmentoftheFarEast)负责最近这次大开发。该部援引本部门指派的调查的结果,声称若能无偿获得土地的话,有20%的俄罗斯人愿意迁往远东。

    Russia 's Ministry for the Development of the Far East , the agency managing this latest development gambit , cited a survey it commissioned , saying that 20 percent of Russians would be ready to move east if given free land .

  21. 在中国东北城市大连举行的夏季世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)围绕女性领导力的讨论会上,电线电缆综合企业远东控股集团有限公司(JiangsuFarEastHoldingGroupCo.)董事长蒋锡培显然想传达这样一个信息。

    That was the resounding message from Jiang Xipei , chairman of wire and cable conglomerate Jiangsu Far East Holding Group Co. , speaking on a women 's leadership panel at the summer World Economic Forum in the northeastern city of Dalian .

  22. 正如全港第一家酒店HongKongHotel在十九世纪自我标榜为远东地区最宽敞、最佳委任酒店,而上述几家酒店都只敢自诩在亚洲出类拔萃。

    Like the citys first hotel , the Hong Kong Hotel , which described itself in the 19th century as the most commodious and best-appointed hotel in the Far East , all these hotels could justly lay claim to being among the finest in Asia .

  23. 在远东,有机会增加俄罗斯、欧洲和美国对亚太经合组织(APEC)论坛,以及东盟(ASEAN)外展活动的参与。

    In the Far East , there are opportunities to build on Russian , European and US participation in the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum and the outreach activities of the Association of South East Asian Nations .

  24. 并利用新华远东2006年2月14日对中国企业最新的信用评级结果,检验了Z值模型对信用评级的有效性,建立了信用级别与Z值之间的映射关系。

    Based on the Z-value model and the newest Xinhua Far East China issuer credit ratings results on February 14,2006 , we verify the efficiency of Z-value model for credit rating and construct the correlation between Z-value and credit rating result .

  25. 卡塔尔控股(qatarholding)的首席执行官表示,该公司很快会在中国设立代表处,以期提振在远东地区不断扩大的投资规模。

    Qatar holding , the direct investment arm of the Qatar Investment Authority , will soon open an office in China as it seeks to boost its growing investment portfolio in the Far East , its chief executive says .

  26. 但据环保组织世界野生动物基金会(WWF)介绍,在距今最近的统计中,俄罗斯境内的远东豹数量已从2007年30只的水平上,翻了近一番。

    But their numbers in Russia have risen from just 30 in 2007 to nearly double that in the latest count , according to the conservation group WWF .

  27. 对我国加入CCS的船舶在2001~2003年间各年度的PSC检查情况进行分析,并提出远东地区航行船舶针对PSC检查的注意事项。

    This paper analyzes some data on the PSC inspection of the ships registered in CCS during the year 2001-2003 , and it puts forward some proceedings which should be carefully mentioned in the Far East area for ships operation .

  28. Lukin教授说,他的学生中有三分之一通常都会离开俄罗斯远东地区去别处找工作。

    Professor Lukin says one third of his students usually leave the Russian Far East for jobs elsewhere .

  29. APEC领导人会议在俄罗斯远东区的符拉迪沃斯托克举行,此时欧洲领导人正在想方设法遏制主权债务危机。该危机不仅影响到欧洲地区的经济增长,还引发人们对更广泛的全球经济放缓的担忧。

    The meeting of APEC leaders was held in Vladivostok in Russia 's far east , as European leaders grapple with ways to contain a sovereign-debt crisis which has eaten into economic growth in that region and sparked concern about a broader global slowdown .

  30. 太平洋磷虾(Euphausiapacifica)隶属于节肢动物门甲壳纲,为北太平洋亚北极区的优势种,广泛分布于远东海域、黄海及台湾海峡附近。

    Euphausia Pacifica which belongs to Arthropoda Crustacea , is the subarctic dominant species , distributing broadly in Far East sea area , Yellow Sea and Taiwan Strait hereabout .