
Mènɡ Jiā Lā Guó
  • Bangladesh
  1. 孟加拉国现有大约1.1亿人口。

    Bangladesh now has a population of about 110 million .

  2. 孟加拉国队掷硬币赢了,决定先击球。

    Bangladesh won the toss and decided to bat first .

  3. 许多孟加拉国人都从事建筑业或渔业。

    Many Bangladeshis were employed in the construction or fishing industries .

  4. 他也想看看原生态的孟加拉国是什么样子。

    He also wanted to see Bangladesh in the raw

  5. 世界2/3以上的黄麻来自印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、泰国和尼泊尔。

    Over two-thirds of the world 's jute is from india , pakistan , bangladesh , thailand , and nepal .

  6. 近几十年来,洪水给孟加拉国带来的破坏愈发严重。

    Floods have become more damaging in Bangladesh in recent decades .

  7. 孟加拉国代表团希望就提案集d和e发表意见。

    The delegation of Bangladesh wished to comment on clusters D and E.

  8. B组第一周比赛的最终排名将在周五揭晓。爱尔兰队目前处于领先地位,很有可能追随孟加拉国队的脚步而晋级下一阶段的比赛。

    The final standings in group B will be decided Friday , and Ireland is in pole position to follow Bangladesh into the next stage of the tournament .

  9. 为孟加拉国制造的BR集装箱平车采用的是真空制动装置。

    The vacuum braking equipment is applied on the BR Bangladesh Railway container flat car .

  10. TDR还对印度、孟加拉国、马拉维和哥伦比亚等国调整后实施的通用方案项目提供了支持。

    TDR then supported projects in India , Bangladesh , Malawi and Colombia which adapted and implement the generic protocols .

  11. 在一个周末发起的震撼全球银行业的大胆攻击中,黑客假冒孟加拉国央行,通过SWIFT向这家央行在纽约联储(NewYorkFed)开设的账户发送了35个假指令。

    In an audacious weekend raid that sent tremors through the world 's banks , thehackers sent 35 fake orders from Bangladesh Bank via Swift to the central bank 's account atthe Federal Reserve in New York .

  12. 位于孟加拉国首都达卡以外19英里的萨瓦尔镇上,人们聚集在坍塌的RanaPlaza前,营救人员仍然在继续展开搜救工作。

    People gather in front of Rana Plaza building as rescue workers continue their operations , in Savar , 19 miles outside Dhaka .

  13. 达卡(货币代码BDT)是孟加拉国官方发行的货币。

    The Taka ( currency code BDT ) is the official currency of Bangladesh .

  14. 几乎所有非孟加拉族的孟加拉国人都把Bangla当作第二语言。

    Almost all non-Bengali Bangladeshis speak Bangla as a second language .

  15. 难怪凡客诚品(Vancl)等在线服装零售商正把目光投向孟加拉国以节约成本。

    No wonder online clothes retailers such as Vancl are looking to Bangladesh to save costs .

  16. 孟加拉国政府今年7月同意,将为玛莎百货(MarksandSpencer)、H&M以及沃尔玛(Walmart)等公司生产服装的工人的最低月工资提高一倍,至43美元。

    In July , the government agreed to double , to $ 43 , the monthly minimum wage of workers producing clothes for companies such as Marks Spencer , H M and Walmart .

  17. 最近几年,由于很少地关注银行业的CSR,在这一领域的社会活动,特别是孟加拉国,一直很少人涉及研究。

    Due to relatively little attention being given to CSR in relation to Banks until recent years , the knowledge of social activities in this sector , particularly in Bangladesh , has remained unexplored and amorphous .

  18. 在孟加拉国,一种抗虫害的Bt茄子也备受欢迎,当地农民还接受了耐涝的“潜水水稻”,这种转基因水稻可以在水下生存长达14天,而不是只有3天。

    A pest-resistant Bt eggplant has become similarly popular in Bangladesh , where farmers have also embraced flood-tolerant " scuba rice , " a variety engineered to survive being submerged for up to 14 days rather than just three .

  19. 世界各地使用环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)支付网络的银行被要求进行一次紧急软件升级。网络安全专家警告称,史上最大的银行抢劫案之一、2月份针对孟加拉国央行的攻击可能重演。

    Banks worldwide using the Swift global financial transaction system havebeen ordered to install an urgent software upgrade as cyber security expertswarned of a repeat of February 's raid on the Bangladesh central bank , one ofthe biggest bank robberies in history .

  20. 近日,一家与众不同的工厂在孟加拉国的伯格拉(Bogra)镇附近开业。

    AN UNUSUAL factory recently began operation near the town of Bogra in Bangladesh .

  21. 创新的财政解决方案例如孟加拉国和印度的GrameenShakti和SELCO组织使用的方法也提供了重要的范例,但是它们需要大力扩大规模。

    Innovative financial solutions such as those used by Grameen Shakti and SELCO in Bangladesh and India also provide important precedents , but require enormous scale-up .

  22. 孟加拉国妇女习惯上都穿纱丽(Sarees)。

    Bangladeshi women habitually wear Sarees .

  23. 本特写着重描述了在Kumuli村的三位卫生工作者,这是孟加拉国北部纳巴巴甘的一处小村庄。

    This feature focuses on three health workers in Kumuli – a small village in Nowabganj , northern Bangladesh .

  24. 酷比达(Gupta):这只孟加拉国獾喜欢到处大摇大摆吹嘘,以及抢东西,因为他背上毛的图案就像是一个骷颅头再加上一对交叉的骨头,船员们会拿他来当作自己的旗帜。

    A Bengali badger , he is an extremely useful member of the crew since the fur pattern on his back resembles a skull andcrossbones allowing the crew to use him as their flag .

  25. 凡客诚品(vancl)正在试验将一小部分生产转移至孟加拉国,并计划增加在中国以外生产的服装比重。

    VANCL is sourcing a small part of its production from Bangladesh on a trial basis and plans to increase the proportion of clothes made outside China .

  26. 运用比较研究法,按照STEEPLE模型分析了中国与孟加拉国艾滋病发展主客观条件的异同。

    This paper use comparative method , in accordance with the STEEPLE model to analyzes the similarities and differences between subjective and objective conditions of the AIDS development in China and Bangladesh .

  27. 印度Ganga-Meghna-Brahmaputra平原及周围地区与孟加拉国地下水砷污染及其对健康影响的19年研究

    Groundwater arsenic contamination and its health effects in Ganga-Meghna-Brahmaputra plain and its surroundings : nineteen years study report

  28. Biscaglia号由新加坡Ishima运营,船东是马邵尔群岛的WingedFoot船运公司,确信还有25名印度船员和两名孟加拉国船员在船上。

    The Biscaglia is managed by Singapore-based Ishima and owned by Winged Foot Shipping in the Marshall Islands and was crewed by25 Indians and two Bangladeshis who are believed to be still onboard .

  29. 虽然近来板球在城市里很受欢迎,但是Kabadi仍是孟加拉国的民族运动。

    Kabadi is the national game of Bangladesh , though recently cricket has gained popularity in the urban areas .

  30. 2013年,孟加拉国拉纳广场发生建筑物垮塌事故,导致逾1100名纺织工人丧生。此事向沃尔玛(Walmart)等零售商表明,道德缺失的供货商会对它们自身的名誉和销售状况造成怎样的威胁。

    The collapse of a building in Rana Plaza in Bangladesh in 2013 , in which more than 1,100 textile workers were killed , demonstrated to retailers like Walmart how their own reputations and sales could be at risk from unscrupulous suppliers .