
mèng mǎi
  • Mumbai;Bombay
孟买[mèng mǎi]
  1. 对出生地孟买的回忆一幕幕清晰地呈现在他脑海里。

    He recalls his native Bombay with cinematic exactness .

  2. 我们在孟买登陆。

    We landed at Bombay .

  3. 她想到即将在孟买享受到的舒适而又奢侈的生活。

    She thought of the life of ease and luxury that awaited her in bombay .

  4. 这座大桥有望缓解孟买无尽的交通拥堵。

    The bridge is expected to ease Mumbai 's unending traffic snarls4 .

  5. 孟买当地律师西达尔特·钱德拉谢卡尔在6月24日提起公益诉讼,此时检方已经确认了2000多名假疫苗案受害者。

    Siddharth Chandrashekhar , a lawyer in Mumbai , filed a public interest lawsuit had already confirmed more than 2000 victims of the scams .

  6. 16岁的埃希德瓦拉是印度孟买的一名学生,同时也是RockstahMedia的创始人。

    In between attending school in Mumbai , India , this 16-year-old is the founder of Rockstah Media .

  7. 基因分型技术首次应用于类孟买型家系ABO基因的研究

    Genotyping of ABO blood group in a family of para-Bombay type in Chinese firstly

  8. 印度孟买,7月27日的暴雨使降雨量在24h内达到了944mm,创下历史最高;

    On July 27th , Bombay of India recorded unprecedented heavy rainfall of 944 mm during 24 hours ;

  9. 在孟买,市民们观看了孟买警察突击队,快速反应小组,国家预备役警察力量和该市精英部队ForceOne展示了新的武器和海上巡逻装备。

    Back in Mumbai , citizens watched as Mumbai 's Police Commandos , Quick Response Team ( QRT ) , State Reserve Police Force ( SRPF ) and the city 's elite-unit Force One showcased new weaponry and sea-patrol vehicles .

  10. 根据Dealogic的数据,自2008年始,基建公司已从孟买证券交易所(BombayStockExchange)募集到约63亿美元的资金。

    Infrastructure companies have raised about $ 6.3 billion since the beginning of 2008 on the Bombay Stock Exchange , according to Dealogic .

  11. 上周初,印度政府告诉英国军情5处(MilitaryIntelligence5),与巴基斯坦阿尔-凯达组织有关的武装分子可能会策划劫持自孟买或新德里起飞的印度国际航空公司或印度航空公司的班机。

    MI5 was told by the Indian authorities early last week about a suspected plot by militants linked to Al-Qaeda in Pakistan to hijack an Air India or Indian Airlines flight from Mumbai or Delhi .

  12. 她生于印度金奈,在加尔各答印度管理学院(IndianInstituteofManagement)获得MBA学位后,在强生(Johnson&Johnson)孟买公司工作两年,然后跨越大西洋,来到了美国。

    Born in Chennai , Nooyi took an MBA at the Indian Institute of Management in Kolkata , and worked for two years for Johnson & Johnson in Mumbai , before crossing the Atlantic .

  13. 自那之后,该组织被指发动多起针对印度的袭击(包括孟买袭击案),并与在阿富汗的北约(nato)部队作战。

    The organisation has since been blamed for attacks on Indian interests , including the Mumbai assault , and for battling NATO forces in Afghanistan .

  14. 花旗私人银行(CitiPrivateBank)周三发表的《2011财富报告》(2011WealthReport)显示,上海、孟买和北京的排名到2020年预期将大幅上升,超越西方竞争对手。

    The 2011 Wealth Report , to be published on Wednesday by Citi Private Bank , shows that Shanghai , Mumbai and Beijing are expected to shoot up the rankings by 2020 , outpacing western rivals .

  15. 上周一,在稳定的政府当选后,孟买证交所基准股指Sensitive飙升了创纪录的2000点。此后,现金紧缺的印度公司开始期盼好日子即将回来。

    Cash-starved Indian companies are hoping the good times are on their way back after the Bombay Stock Exchange 's benchmark Sensitive Index surged a record 2,000 points last Monday following the election of a stable government .

  16. Rowling称至少有两个主要角色将在第七本书结尾死去起,在孟买的孩子们就努力要猜出哈里波特将会如何。

    Rowling said last year that at least two main characters would die by the end of the seventh book .

  17. SKS八月份开始在孟买证券交易所出售股票。

    SKS began selling stock on the Bombay Stock Exchange in August .

  18. 印度国内的许多钢铁项目还遭遇了监管障碍,导致孟买的EssarSteel等一度发展极快的钢铁集团难以偿还债务。

    Many Indian steel projects also ran into regulatory difficulties , leaving once fast-growing groups like Mumbai-based Essar Steel struggling to pay down debts .

  19. 据提议,其中一个印度养殖中心能在默思塔顶(towersofsilence)养殖大量的兀鹫,这个塔是孟买杜克哈马斯塔的主塔。

    One of the Indian centres , it has been suggested , could provide vultures for two giant aviaries at the towers of SILENCE-THE main group of dokhmas in Mumbai .

  20. 诺夫利斯公司隶属于印度铝业公司(HindalcoIndustriesLtd.),后者又是孟买跨国巨头埃迪亚贝拉集团(AdityaBirlaGroup)的子公司。

    Novelis belongs to Hindalco Industries Ltd. , a subsidiary of Aditya Birla group , a multinational conglomerate based in Mumbai .

  21. 国际心脏病学会议于2010年1月7日在孟买MahatamaGandhiMission健康科学院举办。

    An International Conference on Cardiology was held at the Mahatama Gandhi Mission Institute of Health Sciences in Mumbai on7th Jan2010 .

  22. 其他被ECA国际列在世界高房价前10名的亚洲城市包括了孟买、首尔、新加坡与胡志明市。

    Other Asian cities that made ECA 's top 10 global list were Mumbai , Seoul , Singapore and Ho Chi Minh City .

  23. SurRoy先生说Khandelwal自从两年前来到孟买之后就一直努力工作,励志成为一名演员和模特。

    Mr Sur Roy said Khandelwal has worked very hard since arriving in Mumbai two years ago aspiring to be a model and actor .

  24. 如果要选一个城市为印度街头饮食文化的缩影,那就非孟买莫属了(以前称为Bombay)。

    If you have to pick one city that epitomizes Indian street food culture , go with Mumbai ( formerly Bombay ) .

  25. 在新加坡,SP贾殷可以自行确定收费标准(每年大约2.5万美元,而在孟买的收费只有1万美元)。此外,该校还可以自主招聘教员、确定教员薪资,课程设置也完全自主。

    In Singapore , SP Jain can set its own fees ( about $ 25,000 annually compared with $ 10,000 in Mumbai ), hire and pay faculty freely and have complete control over its curriculum .

  26. 咨询机构仲量联行酒店集团(JonesLangLaSalleHotels)称,2004年底,印度酒店客房数量不足10万间,其中31%位于德里、孟买、钦奈和班加罗尔。

    At the end of 2004 there were fewer than 100,000 hotel rooms , 31 per cent of which were in Delhi , Mumbai , Chennai and Bangalore , says adviser Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels .

  27. 类孟买型的FUT1和FUT2等位基因突变的分析

    Mutational analysis of FUT 1 and FUT 2 genes in para-Bombay individuals

  28. 孟买证交所发言人博世(KaylanBose)周四晚间表示,截止到目前,我们仍然决定明天开市。

    Kaylan Bose , spokesman of the Bombay Stock Exchange , said late Thursday'As of now , we 'll open tomorrow . '

  29. 孟买另一家较小的零售连锁店foodlandfresh上周宣布,其全市42家门店中将有39家关门停业,这是经济状况趋紧的另一个迹象。

    Foodland fresh , a smaller Mumbai-based retail chain , announced the closure of 39 of its 42 stores across the city last week in another sign of toughening economic conditions .

  30. INSEAD开设的创办企业选修课,让MBA学员到世界各地的科技和创新中心观摩,如印度的班加罗尔和孟买,以及美国的硅谷,了解那里的企业家们是如何创业的。

    Insead 's " Building Businesses " elective allows MBA students to travel to global technology and innovation hubs such as Bangalore and Mumbai , as well as Silicon Valley to see how entrepreneurs build companies .