
  • 网络memphis
  1. NBA篮球赛赛况,孟斐斯灰熊队庆祝他们在纽约的首次胜利。

    In the NBA , the Memphis Grizzlies are celebrating their first ever win in New York .

  2. MV以这样一句话开头:“很久以前,古埃及的孟斐斯是一个疯狂的地方。”

    The video opens with the message : ' Memphis Egypt a crazy long time ago ' .

  3. 战斗胜利后,派塔贝斯特斯三世继续征服更多的埃及领地并且在孟斐斯(Memphis)首都为自己加冕。

    From his victory , Petubastis went on to reconquer much of Egypt and crown himself Pharaoh in the capital of Memphis .

  4. 为什么我们不买下孟斐斯那个房子呢,嗯?

    Why don 't we get that spot in memphis , huh ?

  5. 在孟斐斯外也有一组人员。

    Also , there 's a crew just outside memphis .

  6. 到孟斐斯的车费要多少呢?

    How much is the fare to Memphis ?

  7. 孟斐斯市一名兽医表示,这只猫可能靠著体内多馀的脂肪而存活。

    A Memphis veterinarian said the cat may have lived off of its excess fat .

  8. 有班机到孟斐斯吗?

    Is there a flight to memphis ?

  9. 那时候孟斐斯大部分都被遗弃,并成为了周围城池的石料供应源地。

    It was then largely abandoned and became a source of stone for the surrounding settlements .

  10. 他自己也进行创作。他最受欢迎的一首歌曲是《孟斐斯蓝调》。

    He also wrote his own . One of his most popular songs was The Memphis Blues .

  11. 我同一位带着南方口音的孟斐斯姑娘跳舞。

    I went to dance with a girl who is from Memphis and who has a Southern accent .

  12. 一年青超市员工因在杂货店疯狂的持刀伤人行为于星期五早晨在孟斐斯附近被捕。

    A young supermarket employee is under arrest after a stabbing rampage at a grocery store near Memphis Friday morning .

  13. 孟斐斯之旅包括住在皮博迪酒店并有机会品尝孟斐斯著名的烧烤。

    The visit to Memphis will include a stay at The Peabody Hotel and the chance to try Memphis'famous barbecue .

  14. 这是一个以埃及孟斐斯为圆心等距离投影区段。从投影中心或投影中线的辐射距离太短。

    This is a section of an equidistant projection centered on Memphis Egypt . Radial distances from CP or CL are too short .

  15. 拉斯维加斯和优雅园之旅都是免费的,孟斐斯大会和旅游局以及三角洲航空公司也帮助付钱。

    Both the Las Vegas and Graceland trips are on the house , with the Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau and Delta Airlines helping with the tab .

  16. 方法:这项关于健康,老龄化,和个体的研究,选取来自孟斐斯、美国田纳西州、匹兹堡、美国宾夕法尼亚州地区居民进行定群研究。

    Methods The Health , Aging , and Body Composition Study was a cohort study conducted in the metropolitan areas of Memphis , Tenn , and Pittsburgh , Pa.

  17. 在他死后,他的女婿(或许也是儿子)塔坦卡门把政治中心移回孟斐斯,宗教中心移回底比斯。

    After his death , his son-in-law ( and perhaps son ) Tutankhamen moved the political and religious capitals back to Memphis and Thebes respectively and reinstated the old gods .

  18. 在18世纪之后,随着底比斯的兴起,孟斐斯经历了短暂的衰落时期,随后在波斯总督的领导下又再度复兴,在亚历山大城建立之后,退居其后。

    It declined briefly after the18th Dynasty with the rise of Thebes and was revived under the Persian satraps before falling firmly into second place following the foundation of Alexandria .

  19. 在开罗西部,坐落着埃及古城孟斐斯和世界七大奇迹中惟一幸存下来的奇迹金字塔。

    On its west side lies the Ancient Egyptian city of Memphis , and the site of the Pyramids , the only wonder surviving of the Seven Wonders of the World .

  20. 数万名来自世界各地的歌迷聚集在孟斐斯的优雅园来纪念摇滚之王埃维斯·普里斯利,埃维斯·普里斯利于1977年8月16日死亡,优雅园是他在田纳西州的房产。

    And tens of thousands from around the world gathered in Graceland , the Memphis , Tennessee home of Elvis Presley . They were there to remember the King of Rock and Roll , who died on August 16th , 1977 .