
  • 网络horus
  1. 恶魔赛特挖出了年轻的荷鲁斯的眼睛。

    The evil Seth put out the eye of the young Horus .

  2. 托特用他的智慧和神力,治好了荷鲁斯的眼睛。

    Thoth , with his wisdom and special powers , healed the eye of Horus .

  3. 其中,荷鲁斯最早出现在公元前3000年左右的宫廷礼仪的象形文字中。

    It is the Horus title that first appeared in the hieroglyphs of royal rituals early in 3000 BC .

  4. 它的形状像火焰,并吸引了来自埃及的太阳神荷鲁斯,其灵感。

    It 's shaped like a flame and draws its inspiration from Horus , the Egyptian god of Sun .

  5. 但多年来,这个标志从荷鲁斯之眼变成了罗马主神朱庇特。

    But over the years , the sign changed from the eye of Horus to the sign for Jupiter , the chief god of the Romans .

  6. 根据纸莎草卷轴的描述,阿尼的旅程得到圆满的结果。奥西里斯之子荷鲁斯为他说好话,他获准进入天堂。

    In the papyrus , Ani 's journey has a good outcome . Horus , the son of Osiris , speaks up for him , and he 's admitted into paradise .

  7. 最初,因为荷鲁斯被描绘成是一个鹰或猎鹰头的神,罗马人从而引进了这个鹰头的神,作为鹰的标志它也被引入基督教。

    Originally , because Horus was depicted as a hawk or a falcon-headed god , the Romans turned Horus into an eagle-headed god and the eagle symbol was transferred to Christianity .

  8. 第三章则通过分析古埃及人神授的王权观以及金字塔铭文中奥西里斯、荷鲁斯和伊西斯不同的角色作用,探讨奥西里斯神话是如何被改编从而为宣传和巩固王权服务。

    The third chapter gave an exploration on Osiris Myth how to be adapted so as to publicize and strengthen the kingship by analyzing the conception of devine kingship of ancient egyptians as well as the different roles of Osiris , Horus and Isis in The Pyramid Texts .