
  • 网络Lower Egypt
  1. 上埃及位于尼罗河上游,下埃及从现在的开罗以南向北延伸到地中海。

    Upper Egypt surrounded the upper portion of the Nile ; Lower Egypt stretched from just south of what is now Cairo northward to the Mediterranean .

  2. 这个国王被刻画佩带皇家头巾、皇家胡子和双层冠帽,作为统治着上、下埃及的象征。

    The king is portrayed wearing the royal nemes headcloth , the royal beard and the double crown , symbolizing his rule over Upper and Lower Egypt .

  3. 于是,约瑟的十个哥哥都下埃及籴粮去了。

    And joseph 's ten brethren went down to buy corn in egypt .

  4. 亚伯拉罕第一次下埃及的经验给你何启示?

    What have you learned from Abraham 's first detour down to Egypt ?

  5. 我要和你同下埃及去,也必定带你上来;

    I will go down to Egypt with you , and I will surely bring you back again .

  6. 那地遭遇饥荒。因饥荒甚大,亚伯兰就下埃及去,要在那里暂居。

    And because there was little food to be had in that land , he went down into egypt .

  7. 你下埃及去不要害怕,因为我必使你在那里成为大族。

    Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt , for I will make you into a great nation there .

  8. 这就是海岸平原,它提供了或说它本身就是,离开埃及或者下埃及的主要通道。

    It is the coastal plain , and that provides , or that is the main highway out of Egypt or down to Egypt .

  9. 你的列祖七十人下埃及。现在耶和华你的神使你如同天上的星那样多。

    Your forefathers who went down into Egypt were seventy in all , and now the LORD your God has made you as numerous as the stars in the sky .

  10. 耶和华向以撒显现,说,你不要下埃及去,要住在我所指示你的地。

    And the LORD came to him in a vision and said , do not go down to egypt ; keep in the land of which I will give you knowledge .

  11. 我要和你同下埃及去,也必定带你上来。约瑟必给你送终。

    I will go down with you to egypt , and I will see that you come back again , and at your death Joseph will put his hands on your eyes .

  12. 他们起程下埃及去,并没有求问我,却要在法老的保护下,作避难处,投靠在埃及的荫庇下。

    That walk to go down into egypt , and have not asked at my mouth ; to strengthen themselves in the strength of pharaoh , and to trust in the shadow of egypt !

  13. 于是雅各下了埃及,后来他和我们的祖宗都死在那里;

    Then Jacob went down to egypt , where he and our fathers died .

  14. 浮动汇率下的埃及进出口贸易

    Egyptian Trade in the Floating Rate

  15. 在穆巴拉克统治下的埃及,学校教育和大学体制的恶化让每个家庭都深受其害。

    In Egypt , every family is suffering from the deteriorated schooling and university system of the Mubarak regime .

  16. 全球粮食危机背景下的埃及农业发展和中埃农业技术合作建议

    The Agriculture Development in Egypt and Proposals for China-Egypt Cooperation on Agriculture under the Background of International Food Crisis

  17. 托勒密统治下的埃及同古埃及一样,主要依靠出口谷物来购买进口物资。

    Ptolemaic Egypt paid for its imports in the way that ancient Egypt had done ; mainly by exporting corn .

  18. 然而,在这种背景下,埃及现在必须允许组建政党,并举行议会和总统选举。

    And yet , against this background , Egypt now has to allow political parties to form and hold parliamentary and presidential elections .

  19. 在全球环境基金和日本国际合作银行的支援下,埃及正在试验一个小规模的集中电厂项目。

    Egypt is piloting a small scale concentrating power plant with support from the Global Environment Facility and Japan Bank for International Cooperation .

  20. 主耶和华如此说,起先我的百姓下到埃及,在那里寄居,又有亚述人无故欺压他们。

    For thus saith the Lord GOD , My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there ; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause .

  21. 你的祖先下到埃及时,总共不过七十人,现在上主你的天主却使你多得有如天上的繁星。

    In seventy souls thy fathers went down into Egypt : and behold now the Lord thy God hath multiplied thee as the stars of heaven .

  22. 到18、19世纪,在西方思想文化的影响下,埃及上层妇女之中产生了最早的争取男女平等以及妇女解放的思想意识。

    To the eighteenth-and nineteenth-century , the earliest consciousness of the sexual equality and women liberation aroused at the upper level women in Egypt under the impact of western culture .

  23. 又把雅各和以扫赐给以撒,将西珥山赐给以扫为业。后来雅各和他的子孙下到埃及去了。

    And I gave unto Isaac Jacob and esau : and I gave unto Esau mount seir , to possess it ; but Jacob and his children went down into egypt .

  24. 在突尼斯民众的鼓舞下,埃及年轻人已抛却恐惧、走上街头,而穆巴拉克引以为傲的稳定局面并不能打动他们。

    Young Egyptians who have shed their fear and taken to the streets , inspired by their Tunisian brethren , are not impressed by the stability on which Mr Mubarak prides himself .

  25. 于是,他们拿着那礼物,又手里加倍地带银子,并且带着便雅悯,起身下到埃及,站在约瑟面前。

    And the men took that present , and they took double money in their hand , and Benjamin ; and rose up , and went down to Egypt , and stood before Joseph .

  26. 将色依尔山区赐给了厄撒乌作产业;雅各伯却和他的儿子下到了埃及。

    And I gave to Esau mount Seir for his possession : but Jacob and his children went down into Egypt .

  27. 英国对埃及的政策出现了两次重要的转变以确保在现有条件下英国在埃及的利益最大化。

    British foreign policy toward Egypt had three important changes to ensure that British could maximize the interests of the British , according to existing conditions .

  28. 然后,我开始思考接下来我们应该怎么做。我怀着全新的决心这样想:我们已经播下了新埃及的种子,但这还不够;我们必须培育这颗种子长成参天大树。

    Then I consider the steps that lie ahead , and think , with renewed determination : we have sowed the seeds for a new Egypt , but it is not enough ; we must nurture and grow the plant .

  29. 在希望进行镜像的情况下,例如对于埃及象形文字,希腊,或者特殊设计效果灯,这应该使用样式表来控制。

    In cases where mirroring is desired , for example for Egyptian Hieroglyphs , Greek Bustrophedon , or special design effects , this should be controlled with styles .

  30. 塞西此前宣布,如果民族团结政府的军队攻击利比亚国民军控制下的城市,埃及将对利比亚进行军事干预。

    Sisi previously announced that Egypt will intervene militarily in Libya if the troops of the Government of National Accord attack the cities under the control of the Libyan National Army .