
xià biāo
  • subscript;index
下标 [xià biāo]
  • (1) [subscript]

  • (2) 作下角标志的符号;尤指起同类相别作用的下标符号

  • (3) 常用小号字印在或写在比其它符号稍低处,但不是紧接它的下方的

  • H2 O的下标2

下标[xià biāo]
  1. 接下来我不再用下标e了。

    I am going to stop putting subscript e.

  2. 下标o和W分别表示属于未风化和已风化的状态。

    The subscript O and W identify the unweathered and weathered states .

  3. 这个平衡间距,用r下标0或者r圈表示。

    And this equilibrium spacing is denoted r sub zero or r naught .

  4. List接口提供了一些通过下标访问列表元素四个可选方法。

    The List interface provides four methods for positional ( indexed ) access to list elements .

  5. 小写q加个下标2是指电子所带电量。

    And lower case q sub2 is the charge on the electron .

  6. 在硬件中常用它来代表寄存器。如B寄存器,下标寄存器。

    In hardware , it often represents a register . For example , the B box , the subscript box .

  7. 电子的概率,达到最大值,我们把它标记成r下标。

    Where the probability of actually finding an electron there mp is going to be your maximum probability .

  8. 控制生物柴油发动机NO(下标x)的排放是目前生物柴油应用研究领域的一个研究热点和难点。

    NO ( subscript x ) controlling technologies are the main research objects and nodus about the use of bio-diesel fuel .

  9. Delphi开发的考试系统中显示上下标的方法

    A method of displaying superscript and subscript in a test system exploited by Delphi

  10. 端口通过provides和requires关键字进行定义,紧接着是端口的名称和下标,一个冒号以及与端口相关联的接口。

    Ports are defined with the provides and requires keywords , followed by the port name and cardinality , a colon , and the port 's associated interface .

  11. DB2在运行时使用阵列类型的最大基数来确保下标在在限制范围内。

    The maximum cardinality of an array type is used by DB2 at runtime to ensure that subscripts are within bounds .

  12. 建立的神经网络模型可以为燃煤锅炉通过优化燃烧降低NO(下标X)排放提供理论指导。

    The constructed neural network model can provide theoretical support for NO ( subscript X ) reduction through optimization of staged-air combustion in coal boilers .

  13. 化学分子式下标的VBA程序

    VBA programs for subscript of chemical molecular formula

  14. 记住JavaScript数组的下标是从0开始的,因此该值是数组的第2项。

    Remember that JavaScript arrays start at index 0 , so this value is the second item in the array .

  15. 下标公差为p~n的4个Fibonacci数的恒等式

    Identities involving 4 Fibonacci numbers with the subscript difference p ~ n

  16. 证明了下标公差为pn的4个Fibonacci数的恒等式,其中p为素数。

    In this paper , identities with 4 Fibonacci numbers were proved where the common difference of their subscripts is pn and p is prime .

  17. 在PASCAL或pl/1语言中,数组维数下标值的上下限。

    In PASCAL or PL / 1 , the upper or lower limit to the subscript values of an array dimension .

  18. 其特点是在内排序中关键字与数组下标作映射或链接处理,不实施反复比较与交换关键字的操作,时间复杂性达到O(N);在外排序中,文件输入/输出次数减少,提高了效率。

    No comparsion and exchange of keywords is done , with time complexity being O ( N ): In external sort , there are only two file I / O records and the efficiency is enhanced .

  19. GCC中原有的数据依赖性分析机制对于非线性数组分析能力较弱,对于多索引下标数组的分析也存在很大的不足。

    The original analysis of data dependence between loops in GCC is weak for non-line array and more subscript indexes .

  20. 14例VA传导恒定者右心室起搏下标测和消融,旁路传导阻断后VA分离;

    Fourteen patients with unchangeable VA conduction were treated during right ventricular pacing and had VA disassociation after ablation of RA AP .

  21. 推导了电力系统潮流二次齐次方程运算式中J(下标i)矩阵的特徵值和特徵向量。

    The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the J ( subscript I ) matrices in quadratic formulation of the load flow equations are derived in detail in this paper .

  22. 北半球主要干旱半干旱区中,厄尔尼诺当年R(下标m)偏少,次年R(下标m)。偏多的关系仅存在于中国北部地区。

    Northern China is the only region among the arid and semi-arid regions in the Northern Hemisphere where R ( subscript m ) is less in the El Nino year and more in the subsequent year .

  23. 针对现有的相关性检测算法不能详细判定相关类型的不足,本文提出了基于形如aI+b的线性下标表达式的相关性检测新算法:下标因子相关性检测算法。

    In view of the deficiency that some data dependency detection algorithms can 't determine data dependency types in detail , this paper gives a new efficient data dependency detection algorithm - " subscript-factor detection " algorithm .

  24. 10极的环状标测电极在窦性心律或者冠状窦远端(CSd)起搏的情况下标测肺静脉,确定房性早搏发生的起源;

    A circumferential 10-electrode catheter was used to pulmonary vein mapping during sinus rhythm or CSd pacing to determine the origin of atrial premature contractions .

  25. 归纳出组合码最大游程长度与OVSF码下标之间的关系,导出构成最大游程长度不小于8的组合码的码长条件及下标条件。

    Two conditions are concluded on which OVSF codes construct a combined code with maximum run-length of 8 or longer .

  26. 本文指出金属离子通过大块液膜的迁移动力学模型为:其中A,Ai,B,C1分别表示在原料相、有机膜相、反萃相中的金属离子,下标i表示界面;

    It is pointed out in this paper that the kinetic model of metal ions transporting through a Bulk Liquid Membrane is : where A , B , C represents the metal ion in feed , organic membrane and strip respectively ; the subscript I represents the interface .

  27. RANDLOOKUP,随机查找函数,该函数根据作为查找表中下标的随机数从查找表中选择目标列的值

    RAND_LOOKUP , a random lookup function that selects a value for the destination column from a lookup table based on a random number as the subscript in the lookup table

  28. 所以,我们有这样的记号,它的下标u向量的方向,表示我们沿哪个方向移动。

    So , we have a notation for that which is going to be dw / ds with a subscript in the direction of u to indicate in which direction dw / ds , we are actually going to move .

  29. PCC的数组边界检查存在着由于无法确定数组下标表达式符号值的范围,而造成拒绝执行一些安全的移动代码等问题。

    Some of the safe mobile codes may be rejected to execute , since there is no way to verify statically that the symbol range value of an array subscript expression in PCC .

  30. 要处理下标文本,可使用XSL-FOvertical-align属性更改文本的基线。

    To handle subscript text , you use the XSL-FO vertical-align property to change the baseline of the text .