
xià wǔ chá
  • afternoon tea;high tea
  1. 下午茶(因为它通常是在傍晚时享用),又称“lowtea”,这样叫是因为它是放在一张矮桌上享用的。

    Afternoon tea ( because it was usually taken in the late afternoon ) is also called " low tea " as it is served at a low table .

  2. 至于谷歌为什么失去头把交椅,《财富》说,这家位于加州山景城(MountainView)的互联网企业没有什么不好的,就是它取消了下午茶和年度滑雪旅行这些花架子。

    Asto why Google lost its usual No.1 spot , Fortune says nothing bad about the Mountain View , Calif. - based Internet concern-except that it hascut frills like afternoon tea and an annual ski trip .

  3. 喝下午茶的时候,维多利亚与其夫君艾伯特亲王表演了二重唱。

    At teatime , Victoria sang duets with her Consort , Prince Albert

  4. 我带她去里茨饭店吃下午茶了。

    I took her to tea at the Ritz .

  5. 我在做下午茶吃的三明治。

    I 'm doing the sandwiches for tea

  6. 你还未学会在山间小屋中举行的下午茶舞会上用约德尔调歌唱的话,就不算真正地生活过。

    You haven 't lived till you 've learned how to yodel at a tea dance in a mountain hut !

  7. 我今天很忙,但我将在下午茶后挤出时间来做那件事。

    I 'm very busy today but I will sandwich that job in after tea .

  8. 抱歉,Nate。我们的下午茶时间得延期了。

    Oh , sorry , Nate . I have to take a rain check on our drink .

  9. 红专厂制罐街D2的表叔茶餐厅已经准备好了经典港式下午茶恭候大家。

    The Uncle restaurant is there waiting for you all with classic Hong Kong-style high tea on D2 Can Street at Redtory .

  10. 在英国,一天中的几顿饭都有它们各自的名字,比如breakfast早餐,brunch早午餐,elevenses午前茶,lunch午餐,tea下午茶,dinner(晚餐,正餐),supper晚饭。

    In the UK we have many different names for mealtimes , including ' Breakfast ',' Brunch ',' Elevenses ',' Lunch ',' Tea ',' Dinner ' and ' Supper '!

  11. 所以我印了《和tommy,mel喝下午茶》还有还有你们应该知道最近很火的一股舞蹈热

    so I have Tea Time with Tommy Lee Jones and Mel Gibson , and ... So , uh , you know the hottest new craze ,

  12. 她两写了一本书叫做《和sophia,roise喝下午茶》这本书很火

    And they wrote a book called Tea Time with Sophia Grace and Rosie.And that was popular .

  13. E·B·施特劳斯,一位荣格派精神分析学家,与罗宾是老相识。这里要提到罗宾小时候的一件事,当时正在逃亡的阿比西尼亚皇帝就住在罗宾家附近,还请他们母子喝过下午茶。

    E.B. Strauss , the Jungian psychoanalyst , whom Robin had known for a long time , A reference to an incident in Robin 's boyhood , when the exiled Emperor of Abyssinia had resided near his home , and had invited Robin and his mother to tea .

  14. (注:特别的入住登记区和下午茶仍然被视为费尔蒙(Fairmont)的高贵象征,费尔蒙是百慕大的高档酒店,外呈粉红色。)

    ( Note : A special check-in area and afternoon tea is still considered a high-end perk at the Fairmont , the island 's upscale , flamingo-pink resort . )

  15. 我在橘园餐厅(Orangery)订了座,它号称“伦敦唯一可以享受传统下午茶的皇家宫殿”,洋洋大观的果酱更让我展开了缤纷的想象。

    I booked a reservation at the Orangery - " the only royal palace in London where you can enjoy a traditional afternoon tea , " with a spectacle of jam coloring my imagination .

  16. 细节处见优雅&英式下午茶茶具中的浪漫与温馨

    The Romantic and Emotional Tea Set for the British-Style Afternoon Tea

  17. 我忘记吃午饭了,所以来了点儿下午茶。

    I forgot to eat lunch , so I had linner .

  18. 你就要在欢乐时光下午茶两点半后叫。

    You 've to order after the tea time special starts .

  19. 下午茶时有各种点心。

    There are different kinds of pastries at the tea time .

  20. 要有喝下午茶、阅读书本、听音乐的习惯。

    Have afternoon tea , reading books , listening to music .

  21. 喝下午茶淑女是不能错过下午茶的

    Tea time . A lady never misses her tea time .

  22. 她认为下午茶是非常令人舒适愉快的传统。

    She thinks that afternoon tea is a very civilized tradition .

  23. 我受邀与女王陛下共进下午茶。

    I was invited to tea with her Majesty the queen .

  24. 老妇们喝着传统的下午茶闲谈着。

    Old women chat over a cup of traditional afternoon tea .

  25. 真荒唐只能在午餐和下午茶之间私会吗

    This is absurd . Stealing kisses between lunch and tea ?

  26. 一个英国人会中断一次战争去吃他的下午茶。

    An Englishman would interrupt a war to have his afternoon tea .

  27. 还有特价下午茶餐,开始多人。

    Also the tea special , start getting more people .

  28. 在经济低迷时间如此奢华的下午茶实在是令人惊讶。

    Such luxury at a time of economic woe may be surprising .

  29. 显然,下午茶是精致的一餐。

    By definition , afternoon tea is a dainty meal .

  30. 现在是5点钟。人们在喝下午茶。

    It 's five and people are having afternoon tea .