
  • 网络Restaurant;specialty restaurant
  1. 自这家印度风味餐厅2013年开业以来,这道菜已经成为店里最畅销的菜品。

    It has been a top-selling choice since the Raj-inspired restaurant opened in 2013 .

  2. 最近一天晚上,我到莫斯科一家地中海风味餐厅用餐,服务生嬉皮笑脸地对我吐露,我盘中的哈罗米芝士来自希腊——禁运国家之一。

    On a recent evening at a Mediterranean restaurant in Moscow , my waiter cheekily confided that the halloumi on my plate had come from Greece , one of the sanctioned countries .

  3. (比如它推荐的JoséAndrés'Zaytinya就是华盛顿最火爆的地中海风味餐厅。)

    ( Jos é Andr é s ' zaytinya , which it offered , was the most popular Mediterranean in Washington . )

  4. 酒店酒吧街区设有酒吧、电玩城及风味餐厅;

    The bar block are set with bars , game station , and restaurants with individual themes .

  5. 产品适用于:星级宾馆酒店,西餐厅,日本料理店,东南亚风味餐厅及专业的西饼面包店,烘焙产品生产厂家等等。

    Products for : star-level hotel , restaurant Japanese restaurant , Southeast Asia and professional-style restaurant bakery cakes , baking factory .

  6. 马哥孛罗咖啡厅、大堂吧、中餐厅和日本风味餐厅为客人提供多样化的用餐选择。

    The dining options will include Caf é Marco , the Lobby Lounge , a Chinese restaurant and a Japanese restaurant .

  7. 努力打造主题风味餐厅是促进餐饮业发展,实现规模餐饮经济、构建和谐社会的必然要求。

    It is necessary for us to analyze the quality and function and create and develop such restaurants so as to develop the catering industry , forming large-scale economy and building harmonious society .

  8. 旅客:在饭店里面有哪几种风味的餐厅?

    G : What kind of restaurants are there in your hotel ?

  9. 更棒的是,许多这些异国风味的餐厅消费价格都很公道。

    Even better , many of these exotic restaurants are reasonably priced .

  10. 珠宝店和中日风味的餐厅挤满了金瓜石的街道。

    Jewelry shops and restaurants featuring Chinese and Japanese cuisine crowded the streets .

  11. 浅析湘西民族风味特色餐厅产品设计

    Product Design of the Xiangxi Style Ethnic Restaurants

  12. 上海阿根廷庄园隶属于北京贝迪克集团旗下的一家大型餐饮企业,它是一家高档正宗的阿根廷国家风味美食餐厅。

    Shanghai Argentina Manor is a large-scale food and beverage enterprise which belongs to the Beijing BETC Group , it is a high-grade authentic argentine flavor food restaurant .

  13. 以西餐结合云南风味菜系的餐厅,让您既可以享受都市的美味,又可以一饱纳西族美食的口福。

    Our restaurant provides Yunnan flavor cuisine linked with Western style to make you taste both metropolitan style and Naxi local flavor .

  14. 或者如果你想找点儿不错的民族风味食品,考恩提议去丑陋的街边店寻找民族风味餐厅。

    Or if you want to find good ethnic food , Cowen advocates looking for ethnic restaurants in ugly strip malls .