
fēnɡ jǐnɡ xiàn
  • scenic horizon
  1. 它提供的咖啡就是展现自己与众不同的第一道风景线:其咖啡豆来自时尚左岸地区(LeftBank)的Coutume咖啡烘焙店,LeRicher对每个细节都精益求精,这在巴黎的餐厅越来越司空见惯,但在周边咖啡屋仍属凤毛麟角。

    The coffee provides the first clue that something is different : made with beans from the fashionable Left Bank roaster Coutume , it reveals an attention to detail increasingly common in bistros but still rare in the neighbourhood caf é .

  2. 1998年,中国大学生篮球协会正式推出CUBA,高校篮球运动铺天盖地的席卷九州,成为篮球运动与校园文化的一道亮丽的风景线。

    In 1998 , CUBA basketball league was formally unveiled by China University Basketball Association , university basketball games sweep across China , and become beautiful scenery together with culture of the campus of basketball .

  3. 英国美食风景线延伸到了伦敦之外,名厨西蒙·洛根(SimonRogan)功不可没,在他的帮助下,湖区(LakeDistrict)的卡特梅尔小村摇身一变,成了英格兰最出人意料的美食胜地。

    The British dining scene is expanding beyond London , and the chef Simon Rogan deserves much of the credit , having helped elevate the Lake District village of Cartmel into one of England 's most unlikely culinary destinations .

  4. Net-a-Porter网店上的衬衣来自106位设计师,而且,随着衬衣成为2016秋冬季时装秀(PreenbyThorntonBregazzi与1205等众多品牌就是明证)的一道亮丽风景线,Net-a-Porter上网销售的衬衣品牌只会越来越多。

    The site 's shirting category offers styles from 106 designers , and that 's only likely to increase , with shirts a feature on the AW16 catwalks , seen at , among others , Preen by Thornton Bregazzi and 1205 .

  5. 城市铁路&北京北部一条亮丽的风景线

    Urban Railway in Beijing ── An Attractive View in Northern Beijing

  6. 2006中国城市生活质量排名勾勒城市风景线

    Outline of City Ranking in Living Quality of China in 2006

  7. 我感到这书对华盛顿的文化风景线赞誉得太节制了。

    I feel that the book undersells washington 's cultural scene .

  8. 汾河将成为太原一道亮丽的风景线

    The Fenhe River Is to Become a Beautiful Landscape in Taiyuan

  9. 一道消逝的风景线&山药蛋派文学的回眸与审视

    A Disappearing Scenary : A Reflection of the Potato Literary School

  10. 电视频道形象广告宣传:一道亮丽的频道风景线

    Drumbeating of Channel Image : A Beautiful Channel View

  11. 宁静其实是人生中一道靓丽的风景线。

    Quiet fact of life in a beautiful landscape .

  12. 这在整个会场是绝无仅有的,俨然成了一道风景线。

    This is in whole assembly room is peerless , solemned a scenery line .

  13. 活力四射的美食风景线吸引了国际客户与许多名厨从更大的城市来到这里。

    The dynamic food scene draws an international clientele and chefs from bigger cities .

  14. 女性报纸已成为我国报业市场发展的一道亮丽的风景线。

    Female newspaper has become a beautiful landscape .

  15. 风景线//海神庙。

    SCENIC ROUTE / / Temple of Poseidon .

  16. 幽默风趣的语言是他的小品中一道亮丽的风景线。

    The humorous funny and witty language constitutes the brightest scenery in his sketches .

  17. 绿色风景线奥运青年营

    The Green Scenery : The Olympic Youth Camp

  18. 瑞典北部的音乐风景线与文化之光。

    Soundscapes and culture shine in northern Sweden .

  19. 巴扎集市里给人印象最深的地方之一是那如风景线般的铜匠买场。

    One of the most picturesque and impressive parts of the bazaar is the copper-smiths'market .

  20. 近年来,我国高校学生社团蓬勃发展,已成校园内一道亮丽的风景线。

    Recently , university student associations have flourished and become a bright landscape on campus .

  21. 昔日龙须沟明日风景线

    Former Longxu Ditch , Future Scenery

  22. 约瑟夫?康拉德以他独特的题材和风格构成了现代英国文学史上一道亮丽的风景线。

    Conrad holds a special place in modern English literature for his special theme and style .

  23. 托托拉是一根生长在秘鲁的芦苇,是喀喀湖上最瞩目的风景线。

    Totora is a reed which is grown in Peru , most notably on Lake Titicaca .

  24. 爱情虽然有些疯狂,但仍不失为人生中一条亮丽的风景线。

    Romantic love , however deranged , is still one of the great delights of life .

  25. 邱华栋的都市小说与前代作家的都市小说有明显的不同,他以全面融入都市的姿态描绘着都市的风景线。

    There are some differences between Qiu Huadong 's city novels and his previous writers ' .

  26. 失败是一道靓丽的风景线,是经受夭折的玫瑰。

    Failing to be a beautiful beautiful scenery is to experience the rose dying young gleam .

  27. 池莉的小说创作,在当代的文学创作中是一道绵长而独特的风景线。

    The novel creation of Chi Li is a long and unique scenery in contemporary literary creation .

  28. 时间好快呀,童年时的自己&是人生一道亮丽的风景线。

    Good time to fast , at the time of their childhood-life is a beautiful scenic routes .

  29. 其次,社团与报刊共生是当时中国医界的一道风景线。

    Besides , the coexistence of civic organizations and magazines is a landscape of Chinese medical community .

  30. 经过巧妙的设计制作,加上完美的安装技术,为世界增添一道道绚丽的风景线!

    Ingenious design and preparation and the perfect installation techniques add much beautiful scenery to the world !