
wú xiàn diàn ɡuǎnɡ bō
  • broadcast by the radio;broadcast over the radio;radio broadcasting;radiocast;radio
  1. 这些录音也许可用于无线电广播系统。

    These recordings will probably be used by radio broadcasting systems .

  2. 不结盟国家无线电广播组织合作委员会

    Committee for Cooperation of Radio Broadcasting Organizations of Non-Aligned Countries

  3. 多年来无线电广播在传媒界中一直不受重视。

    For years radio has been the Cinderella of the media world .

  4. 这出戏是专为无线电广播而写的。

    The play was written specially for radio .

  5. 数字音频广播是21世纪的无线电广播系统。

    DAB is the radio system of the 21st Century .

  6. 日报、快讯、无线电广播电台,甚至Internet浏览器的日子可能是屈指可数的了。

    The days of your daily paper , newsletter , radio station and maybe even you Internet browser may be numbered .

  7. 一位海军陆战队步行巡逻兵使用了可折叠的太阳能板为他们的无线电广播设备和GPS发电。

    One of the marine foot patrols uses roll-up solar blankets to generate power for their radios and GPS .

  8. 高清无线电广播(HDRadio:High-DefinitionRadio)是一种数字广播技术,但它和卫星广播有所不同。

    HD Radio & High-Definition Radio is a digital broadcasting technology different from satellite radio .

  9. 他还在该设备上装置了无线电广播发射机,GPS和Go-Pro摄像机来拍下这个场景。

    Wright also equipped the craft with a radio transmitter and GPS , and a Go-Pro to capture the view .

  10. AppleMusic是一款全新的多功能合一的流媒体和无线电广播订阅应用。AppleNews是一款精美的杂志式应用,可以展示来自出版商的大量免费内容,将与Flipboard和Facebook的InstantStories等应用展开竞争。

    a slick magazine-style app showing a range of free content from publishers that will compete with the likes of Flipboard and Facebook 's Instant Stories .

  11. 我昨夜从无线电广播听到了这消息。

    I listened to the news on the radio last night .

  12. 公共广播服务不能只限于电视与无线电广播。

    Public service broadcasting cannot be confined to television and radio .

  13. 传统农业的推广服务和无线电广播,

    conventional farming extension services are boots on the ground and radio

  14. 写电视剧本要比写无线电广播剧本轻易的多。

    It 's easier to write plays for television than for radio .

  15. 但是医生说,它不应该采取一些条件下。无线电广播的成绩单。

    But doctors say it should not be taken under some conditions .

  16. (指电视或无线电广播)靠广告收入的,商业性的

    ( of TV or radio ) financed by broadcast advertisements

  17. 新闻通过电视和无线电广播来传播。

    News is disseminated by means of television and radio .

  18. 我一边烫衣服一边听无线电广播。

    I do my ironing while listening to the radio .

  19. 她在无线电广播台有份工作。

    She 's got some kind of job in radio .

  20. 我们从无线电广播中听到这条新闻。

    We heard the news over / on / upon the radio .

  21. 这事发生在纽约市的无线电广播台里。

    It all happened in a radio studio in New York city .

  22. 就像无线电广播中那两个在做模仿节目的人。

    Like those two men doing imitations on the radio .

  23. 最初的无线电广播设备采用的是波幅调制。

    The first radio broadcasts were made using amplitude modulation .

  24. 将近60年以来,民用的无线电广播一直用的是长波。

    Commercial radio broadcasters have used long waves for nearly 60 years .

  25. 无线电广播说今天晚些时候雪会停的。

    The radio says the snow will stop later in the day .

  26. 这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。

    The novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original .

  27. 报纸和无线电广播使“自动化”一词家喻户晓了。

    The newspapers and radio have familiarized the word'automation ' .

  28. 在无线电广播普及之前,我们家的点播热线总是响个不停。

    Our phone kept ringing with requests for music until radio came in .

  29. 无线电广播方面的故事更具戏剧性。

    The story with radio is even more dramatic .

  30. 那个无线电广播节目超过了规定的时间。

    The radio program overran the time allowed it .