
fēnɡ jǐnɡ huà
  • landscape painting
风景画 [fēng jǐng huà]
  • [landscape painting] 表现自然景色(如田地、山丘、森林、水)的绘画

  1. 男孩开始画风景画。

    The boy began a landscape painting .

  2. 有的博主用不同的食材将孩子们的风景画制成了立体美食。

    Another blogger uses many ingredients to recreate a landscape painting .

  3. 毕加索还在奥尔塔─德圣胡安画了几幅风景画。

    Picasso also executed several landscapes at Horta de San Juan .

  4. 古典风景画是18世纪许多画家所喜欢用的题材。

    Classical landscapes were a popular subject with many 18th century painters .

  5. 康斯太布尔风景画的海报装点着那些墙面。

    Constable posters decorate the walls .

  6. 他是澳大利亚最为杰出的艺术家之一,以肖像画、风景画和裸体画而闻名。

    He was one of Australia 's most distinguished artists , renowned for his portraits , landscapes and nudes .

  7. 她是一位以风景画而出名的画家。

    She is a painter outstanding for her landscapes .

  8. 他画风景画,而他的妻子则画肖像画。

    He paints landscapes but his wife paints portraits .

  9. 康斯特布尔的风景画在首次展出时受到了冷遇

    Constable 's landscapes met with indifference when they were first exhibited .

  10. 这是一幅富有诗意的风景画

    This is a poetical picture of the landscape .

  11. 风景画艺术家呢?

    Where are the landscape artists ?

  12. 狄克逊的Beat灯具系列设计成各种不同高度的悬挂式吊灯束,宛如美仑美奂的风景画。

    Dixon 's Beat collection is designed to be hung in a cluster of varying heights to resemble a landscape .

  13. Picasso还在奥尔塔——德胜湖安花了几幅风景画。

    Eg. Picasso also executed several landscapes at Horta de San Juan .

  14. 高空大气中的火山微粒还制造出壮观的日落景象,被英国风景画的先驱者J·M·W·透纳(J.M.W.Turner)详细捕捉在笔下。

    The particles high in the atmosphere also produced spectacular sunsets , as detailed in the famous paintings of J.M.W. Turner , the English landscape pioneer .

  15. 有澳大利亚著名艺术家悉尼诺兰爵士(sirsidneynolan)的一幅巨大风景画,还有台湾当代艺术家朱铭创作的两件青铜太极雕塑。

    As well as a huge landscape by Sir Sidney Nolan of mountains in southern China there are two bronze Tai Chi sculptures by the contemporary Taiwanese artist Ju Ming .

  16. 1906年,乔治·布拉克(GeorgesBraque)在巴黎观赏了塞尚的风景画之后追随而来,在埃斯塔克住了五个月。

    In 1906 , Georges Braque went to L'Estaque after seeing C é zanne 's work on view in Paris . He stayed five months .

  17. 亚洲买家在纽约的苏富比(Sotheby’s)春季拍卖会上抢购印象派绘画,买下五大顶级拍品中的三件,包括一幅梵高(VincentVanGogh)的风景画,并在3.683亿美元的拍卖总额中占到大约三分之一。

    Asian buyers snapped up Impressionist paintings at Sotheby 's spring auction in New York , buying three of the sale 's top five lots , including a Vincent Van Gogh landscape , and making up about one-third of the $ 368.3m raised .

  18. 你可以看到一座小岛,正如塞尚许多风景画展示的那样,马赛东部的山峦在远方幻化淡淡的蓝灰色,比如《从埃斯塔克一岚马赛湾》(GulfofMarseilleSeenFromL'Estaque),而今,这些画作散落在世界各地的博物馆里。

    You can see a small island , and the hills east of Marseille , bluish in the distance , just as they appear in so many of C é zanne 's landscapes , " Gulf of Marseille Seen From L'Estaque , " which are now scattered in museums around the world .

  19. 山光水声,犹如一幅配乐的风景画。

    Shan Kwong water , the landscape is like a soundtrack .

  20. 丽丽:你正在学习人物画还是风景画?

    Lili : Are you studying figure painting or landscape painting ?

  21. 那就是我更喜欢风景画的原因。

    That is the reason why I prefer to paint landscapes .

  22. 她从窗口那儿画了一幅风景画。

    She drew a picture of the view from her window .

  23. 这也正是他风景画作品的审美价值之所在。

    That is the real aesthetic value of his landscape painting .

  24. 如梅:来看看这些壮丽的户外风景画吧。

    Rumei : Look at these magnificent paintings of the outdoors .

  25. 从水彩风景画看绘画的形式美

    On Formal Beauty of Painting from the Perspective of Watercolor Landscape Painting

  26. 中国山水画与西方风景画意境比较两宋花鸟册页的赏析与临摹

    The Artistic Conception Compare Between Chinese Landscape Paintings And Western Scenery Paintings

  27. 这是一幅典型的水乡风景画。

    This is a typical picture of a water town .

  28. 欧洲风景画与中国山水画视觉方式比较研究

    Comparative Studies on the Visual Way of European Landscape and Chinese Landscape

  29. 现实主义的风景画:19世纪法国的巴比松画派

    Realistic Scenery Painting : The Barbizon School in the 19th Century France

  30. 试比较中国山水画与西方风景画

    A Comparison of Landscape Paintings in China and the West