  • wind;practice;atmosphere;custom
  • put out to dry or air;winnow
  • air-dried;rumoured;groundless
  • 空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花雪月(喻堆砌词藻,内容贫乏的的诗文)。

  • 像风那样迅速、普遍的:~潮。~靡一时。~驰电掣。

  • 社会上长期形成的礼节、习俗:~气。~习。~物(某地特有的景物)。~尚(在一定时期中社会上流行的风气和习惯)。

  • 消息,传闻:~传(chuán )(传闻)。闻~而动。

  • 表现在外的景象、态度、举止:~景。~度。~格(a.气度,作风;b.文艺作品表现出的思想、艺术特色)。~骨(a.刚强的气概;b.诗文书画雄健有力的风格)。~致。~采(a.人美好的礼仪举止,亦作“丰采”;b.文采;c.旧时指某些官吏的刚正风格)。~骚(a.指举止轻佻,如“卖弄~~”,一般指妇女;b.中国的《诗经》和《楚辞》的并称)。

  • 指民歌、歌谣:国~(《诗经》中古代十五国的民歌)。采~。

  • 中医学指某些疾病:~瘫。~湿。

  • 姓。

  • 古同“讽”,讽刺。


(空气流动) wind:

  • 清风

    cool [refreshing, pleasant] breeze;

  • 台风


  • 飓风



(风气; 风俗) practice; atmosphere; custom:

  • 移风易俗

    change prevailing habits and custom;

  • 树新风

    foster healthy tendencies;

  • 纠正不正之风

    correct unhealthy tendencies;

  • 节约成风。

    Thrift has become the prevailing practice.


(景象) scene; view:

  • 风光

    sight; scene; view


(态度) attitude:

  • 作风

    style; way;

  • 学风

    style of study


(风声; 消息) news; information:

  • 闻风而逃

    flee at the news


(指民歌,《诗经》里的《国风》,是古代十五国的民歌) a section in The Book of Songs consisting of ballads:

  • 采风

    collect ballads


(某些疾病) disease:

  • 羊痫风


  • 鹅掌风

    fungal infection of the hand;

  • 中风



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 风胡子

    Feng Huzi


(借风力吹干) put out to dry or air:

  • 风干



(借风力使纯净) winnow:

  • 风净



(借风力吹干的) air-dried:

  • 风肉

    air-dried meat


(传说的; 没有确实根据的) rumoured; groundless:

  • 风言风语

    slanderous gossip

  1. 银行界刮起了改革之风。

    A wind of change was blowing through the banking world .

  2. 怒吼的风如同堕入地狱的灵魂在哀声恸哭。

    The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls .

  3. 天气炎热,连一丝风都没有。

    The weather was hot , without a breath of wind .

  4. 把大门闩好以免被风吹开。

    Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow open .

  5. 这堵墙挡着常刮的风,起到一些保护作用。

    The wall gives some protection from the prevailing wind .

  6. 他们听着风在林间呼啸的声音。

    They listened to the howl of the wind through the trees .

  7. 检查一下屋顶上是否有瓦被风刮得挪位。

    Check for roof tiles that have been displaced by the wind .

  8. 道路被风吹来的厚厚积雪阻塞。

    The road was blocked by deep drifts of snow .

  9. 风吹得池水起了涟漪。

    The wind made little waves on the pond .

  10. 风把树喀嚓一声刮断了。

    The wind had snapped the tree in two .

  11. 风从沙漠那边吹来,把一切都蒙上了一层沙子。

    The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand .

  12. 所有的房间都已打扫干净并且通了风。

    The rooms had all been cleaned and aired .

  13. 我被风刮得快站不住了。

    I was almost blown over by the wind .

  14. 门被风刮开了,一股冷风疾冲进来。

    The door blew open , letting in a rush of cold air .

  15. 这些种子是由风传播的。

    The seeds are transported by the wind .

  16. 树枝在风中摇曳。

    The branches were swaying in the wind .

  17. 这周围的乡村风多石头多。

    The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky .

  18. 他被风吹到旁边。

    He was blown sidewards by the wind .

  19. 你好,西蒙!什么风把你吹来了?

    Hello Simon ! What brings you here ?

  20. 到黄昏时,风稍稍减弱了。

    By evening the wind had moderated slightly .

  21. 我无论对他们说什么都只被当作耳边风。

    Everything I tell them just goes in one ear and out the other .

  22. 风迎面吹来。

    The wind was right in our faces .

  23. 树在风中摇晃。

    The trees were swaying in the wind .

  24. 她的裙子让风吹得鼓起来了。

    Her skirt ballooned out in the wind .

  25. 风吹得一扇窗户咣地关上了。

    A window slammed shut in the wind .

  26. 他们所有的忠告全被当成了耳边风。

    All their advice was swept aside .

  27. 风不时地吹动着我的上衣。

    The wind plucked at my jacket .

  28. 风呼呼地从他耳边吹过。

    The wind screeched in his ears .

  29. 松树被风吹弯了。

    The pines bowed in the wind .

  30. 船帆鼓满了风。

    The sails swelled in the wind .