
fēng chē
  • windmill;pinwheel;winnower;aerovane
风车 [fēng chē]
  • (1) [windmill]∶利用风力驱动的机械装置

  • (2) [pinwheel]∶一种玩具,由纸或塑胶制的叶片,松弛装在杆的末端,能在风中旋转

风车[fēng chē]
  1. 风车不动换了。

    The windmill has stopped .

  2. 这个不同寻常的新潮流让大多数的用户玩儿得很开心,他们将文尼·韦斯特的《TooPlayer》设置为“风车舞”视频的背景音乐。

    In the caption . " Most of the poster are having fun with the unusual new trend , setting " Too Player " by Vinny West as the soundtrack to their windmill .

  3. 风车是马略卡岛风光的一大特色。

    Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mallorcan landscape

  4. 所以,让我们结束内部间的争吵吧!再也不要去做同风车作战的蠢事了。

    So let us stop bickering within our ranks.Stop tilting at windmills .

  5. Air(初三适用)气流清选风车中谷物的动力学特性和影响因素的研究

    Dynamic characteristics and factors affecting performance of air - stream cleaning windmill

  6. MW级吸力筒式海上风车结构设计研究

    Study on Structural Design of MW Class Suction Wind Turbine

  7. 风车Wn~是整和图与模整和图

    The Windmill W_n ~ Is the Integral Sum Graph and Mod Integral Sum Graph

  8. 基于ANFIS的涡轮发动机风车工况建模仿真

    Turbojet modeling and simulation in wind milling based on ANFIS

  9. 风车子抑素A4及其衍生物的研究进展

    Combretastatin A4 and its analogues : research advances

  10. 在MPPT的输出端使用低通滤波器来平滑风车转速控制的指令值。

    A low pass filter is used at the output of the MPPT controller to smooth the rotating speed reference .

  11. 为了消除逆变器死区所造成的风车功率波动影响,MPPT控制周期和发电机的转速是同步的;

    In order to avoid the dead time effect of the inverter the MPPT control is synchronized to the rotating speed of the generator ;

  12. 高效液相色谱法测定猕猴血浆中的风车子素A-4及其磷酸酯

    Analysis of Combretastatin A-4 and Its Phosphate Ester in Macaque Plasma by HPLC

  13. 来自马拉威的发明家WilliamKamkwamba14岁的时候,就利用从图书馆得来的资料制定了大致计划,利用多余的零部件做成了一部家用发电风车。

    William Kamkwamba : How I built my family a windmill When he was just 14 years old , Malawian inventor William Kamkwamba built his family an electricity-generating windmill from spare parts , working from rough plans he found in a library book

  14. Conlon的中国名字叫康德明,现在是武汉铁人风车有限公司的董事长。

    Conlon has a Chinese name : Kang Deming . Currently , he is chairman of the board of Wuhan Iron Man Windmill Corp.

  15. 该调度器基于单调比率调度算法RM、风车调度算法Sr和轮询服务器调度算法,能快速判定可调度性,进而自动生成总线表,使调度算法将数据包作为周期数据包进行调度。

    This scheduler , based on Rate Monotonic ( RM ), pinwheel scheduling algorithm Sr and Polling Server ( PS ) scheduling algorithms , can rapidly judge the schedulability and then automatically generate a bus table to schedule the packets as the periodic packets .

  16. 塞万提斯因作品《堂·吉诃德》被世人铭记,书中的同名主人公曾经用长矛大战风车,他和他的冒险故事为世人带来了“吉诃德式的”(quixotic)这个词。

    Cervantes is most often remembered for " Don Quixote , " which gave the world the word quixotic in acknowledgment of its central character and his adventures , including his joust with windmills .

  17. 分布式多媒体任务风车调度延迟问题的研究

    The Research of Delay of Pinwheel Scheduling for Distributed Multimedia Tasks

  18. 高效率的垂直轴直板式风车研究

    The Research on High Efficient Perpendicular Axle Straight Board Type Windmill

  19. 嗯,荷兰以郁金香和风车为人所熟知。

    Well , Holland is famous for its tulips and windmills .

  20. 他谈到了风车和其他一些能产生能量的东西。

    He talked about windmills and other things that produce energy .

  21. 只有快速运动的粒子才能使小风车转动。

    Only fast-moving particles could make the little mill spin round .

  22. 邮票上的图片是木屐和风车。

    The picture of the stamp is clogs and the windmill .

  23. 大致近似于纸风车上的双重螺旋线。

    A rough approximation would be the dual spirals in pinwheel .

  24. 基于风车形子单元的自重构机器人运动及自重构规划

    Motion and self-reconfiguration planning of self-reconfigurable robot based on windmill-like meta-module

  25. 草坪上的那个老风车遮挡了你的视线

    You couldn 't see past the elderly windmill on the lawn

  26. 他大声喊道,一边像风车一样挥动着两条长长的手臂。

    He shouted , waving his long arms like a windmill .

  27. 不管你往哪个方向看,随处都可见到风车翼在转动。

    Whichever way you looked , you could see sails turning .

  28. 从风里获得的能量(用风车)。

    Power derived from the wind ( as by windmills ) .

  29. 1930年代美国经济大萧条之后的农村电气化,淘汰了农场上的风车。

    Rural electrification following the Great Depression made farm windmills obsolete .

  30. 可以在那里买到我一直很喜欢的小玩具风车。

    I always liked those little pin-wheels you could buy there .