
bào fēng
  • storm;squall;storm wind;gale;violent storm;gust;blinding wind;snifter
暴风 [bào fēng]
  • [gale;gust;squall;blinding wind;storm wind] 急骤的大风;带来风暴的风;蒲福风级中,风速为104-117公里/小时的风

暴风[bào fēng]
  1. 让人家去说长道短!要像一座直立的塔,决不因暴风而倾斜。

    Don 't mind other 's idle gossip ! Like an upright tower , never tile to one side in the storm wind .

  2. 在沿海地区的一次猛烈暴风雨中死了数百人。

    Hundreds of lives were lost during a violent storm along the coast .

  3. 山崖上的一块石头在暴风雨中崩塌下来。

    A chunk of the cliff had cracked off in a storm .

  4. 他们不幸在途中遇上了暴风雪。

    Unfortunately they ran into a snowstorm along the way .

  5. 茅草屋顶在暴风雨中遭到严重破坏。

    The thatch was badly damaged in the storm .

  6. 他们的船在暴风雨中倾覆后有48人溺亡。

    Forty-eight people have drowned after their boat capsized during a storm

  7. 她出生在一场暴风雨中。

    She was born in the middle of a rain storm .

  8. 暴风雪今天袭击了西部地区,导致气温骤降。

    A snowstorm hit the West today , bringing with it frigid temperatures

  9. 暴风雪夹着大团的积雪吹过湖面。

    A blizzard was blasting great drifts of snow across the lake .

  10. 埃莉诺在暴风雪大作时到达。

    Eleanor arrived in the midst of a blizzard .

  11. 他拉开帐篷的门帘,大步走进暴风雪中。

    He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard .

  12. 彼得为了救其中一只鸡在暴风雪中艰难前行。

    Peter fought his way through a blizzard to save one of the chickens .

  13. 飞机在暴风雪中起飞的时候滑出了跑道。

    The plane skidded off the runway while taking off in a snow storm .

  14. 本世纪最恶劣的冬季暴风雪横扫北美东海岸。

    The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of North America

  15. 在暴风雨中,水从出气孔中喷射出来,就像鲸鱼喷水一样。

    In a storm , water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale .

  16. 隆冬时节的一个星期四,一大早醒来我就发现外面刮起了暴风雪。

    Early one Thursday morning in the dead of winter I awoke to a blizzard .

  17. 暴风雪造成了严重的积雪现象。

    The storm caused severe drifting .

  18. 昨天在暴风雪中失踪的一名男子已经被找到,人安然无恙。

    A man who went missing yesterday during a blizzard has been found alive and well .

  19. 伦敦大桥曾于1091年在一次暴风雨中被汹涌的潮水冲毁。

    In the year 1091 , London Bridge was destroyed by a tidal surge during a storm .

  20. 周末暴风雪中的一名罹难者已确认是20岁的约翰·巴尔。

    One of the victims of the weekend 's snowstorm has been named as twenty-year-old John Barr .

  21. 拍摄背景为湛蓝的天空或者乌黑的暴风云时,可能需要减少曝光量。

    Against a deep blue sky or dark storm-clouds , you may need to reduce the exposure .

  22. 在那场暴风雨中,许多树都被刮倒了。

    Many trees fell in the storm .

  23. 尽管暴风雪造成了各种损失,农民依然得交租。

    Peasants still had to pay the rent despite all of the damage inflicted by the storm .

  24. 船骨在暴风雨中吱嘎作响。

    The ship 's timbers groaned audibly during the storm .

  25. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。

    The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land .

  26. 未来三日内将有暴风雪。

    There will be a storm in three days .

  27. 暴风雨后,庄稼全倒伏了。

    Crops all got flattened after the storm .

  28. 树叶在暴风雨中飘动。

    The leaves drift in the storm .

  29. 暴风在林中怒吼。

    Storm roared through the forest .

  30. 北部的一切交通均为暴风雪所阻。

    All communications with the north have been stopped by snowstorm .