
fēng dí
  • air whistle;dudelsa;one of bamboo flute;bagpipes
风笛 [fēng dí]
  • [one of bamboo flute] 管乐器,笛子的一种

风笛[fēng dí]
  1. 坏天气对上午那些风笛吹奏者毫不容情。

    The weather was unkind to those pipers who played in the morning .

  2. 上午10点,一位风笛独奏家揭开了阿伯丁高地运动会的序幕,下午1点主要比赛项目开始。

    A solo piper opens Aberdeen Highland Games at 10am and the main events start at 1pm .

  3. 是的,我也想学习吹风笛

    Yes , and I 'm also learning to play the bagpipes .

  4. 夜幕中传来悲哭般的风笛声

    A wailful bagpipe played out in the night .

  5. 于是醋溜先生拿过了风笛,风笛手牵走了奶牛

    Mr. Vinegar took the bagpipes and the piper led the cow away .

  6. 风笛是一种听起来很悦耳的乐器。

    The bagpipe is a sweet musical instrument .

  7. 也许我会顺着16街吹奏出的风笛甜美的声音走过去

    Maybe I 'll follow the sweet sound of the bagpiper playing along 16th Street .

  8. 像是吹着风笛和哨子。

    And whistles in his sound .

  9. 名词,风笛的古英语写法。

    old English word for bagpipe

  10. 按照声号筒设计原理,研究设计了JQF型低噪声局部隔声罩风笛装置。

    According to air horn design theory , JQF low noise air horn device with partial acoustical enclosure has been designed .

  11. 在大量的风笛试验测量基础上,比较了不同型号机车风笛的声学性能,试验结果表明:机车前方中心0°大约30m处的声级为105~112dB(A);

    Compare the acoustic characteristic with the different type of air horn . The measuring results showed that the air horn all produce 105 ~ 112 dB ( A ) of sound level at 30 meters directly in front of the train .

  12. 斯洛伐克的民间乐器包括fujara(一种笛子)、风笛和其它一些乐器,并用这些乐器来演奏一种叫“czardas”的民间舞蹈音乐。

    Folk instruments include the fujara ( a flute ), bagpipes , and others , used to make dance music called czardas .

  13. 他们会喝着蜂蜜酒,吹着风笛,直到天亮。

    They 'll be drinking Mead and playing bagpipes till dawn .

  14. 按照传统,风笛手被编入英国陆军苏格兰团部队中。

    Scottish regiments have traditionally been led into battle by pipers .

  15. 铁道机车风笛声学性能试验研究

    Test and Analysis on Acoustic Performance of Railway Locomotive Air Horn

  16. 万物都有它的季节,啊,西班牙风笛!

    All things have their season , O bagpipes of Spain !

  17. 风笛只发出吱吱的怪声。孩子们非但没给他钱,还对他百般嘲笑。

    The children instead of giving him pennies laughed at him .

  18. 获得世界冠军的一个风笛乐队就在此诞生。

    It is also home to a world champion bagpipe band .

  19. 我们也都听过苏格兰风笛悠扬的笛声。

    Andrea : And have heard the sound of bagpipes .

  20. 风笛吹奏者的表演感动了每位在场者。

    The piper 's performance moved all the people present .

  21. 里夫斯:几对对风笛手在她的棺材前行进着。

    REEVES : A couple of pipers march ahead of the coffin .

  22. 关于风笛的那一幕,真是巨搞笑啊,伙计。

    That bagpipe scene , that was the funniest shit , man .

  23. 没用,我的胃涨得像风笛一样。

    No use , my stomach is swallen like bagpipes .

  24. 风笛声激不起我的热情。

    The sound of bagpipes doesn 't stir my blood .

  25. 对铁道机车风笛声学性能的建议

    The Recommend on the Acoustic Characteristic of Whistle for Locomotive

  26. “我可以卖给你呀,”风笛手说道。

    " I 'll sell them to you ," said the piper .

  27. 酬金留给你自己用吧,吹风笛的人傲慢地说。

    " Keep your recompense for yourself ," replied the piper proudly .

  28. 罗马军队入侵大不列颠的时候,风笛传入苏格兰。

    Rome 's military invasion of Great Britain , Scottish pipers introduced .

  29. 我可以听到远处有人在吹风笛。

    I could hear some pipes playing in the distance .

  30. 最后一次见到你,你在电影里吹风笛呢。

    Last time I sawyou , you were playing bagpipes in that movie .