
jūn yuè
  • military music;martial music;martial(or military)music
军乐 [jūn yuè]
  • [martial(or military)music] 俗称用管乐器和打击乐器演奏的音乐,因为军队中常用而得名

军乐[jūn yuè]
  1. 景色就像军乐一样扣人心弦。

    The scene thrills one like military music !

  2. 电幕上换了种吵人的军乐。

    The telescreen had changed over to strident military music .

  3. 军乐队演奏了峰会中各与会国的音乐。

    Military bandsmen played music from each country represented at the summit .

  4. 前国防部长罗伯特∙盖茨(RobertGates)过去常说,国防部军乐队的人数与国务院外交人员(ForeignService)相当。

    Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates used to say that the Department of Defense has as many people in military bands as the State Department has in the Foreign Service .

  5. 每年,平均有217000名观众会聚爱丁堡城堡(EdinburghCastle),观看闻名遐迩的爱丁堡军乐表演。

    Every year , an average of217,000 people gather at Edinburgh Castle in order to watch the famous Military Tattoo .

  6. 如今,MardisGras节当天会举办嘉年华、行进军乐队演奏、舞蹈以及大街上通宵的派对活动。

    Today , Mardi Gras is a riot of colour , street carnivals , marching bands , dancing and all-night partying inthe streets .

  7. 扬声器连续不断地放送军乐节目。

    The loudspeakers poured forth a continuous programme of martial music .

  8. 军乐队通常使用铜管乐器、木管乐器和打击乐器演奏。

    Military bands usually play brass , woodwind and percussion instruments .

  9. 那的确是一个表演,由60人组成的军乐队参加。

    It 's quite a show complete with a60-piece military band .

  10. 有个家伙请了一支军乐队来陪他宣布离职。

    One guy hired a marching band to accompany his announcement .

  11. 军乐使军人的心中充满勇气;

    The regimental band puts courage into the hearts of troops ;

  12. 新建陆军军乐队的诞生标志着中国现代军乐肇始。

    Its birth symbolized the beginning of Chinese modern military music .

  13. 伴奏军乐队的女指挥。

    A female baton twirler who accompanies a marching band .

  14. 乐队(特别是军乐队)成员。

    A player in a band ( especially a military band ) .

  15. 美国军乐团在音乐会现场演奏。

    The United States live music band is performing in the concert .

  16. 军乐团演奏的军乐格外雄浑有力。

    The military music played by the military band is especially powerful .

  17. 军乐声总是鼓舞人心的。

    The sound of martial music is always inspiring .

  18. 你在军乐队惹了什么麻烦?

    What was your trouble in the bugle corps ?

  19. 军乐队应当能够演奏仪式和行军乐曲。

    The military band should be capable of playing ceremonial and marching music .

  20. 上周我们的军乐队刚结束了州级比赛,我们得第一名,好兴奋!

    Our band just finished the final state marching band contest last week .

  21. 欧洲军乐队建制之发展

    The Evolution of the Band Organizational System In Europe

  22. 那个…低音她是军乐队里唯一能搬动那玩意的女生

    The only girl in marching band with the arms to handle it .

  23. 一名指挥带领着军乐队。

    A baton twirler led the brass band .

  24. 军乐队,烟火,庆祝,烤肉,绰号,独立钟。

    Marching band , firework , celebration , barbecue , nickname , liberty bell .

  25. 远处传来一阵军乐的声音,是一支进行曲。

    In the distance there was a sound of band music , a match .

  26. 他们提出一个胡图军乐于接受的提案。

    And they have proposed a deal the Hutu generals are willing to accept .

  27. 新建陆军军乐队有其独特的文化功能。

    The Band has its unique cultural functions .

  28. 他已经退了军乐团和机器人实验室

    He already quit marching band and robotics lab

  29. 来自廊坊,军乐队专业长笛演奏,喜欢绘画与写作。

    From langfang , professional flutist in army band , like painting and composition .

  30. 音乐会以凯旋军乐作终结。

    The concert concluded with a blissful finale .