
jūn shì yǎn xí
  • military exercise;drill;war game;manoeuvre
  1. 这次军事演习被谴责为一次挑衅行为。

    The military exercise was condemned as an act of aggression .

  2. 我希望我能看到中俄联合军事演习。

    I wish I had seen the Sino-Russian joint military exercise .

  3. 这个营地被用于军事演习。

    The camp was used for military manoeuvres .

  4. 鲍威尔将军预测将来甚至可能举行联合军事演习。

    General Powell predicted that in the future it might even be possible to stage joint military exercises

  5. 士兵在军事演习时必须按教令行动。

    Soldiers are supposed to follow the instruction manual during military exercises .

  6. 在军事演习后,所有战斗机都安全降落在机场上。

    All the fighters landed safely on the airport after the military maneuver .

  7. 实时地形绘制在游戏、飞行训练、军事演习模拟、地理信息系统(GIS)等领域中有着广泛应用。

    Real-time terrain rendering has been widely used in games , VR , simulations and GIS , etc.

  8. 近年来,地形漫游已经广泛应用于电子游戏、虚拟现实、飞行模拟、军事演习以及GIS等各个应用和研究领域。

    Recently , terrain walkthrough has been widely used in computer games , VR , flight simulations , military mission planning and GIS etc.

  9. 一般来说,军事演习需要准备大概一年。restassured放心,得到保证你尽管放心,这钱肯定是你的,只要你想要,我随时都可以给你。

    You may rest assured that this money belongs to you , I can give it to you any time you want .

  10. 在虚拟场景中,尤其是室外虚拟场景,如飞行模拟、游戏和军事演习等系统中3D云是一个非常重要的组成部分,使场景的真实度和交互性大大提高。

    In virtual scene , especially in outdoor virtual scene such as flight simulation 、 game and war game system , 3D cloud is a very important part because it improves the third dimension of the virtual reality .

  11. 主要探讨利用Java编程、VRML构造虚拟现实场景、三维建模技术以及网络技术相结合来构造虚拟军事演习场景。

    This text ( paper or article ) mainly researches how to utilize Java programming , virtual reality scene of VRML structure , three-dimensional modeling technology and network technology to fictitious military exercises scene .

  12. 随着HLA在高新武器的效能仿真、军事演习等军事仿真领域的应用日益广泛,数据收集也在其中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    With the increasingly wide employments of HLA-based applications in the military fields such as simulations of new weapons and battles , data collection also plays a very important role in the systems .

  13. 近年来,随着GIS和虚拟现实(VR)技术的发展,军事演习和指挥决策在概念上有了新的飞跃,通过建立虚拟作战实验室来进行军事训练和研究。

    In recent years , with the development of GIS and suppositional real ( VR ) technology , and combat exercise commanding and study to come to carry out military training the laboratory making policy having had the new leap on the concept , supposing by building-up to do battle .

  14. 乌克兰军方发言人安德里•李森科上校(Col.AndriyLysenko)表示:乌克兰把在乌克兰边境这类史无前例的军事演习视为一种挑衅。

    Ukraine considers the conducting of such unprecedented military exercises on the border with Ukraine as a provocation , said Col. Andriy Lysenko , a Ukrainian army spokesperson .

  15. 在空难的那一天,吉阿将军在旁遮普大沙漠的巴哈瓦普尔(音)附近参加一次美国造M1A1主战坦克的军事演习。

    On the day of the crash , General Zia had been attending a demonstration of American-made M1A1 main battle tanks near Bahawalpur in the Punjabi desert .

  16. 在军事演习仿真中,CosimVE是不可缺少的工具,可以大大降低成本,节省金钱、时间、资源和生命,提高安全性和保密性。

    Cosim_VE is a necessary aid for military manoeuvre simulation . It can greatly reduce costs , save moneys 、 time 、 wealth and lives , improve security and secrecy .

  17. 中国民用航空局(CAAC)昨日在一份声明中表示,由于例行性军事演习,包机和私人飞机飞行计划申请全部暂停,同时要求商业航空公司减少华东多数大型机场的起降航班。

    All unscheduled or private aircraft flights have been suspended and commercial airlines have been ordered to cut the number of routes in and out of most big airports in eastern China because of routine military exercises , the Civil Aviation Administration of China said in a statement yesterday .

  18. 2001年时,一架俄罗斯客机被乌克兰在军事演习中发射的一枚S-200导弹误击,在黑海坠落,机上78名乘客和机组人员全部遇难。

    Back In 2001 , all 78 passengers and crew members were killed when Ukraine accidentally shot down a Russian airliner , sending it plummeting into the Black Sea after it was accidentally hit by a S-200 rocket during military exercises .

  19. 由于天气不好他们暂时停止军事演习。

    They halted the operation on account of the bad weather .

  20. 加拿大一直在加美边境附近进行军事演习。

    Canada has been doing military exercises near the Canada-U.S. border .

  21. 而且俄罗斯已经在乌克兰边境附近开始军事演习。

    And Russia has started military exercises near its border with Ukraine .

  22. 2006年,与塔吉克斯坦举行联合反恐军事演习。

    In2006 , China and Tajikistan ran a joint counter-terrorism military exercise .

  23. 有文学气质的人,在军事演习上也是一位难能可贵的专家。

    One who has literary tastes is rarely expert in military exercises .

  24. 边境地区曾有过大规模的军事演习。

    There have been large-scale military manoeuvres on the frontier .

  25. 因此,军事演习按预定进行。

    Therefore , the war games will proceed as scheduled .

  26. 他们在一片荒地上进行军事演习。

    They had a war game on a piece of waste land .

  27. 美国领导的军事演习涉及几十个国家。

    US have leading a military exercise that involves dozens of countries .

  28. 一般来说,军事演习需要准备大概一年。

    Typically , war-games takes roughly a year to prepare .

  29. 军事演习前后演习人员尿儿茶酚胺含量的变化分析

    Changes of Catecholamine Content in Urine of Personnel Before and After Military Manoeuvres

  30. 英国军队曾用这种水陆两用交通工具在婆罗州作过军事演习。

    The British Army used these amphibious craft in military operations in borneo .