
jūn shì
  • military affairs
军事 [jūn shì]
  • [military affairs] 与军队或战争有关的事情

  • 晓畅军事。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 军事演习

军事[jūn shì]
  1. 为了巩固国家统一,维持秦朝永传万代,秦始皇在政治、经济、军事和文化上进行了很多改革。

    To strengthen the unity3 of the nation and to perpetuate4 the Qin Dynasty , Emperor Qin Shi Huang carried out many reforms in politics , economy , military affairs and culture .

  2. 论虎图腾崇拜源流及其对古代政治军事的影响

    Origins of the Worship of Tiger Totem and Its Influence on Ancient Politics and Military Affairs

  3. 军事政权尚未放松对权力的控制。

    The military regime has not loosened its hold on power .

  4. 难民被安置在一座废弃的军事基地里住宿。

    The refugees are being lodged at an old army base .

  5. 他畅行无阻地通过了好几处军事检查站。

    He was able to pass unhindered through several military checkpoints .

  6. 我们可能只好对这一地区进行军事干涉。

    We may have to intervene militarily in the area .

  7. 就军事角度看,这次行动是成功的。

    The operation was considered a success in military terms .

  8. 这些单位在军事行动中起到了主要的职能作用。

    These units played a key functional role in the military operation .

  9. 军事介入只会使冲突加剧。

    Military intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further .

  10. 他在1997年的军事政变中夺取了政权。

    He seized power in a military coup in 1997 .

  11. 他们军事实力较强,占有巨大优势。

    Their superior military strength gives them a huge advantage .

  12. 这军官拒绝让他的士兵参加这项军事行动。

    The officer refused to let his men take part in the operation .

  13. 总统在军事政变中被废黜。

    The president was deposed in a military coup .

  14. 总统在军事政变中被赶下台。

    The president was overthrown in a military coup .

  15. 联合国已经着手增援其驻扎在边境的军事力量。

    The UN has undertaken to reinforce its military presence along the borders .

  16. 部队正从北部基地发动军事行动。

    Troops are operating from bases in the north .

  17. 民调中有超过50%的人反对拟议的军事行动。

    Over 50 % of those polled were against the proposed military action .

  18. 人民最终起来反抗军事独裁。

    Finally the people revolted against the military dictatorship .

  19. 他被授以这次军事行动的作战指挥权。

    He was given tactical command of the operation .

  20. 我们可能不得不采取军事行动。

    We may have to take military action .

  21. 他在军事政变中夺取了政权。

    He seized power in a military coup .

  22. 这个城市仍实施严格的军事管制。

    The city remains firmly under martial law .

  23. 他在军事法庭上被判有罪。

    He was convicted at a court martial .

  24. 民主政体现已取代军事统治。

    Democratic government has now replaced military rule .

  25. 军事统治政权被推翻以后,接着是一段时期的无政府状态。

    The overthrow of the military regime was followed by a period of anarchy .

  26. 现在所有这些军人都面临军事法庭的审判。

    All the men now face court martial .

  27. 他们轰炸了军事和民用目标。

    They bombed military and civilian targets .

  28. 这支军队的溃败使这个地区出现了军事真空。

    The collapse of the army left a vacuum in the area

  29. 对他们的判决是由一个军事法庭秘密作出的。

    They were sentenced by a military tribunal sitting in camera .

  30. 存在选择军事手段的切实可能这一点将会起到作用。

    The real existence of a military option will come into play