
  • 网络MILITARY ENGINEERING;Military Engineer
  1. 关于军事工程院校实施素质教育的思考

    Reflections on the Implementation of Quality Education in Military Engineering Institutes

  2. 玻纤增强材料在军事工程中的应用

    The applications of glass fiber reinforced material in the military engineering field

  3. 当一座桥梁被作为非军事工程爆破时,就产生了完全不同的要求。

    When a bridge is to be blasted as a non-military operation , completely different demands are made .

  4. 氮化硼(BN)是一种具有多种优良性能的新型无机材料,在军事工程、科学技术和工业生产中有广阔的应用前景。

    Hexagonal boron nitride ( h-BN ) is a new inorganic material with various excellent properties . h-BN is in well prospects of application in industry , science and technology , military engineering and so on .

  5. 军事工程院校金工实习的教学与改革

    Education and reform on metalworking practice in military academy of engineering

  6. 工程量清单招标模式下军事工程招标模式研究

    Study on the Military Engineering Tender Pattern of the Resilience Detailed List

  7. 液压阻尼器越来越广泛地应用于军事工程和民用工程。

    Hydraulic dampers have been widely used in both military and civilian projects .

  8. 基于高层体系结构的军事工程毁伤与防护仿真系统

    Damage and protection simulation system of military engineering based on high level architecture

  9. 论军事工程投资风险及其管理

    On military project investment risk and the management

  10. 高大空间军事工程辐射供暖系统国产化研究及应用

    Research and application of radiant heating system with domestic components for large space structure

  11. 监测技术在军事工程装备中的应用

    Application of Monitoring Technology in Military Engineering Equipment

  12. 军事工程投资多属性效用决策

    Multi-attribution effectiveness policy decision of military project investment

  13. 论军事工程建设项目跟踪效益审计

    Auditing of the military project construction item benefit

  14. 关于日伪统治时期军事工程与军用劳工问题的研究和探讨

    Commentate On the Military in Stallions and Laborer During Japan and regime Rule period

  15. 军事工程项目风险浅论

    Briefly on the risk of military project items

  16. 哈尔滨军事工程学院的筹建与苏联援助(1952&1953)

    The Foundation of Harbin Institute of Military Engineering and Soviet Union s Aid ( 1952-1953 );

  17. 它的应用十分广泛,涉及科学研究、军事工程和国民经济许多部门。

    It is widely used in scientific research and military engineering and national economy of many departments .

  18. 军事工程技术院校争取基金项目的实践与思考

    The Practices and Considerations on Striving for the Military Engineering Academies to Take the Items of Science Foundation

  19. 军事工程院校要全面发展素质教育,创造素质教育的环境。

    Military engineering institutes should cultivate in their cadets all these qualities and create an environment for quality education .

  20. 液压挖掘机是一种重要的工程机械,广泛应用在国民经济各部门和军事工程上。

    Hydraulic excavator is an important engineering machinery , widely used in the sectors of the national economy and military project .

  21. 液压挖掘机在矿山采掘、交通运输、工业与民用建筑、水利工程和电力工程以及军事工程等施工中起着极为重要的作用。

    Hydraulic excavator plays important role in the industrial and civil construction , transportation , water power engineering , mining , and military engineering .

  22. 大型混凝土工程如高坝、核电站、交通和军事工程中混凝土的损伤塑性问题是亟待解决的难题。

    Plasticity and damage problems need to be settled urgently for large concrete projects such as high dams , nuclear power station , highway and military works .

  23. 海洋系泊链用钢主要用于制造海洋石油平台、海洋工程、航空母舰及其他军事工程的高级系泊链。

    Mooring-chain steel is mainly used for the fabrication of senior mooring chain in offshore oil platforms , marine engineering , aircraft carriers and other military engineering .

  24. 这些滤光片已用于激光测距等多种军事工程,它们的长期稳定性在战备环境中得到了进一步验证。

    These filters have been already used for several military engineering for laser ranging , and their long term stability has been further verified in the military environment .

  25. 她的创办,对于中国军事工程技术教育事业的起步与发展,对于中国国防现代化和正规化建设,作出重要贡献。

    Its foundation made the greatest contribution to both starting and development of Chinese military technology education and the construction of the modernization and standardization of Chinese National Defense .

  26. 陈赓是新中国第一所军事工程学院的建院元勋,其工作在当代中国军事工程技术教育史上是开创性的。

    Chen Geng was the founder of the New China 's first academy of military engineering , and he made a pioneering contribution to military engineering education in contemporary China .

  27. 在周三晚时,在的黎波里东部的郊区T区中,几个目标被三轮空袭,一军事工程学院被袭击并着火。

    On Wednesday night , several targets in the Tajoura district in Tripoli 's eastern suburb were attacked by three rounds of bombing , and a military engineering institute was hit and caught fire .

  28. 防御性军事工程与移民、戍卒所构筑的边防体系在维护王朝意志的同时也成为中原与西域,东方与西方经济文化交流互通的历史见证。

    The frontier defense system the Great Wall , migration and soldiers is not only the vindicator of empire spirit but also the witness of cultural exchange between hinterland and frontier , east and west .

  29. 混凝土材料在动态荷载作用下的率敏感性和损伤机理,是众多大型工程如高坝、核电站、交通和军事工程中急待解决的难题。

    Rate sensibility and damage mechanism of concrete materials subjected dynamic loads need to be settled urgently for many large engineering projects such as high dams , nuclear power stations , highways and military works .

  30. 该研究为地下军事工程设施的修建和防护提供参考,且对于设计攻击具有厚土层覆盖的坚固目标的弹丸战斗部具有重要意义。

    The research provides good references for construction and protection of underground military engineering . It also has important meaning for the warhead design of projectile when attacking hard target that covered by thick soil .