
jūn duì shěn jì
  • military audit
  1. 作为军队审计组成部分的生活服务中心审计,如何顺应绩效审计的发展潮流,将是目前一段时期军队审计工作者面临的一项课题。

    Living service center audit as an integral part of military life service center audit , how to adapt to the trend of development of performance audit , which will be a subject faced by military audit staff currently for a period of time .

  2. 加入WTO后军队审计工作面临的机遇、挑战与对策

    Chance , challenge and Countermeasure of troops auditing after the entrance into WTO

  3. 网络环境对军队审计的影响及审计创新

    Influence of network surroundings upon troops auditing and the innovation

  4. 发挥免疫系统功能拓展军队审计职能

    Play an Immune System Role , Promote the Audit Function in Army

  5. 军队审计工作中信息不对称的原因及解决对策

    Cause of the asymmetric information in troops auditing work and the Countermeasures

  6. 军队审计信息化建设的目标定位与对策思路

    The goal and Countermeasure of troops auditing informationalization construction

  7. 信息时代的军队审计自动化研究

    Automation of troops auditing in the era of information

  8. 军事经济权责结构变动与军队审计发展

    Development of military auditing and composition of rights and duties in military economy

  9. 新时期军队审计工作的建设和发展

    Development of military auditing in the new period

  10. 论军队审计期望差

    A study of troops Auditing Expectation Gap

  11. 谈军队审计的约束机制和激励机制

    Restriction and competition mechanism of troops auditing

  12. 关于保留和发展军队审计事务所的思考

    Retaining and developing troops audit offices

  13. 对军队审计工作的理性分析

    Rational analysis of troops auditing work

  14. 试论军队审计质量控制

    On Quatitative control of military auditing

  15. 军队审计管理创新探要

    Innovation on the military auditing management

  16. 军队审计信息化建设探讨

    Information construction of troops auditing

  17. 浅谈军队审计正规化建设的内容

    On standardization of military auditing

  18. 论军队审计体制改革

    Reform on Army Audit System

  19. 我国国家审计体制和军队审计体制诞生于计划经济体制的背景之下,论述了随着市场经济体制的建立与完善,军事经济环境发生了巨大的变化,国家和军队审计体制暴露出一些缺陷。

    Auditing system for China and the army auditing system were born from planned economy . With the establishment and perfect of the market economy , the military environments change greatly and some disfigurements in the state and army auditing system are discovered .

  20. 军队绩效审计初探

    An Elementary study on the Performance Audit of the Army

  21. 其次,概述了绩效审计的理论基础和我国军队绩效审计的内容特点。

    Second , an overview of the theoretical basis of the performance audit of our army .

  22. 军队绩效审计研究是军队审计的一个前沿课题,也是一个难点课题。

    Army performance auditing research is not only a front task in army audit but also a difficult one .

  23. 国家和军队的审计机关对预算的执行过程实施严格审计监督。

    The state and armed forces ' auditing organs exercise strict auditing and supervision of the execution process of the budget .

  24. 军队绩效审计的意义在于创建一个有利于操作并科学规范的绩效审计体系。

    The significance of military performance audit is to create an environment conducive to the operation and scientific and reasonable performance audit system .

  25. 军队绩效审计处于军队审计研究课题的最前沿,同时也是一个重难点课题。

    The performance audit of the armed forces in the army audit the forefront of the research topic , but also a difficult subject .

  26. 军队绩效审计的关键问题之一,就是要寻找并建立一套科学合理的绩效审计体系。

    One of the key problems of army performance auditing is to find and then set up a scientific as well as reasonable auditing system .

  27. 本文从绩效审计与传统财务审计的关系出发,提出军队绩效审计的概念及四个方面的特征。

    This paper gives the four characters or the performance audit of the army after studying the relations between the performance audit and traditional financial audit .

  28. 军队绩效审计经过十年多的实践,已经日趋成熟,成为我军具有时代特色的审计方式。

    After more than a decade of practice , military performance audit has been more mature , which has become the audit way with era characteristic in our military .

  29. 国家和军队的审计机关,对国防费总预算和分项、分部门预算及预算的执行实施全过程审计监督。

    The auditing departments of the state and the army audit the entire process of the budget of the expenditure on national defense , from overall and sectional budgeting to the implementation of budget .

  30. 建立军队经济决策审计机制初探

    Briefly on establishing the auditing mechanism of troops economic policy making