
  1. 要使严峻的军事谈判适应灵活的外交,这是很困难的。

    It is difficult to make hard-cut military negotiations fit in with flexible diplomacy .

  2. 盖茨部长和克林顿国务卿进入了横跨临时军事分界线的谈判会场,并在参观的时候短暂进入北韩一侧。

    Secretaries Gates and Clinton entered the negotiation building that straddles the demarcation line and crossed briefly to the North Korean side as they were shown around .

  3. 美国与菲律宾就签署军事协议展开的谈判也进入了最后阶段,该协议将允许美国更多地使用菲律宾的港口和机场。

    The US is also in the final stages of negotiating a military agreement with the Philippines which will allow it greater access to ports and airfields .