
jūn pǐn jià ɡé
  • price of army article
  1. J2EE和分布式数据库在军品价格管理交易系统中的应用

    The Online Price Managed Trading System of the Military Industry Manufacture by Using J2EE and DDB

  2. 军品价格审查工作中小时费用率的研究

    Research on the Hourly Rate of Price Audit of Weapons and Equipments

  3. 军品价格激励性管制研究

    Incentive management and control of the military products price

  4. 军品价格中知识成果价值量化分析

    How to calculate the value of knowledge achievements in the military product price

  5. 试析制约军品价格改革的因素

    On the factors restricting military product price reform

  6. 论影响军品价格的因素

    Factors affecting the price of military product price

  7. 浅论军品价格审计的必要性

    Auditing of military product price : a necessity

  8. 军品价格管理,是国防经济体系中的一个重要组成部分。

    The military equipment price administration is an important constituent in national defense economic system .

  9. 论军品价格及其审计

    Price and Audit of Military Products

  10. 军品价格改革的基本思路

    On price reforms of military products

  11. 简论军品价格改革

    Discussing military product price reform

  12. 对我国军品价格管理改革的理性思考军品科研生产中的知识产权保护

    A research of the knowledge property right protection in the scientific research and production of military products

  13. 军品价格规制是一项特殊的规制,它有其独特的内涵。

    As we know , the military products pricing regulation is a special regulation of much unique connotations .

  14. 现行的军品价格管理存在诸多问题,导致国家、军队和军品生产企业之间的矛盾越来越突出。

    Current pricing management of military products causes many problems that may lead to sharper contradictions among them .

  15. 军品价格工作是装备采购工作的重要组成部分,它既与装备建设息息相关,又与国民经济和国防科技工业发展紧密相联,并贯穿于装备建设的全寿命过程。

    As an importance part of equipment acquisition , the price of military products is related with weapon equipment developments , also related closely with the developments of national economy and national defense technology industry , and pierce through the whole process of weapon equipment .

  16. 在对研究对象界定的基础上,首先,就军品现行成本价格模式的弊端进行剖析,指明了军品无形价值被埋没的事实;

    On the base of ensuring research target , first , the paper dissects the abuses of military products current cost price model , designates the fact that invisible value of military products be buried ;