
  • 网络Absolute price
  1. 消费者不仅仅会对商品的绝对价格做出反应,而且还会对商品的相对价格做出反应。

    Not only will consumers respond to the absolute prices of commodities , but also on the price perception .

  2. 高位时,庄家难以明目张胆出逃,除了权,股票的绝对价格低,散户的警惕性就降低了。

    When perch , banker hard brazenly runs away , besides authority , the absolutely price of the stock is low , medicinal powder door vigilance was reduced .

  3. 具有同行业绝对的价格竞争力,为企业节省成本;

    Competitive price in the field , so can save cost for you .

  4. 交易员们昨天的推断是,对美联储来说,这些绝对的价格水平并不重要,重要的是相对的运行步伐。

    What traders inferred yesterday was that to the Fed , these absolute levels do not matter , only the relative pace .

  5. 厦门的公共交通有绝对的价格优势,乘公交出行,20公里以内票价为1元(折合0.15美元),超过20公里的票价最高为2元。

    Public transportation in Xiamen had the absolute price advantage . A bus ride less than 20 km costs 1 yuan ( $ 0.15 ) and a longer one costs 2 yuan at most .

  6. 在此我们以绝对优惠的价格为我们的顾客提供最可靠的,最高质量的,最专业的服务。

    We are here to give our customers a reliable , quality , and professional service at unbeatable prices .

  7. 因此,对于那些寻求评估并最大化风险回报率的投资者来说,能够将绝对表现和价格波动性(特别是下跌阶段的波动性)结合起来的衡量工具是非常有用的。

    Measurements that are able to combine absolute performance with price volatility , therefore , and particularly downside volatility , are useful tools for those looking to assess and maximise return on risk .

  8. 注:1。表中绝对数按现行价格计算;相对数按可比价格计算。

    Note : 1.The absolute numbers are calculated at current prices , the relative numbers are calculated at comparable prices .

  9. 据出售这种世界最贵火腿的伦敦商场所说,这种火腿的风味绝对可以证明这个价格是合理的。

    According to the London store selling the world 's most expensive ham , the taste more than justifies the price tag .

  10. 农业资本有机构成与绝对地租&垄断价格绝对地租说质疑

    The Organic Composition of Agricultural Capital and Absolute Rent & A Challenge to the Argument of Monopoly of Price Leads to Absolute Rent Rent on Farming Land

  11. 符合假设的部分主要是风险溢价绝对值和现货价格波动率正相关,独特之处在于现货价格偏度和风险溢价之间的关系。

    The assumption that the absolute value of risk premium has positive correlation with the spot price volatility meets the assumptions of the article . The special point is that the relationship between the skewness of spot price and risk premium .