
  • 网络Absolute Control;Total Control;ZONT'S CRAZY GAMES
  1. 在一份很多人都没有注意的声明中,中国国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(sasac)列出了一项清单,提出国家必须通过占主导地位的国有企业对7个行业进行绝对控制。

    The state assets supervision and Administration Commission , in a largely unnoticed statement , put out a list of seven sectors over which the state must have " absolute control , through dominant state-owned enterprises " .

  2. 巴菲特对伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的绝对控制,让他得以迅速采取行动。

    His absolute control of Berkshire allows Mr Buffett to act swiftly .

  3. 您绝对控制的是Web页面的结构。

    What you do absolutely control is the structure of your Web page .

  4. 并对基准索股阶段相对控制与绝对控制、对成桥阶段恒载P控制与不控制时的情况进行了分析比较,得出了相关结论。

    After that the datum strand stage absolute control and relative control as well as final bridge cable shape stage dead load P-control and P-no-control are analyzed and compared and then reaches conclusions .

  5. 它是关于你对谁带着绝对控制和某些意图的忽视。

    It 's about who you 've ignored with full control and intention .

  6. 阿根廷经历了政府对新闻媒体绝对控制到完全采用新闻新自由主义议程的彻底转变。

    The Argentinean government changes the press system from absolute control to entire freedom .

  7. 更值得注意的是,扎克伯格将保留对公司的绝对控制权。

    More striking is the absolute control Mr Zuckerberg will retain over the company .

  8. 掌握成本控制规律,实现由绝对控制到相对控制的转变;

    Master law of cost control and realize the change from absolute control to relative control ;

  9. 实践证明,水平风荷载绝对控制拱式管桥的强度。

    It has been proved that the strength of pipeline arch bridge is absolutely controlled by the horizontal wind load .

  10. 通过各种政策的实施,美国已基本实现在技术层面,资源层面以及对网络管理层面的绝对控制权。

    Through implementing various policies , the US has achieved the absolute control in aspects of technology , resource and network management .

  11. 得益于反对派在2005年发起的一场不明智的抵制运动,查韦斯得以将他的人安插到法院,并且获得了对立法系统的绝对控制。

    He packed the courts , and gained full control of the legislature , thanks to an ill-advised opposition boycott in 2005 .

  12. 该世界计划者们正在利用的实现其绝对控制的目标的方法当人们试图理清其头须时是令人难以置信的。

    The method which the World Planners are using to achieve their aim of absolute control is mind-boggling when one attempts to unravel it .

  13. 研究结果和结论:采用资本运营方式解决问题可确保对作业层的绝对控制,规避法律风险;

    Research result and conclusion : It can make absolute control of operation level and avoiding legal risk by adopting solution of capital operation .

  14. 虽然这些情况下,举行下的绝对控制上帝的,明确的因果关系的归属,他们向上帝是不突出。

    Although these circumstances are held to be under the absolute control of God , the explicit causal ascription of them to God is not prominent .

  15. 因此,我国的信贷规模具有一定程度的内生性,并非为中央银行绝对控制,信贷规模对货币政策的响应程度有限,商业银行并非是货币政策的中性传导者,信贷渠道的传导效果降低。

    Therefore we conclude that in China the bank lending scale has a certain degree of endogenous and is not absolutely controlled by the Central Bank .

  16. 卡扎菲因浮华而古怪的生活方式以及痴迷于对权力的绝对控制而出名,也因此在国外遭到讽刺。

    The colonel came to be known ─ and lampooned abroad ─ as much for his flamboyance and eccentric lifestyle as for his obsession with absolute control .

  17. 揭示家族企业无论处于哪一个发展阶段,家族都始终掌握着最大比例的所有权,绝不会轻易放弃对企业所有权的绝对控制地位,表现在融资结构上家族所占的比例为绝对优势。

    This paper puts forward that the family firms account for the absolute predominance proportion at financing structure and never give up the controllable states under any circumstances .

  18. 林草覆盖率越高,植被对侵蚀的绝对控制能力越强,否则流域地形因素的影响亦不可忽视。

    The larger grass and forest coverage , the stronger the absolute control capacity of vegetation on soil erosion , or influencing factors about topography may not be ignored .

  19. 但贝尼特斯看似对这一传闻不敢兴趣,毕竟回到皇马他将得不到在利物浦时对转会和青训的绝对控制权。

    But Benitez will not consider moving to the Santiago Bernabeu , where he knows he will not enjoy the control over transfer policy and youth development he has at Liverpool .

  20. 只要一家央行对其货币拥有绝对控制权(多数央行确实如此),它便可以将中期乃至更长期的通胀趋势设定在任意一个它所喜欢的水平上。

    As long as a central bank has monopoly control over its currency , as most do , it can set medium and longer term inflation trends at any level it likes .

  21. 贷款者需要抵押所有资产,并能在项目陷入困局时获得对项目的绝对控制权。

    Project lenders are given a lien on all of these assets , and are able to assume control of a project if the project company has difficulties complying with the loan terms .

  22. 在第四章成本控制中,首先引入单船装卸成本模型,以确定单船成本标准,属于绝对控制的范畴。

    In chapter 4 , the author establishes the handling cost model for respective vessel first to define the standard of vessel handling cost . This model belongs to the realm of absolute cost control .

  23. 中小企业成长壮大的过程也是不断吸收社会资源并让渡绝对控制权的过程,从这一角度研究中小企业成长的理论和实证还很缺乏。

    SMEs grow the process is constantly absorbing social resources and transferring the absolute control of the process , from this point of view the growth of SMEs is still a lack of theoretical and empirical .

  24. 而直属航空运输企业中占绝对控制地位的国有股所有者不到位,以及法人治理结构残缺导致了其投资主体地位不到位。

    Actually the insufficient possession of national shareholder which play a controlling role in national Aviation Transport Corporations , and the incompleteness of legal person administering constructure lead to its lost of primary position in investing .

  25. 随着国企改革的深入,尽管国有企业已经建立起多元化的产权结构,但是政府仍然掌握着国有企业的绝对控制权,尤其是大部分上市公司始终被政府所控制。

    Through the state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) reform , the SOEs have already established diversified structure of property rights . However , the government still has majority control of SOEs . Particularly , most listed companies have been controlled by the government .

  26. 如果上市公司处于大股东超强控制状态,高持股比例使得控股股东享有绝对控制权,其他股东难以左右控股股东的行为,不利于机构投资者公司治理作用的发挥。

    If the controlling shareholder of listed companies is in the super control state , it has absolute control over the other shareholders , which makes it difficult for the institutional investors to supervise its behavior and play the role of corporate governance .

  27. 唐代长安城的武库建在太极宫内,保证了皇帝对武器的绝对控制,之后,移往军器监。第五,本文通过例证对唐代长安城的军事防御体系进行了评价。

    The tang dynasties have built the city of the armory in tai chi palace , the emperor to the absolute control of arms and to imprisonment and the army . Fifth , this example about the city by the military defense system is for comment .

  28. 没有人对人们的思想有绝对的控制权。

    No one has the empire over the minds of men .

  29. 经仿真分析,SVM模型90%以上预测数据的绝对误差控制在0.01MPa;

    According to simulating analysis , the absolute error of 90 % forecasting data is smaller than 0 . 01 MPa .

  30. 今年2月,索尼从瑞典爱立信公司(TelefonABL.M.Ericsson)手中收购了合资公司的全部股权,对处于亏损状态的智能手机业务有了绝对的控制权。

    In February , Sony bought out its joint-venture partner , Sweden 's Telefon AB L.M. Ericsson , giving the Japanese company full control over its money-losing smartphone business .