
jué duì dì zhǐ
  • absolute address;actual address
  1. 应用程序试图通过调用带有MAPFIXED标志的mmap从绝对地址加载代码时会产生一个相关问题。

    A related problem is caused by applications that try to load code at an absolute address by calling mmap with the flag MAP_FIXED .

  2. 它还适用于存储器中程序空间开始的绝对地址。

    It is also applied to the absolute address of the beginning of the program area in storage .

  3. Windows下读写内存绝对地址的方法

    The Accessing of Absolute Memory Address in the Windows Environment

  4. 在大多数机器上,该地址是绝对地址;对于STAB,该地址相是对于出现NSLINE符号的函数的相对地址。

    On most machines the address is absolute ; for STABs in sections it is relative to the function in which the N_SLINE symbol occurs .

  5. 论述了在单片机C语言编程中如何指定变量或特定数据、代码段的绝对地址,同时详细介绍了在定位过程中需要注意的问题。

    This Paper describes how to specify the absolute addresses of given variables , data segments or code segments in the process of embedded system programming with C language , as well as the points which should be noted in the process of location .

  6. 一种地址,用绝对地址与基地址之差来表示。

    An address expressed as a difference with respect to a base address .

  7. 这样使用绝对地址是不可移植的,因此需要更改。

    Such usage of absolute addresses is not portable and might need changes .

  8. 域名具有技术性功能,是域名持有人在网络空间的绝对地址;

    Domain name has two sorts of functions , i.e.the function of technology and identification which can identify different website owners .

  9. 在计算机程序中,将绝对地址、虚拟地址或设备标识符与符号地址或标号联系起来。

    To associate an absolute address , virtual address or device identifier with a symbolic address or label in a computer program .

  10. 同样,绝对地址通常依赖于平台,因此还需要修改受到影响的代码。

    Also , absolute addresses are most likely platform-dependent , and any code actually affected by this situation probably needs changes as well .

  11. 一种无须参考基地址而标识存储位置的直接地址。绝对地址自身可能是基地址。

    A direct address that identifies a location without reference to a base address . An absolute address may itself be a base address .

  12. 基址伴随着一个加到基上的偏移值来确定信息准确的位置(绝对地址)。

    A base address is accompanied by an offset value that is added to the base to determine the exact location ( the absolute address ) of the information .

  13. 这通常用于短程分支,其中目标地址距当前位置很近,因此指定一个偏移量(而不是绝对地址)会更有意义。

    This is often used for short-range branches where the destination is near the current location , so specifying an offset rather than an absolute address makes more sense .

  14. 相对编码中,在某一区域内寻址时所参照的绝对存储器地址。

    In relative coding , the absolute storage address to which addresses in a region are referenced .