
  • 网络computer service industry
  1. (六)突出计算机服务业;

    Computer service is focused .

  2. 软件和计算机服务业取代采矿业,成为第5大最具价值行业,排在医药和科技硬件与设备之后。

    Software computer services overtook mining to become the fifth most valuable sector , behind pharmaceuticals and technology hardware equipment .

  3. 这些产业有交通仓储和邮政业、计算机服务业、住宿餐饮业、房地产业、居民服务、文体和娱乐业。

    These industries were transport warehousing and postal services , computer services , accommodation and food industry , real estate , residence service , style and entertainment .

  4. 狭义信息技术产业上市公司的主营业务为信息传输、计算机服务和软件业,它们基本上可以看作高技术企业,其典型特征应该是高风险、高回报。

    The main business of narrow sense Chinese IT listed companies are information transformation , computer hardwires and software . Most of them are high-tech corporations .

  5. 入世后我国计算机网络信息服务业将具有很大的发展空间,成为最活跃最具吸引力和竞争力的产业。

    After joining the WTO , there will be an enormous developing space for our country 's computer net information service and it will become the most active , most attractive and most competitive industry .

  6. 制造业、批发零售业和建筑业的人才总体规模最大,信息传输、计算机服务和软件业以及科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业的人才密度最大。

    The population size of talents in manufacturing industry , the wholesale retail trade and the field of construction is large , and the density of talents in information transmission , computer service and software industry , and the scientific research , technical service and geological prospecting industry is thick .