
  • 网络plan contract
  1. 生产管理系统的主要功能有:设备管理、物资管理、运行管理、安全管理、计划合同管理、人力资源管理、财务管理、文档管理等。

    The main functions of the production management system are : facility management , asset management , running management , safety management , planning contract management , labor resource management , financial management , file management and so on .

  2. 提供物资供应平衡计划和合同资源统计资料,取代繁琐的人工查询、核算作业。

    Providing materials supply balance plan and contract resources statistical data .

  3. 根据物料到货计划和合同向供应商下发订单。

    Place order to supplier according to the contract and MDS .

  4. 我国计划生育合同解读

    Legal Analysis Of Chinese Birth Control Contract

  5. 根据这个分期付款计划,合同总值的百分之二十应在订货时付讫。

    Under the installment plan , 20 % of the contract value is to be paid with orders .

  6. 因此,在基于供应链管理的基础上,设计并且实现了该局的计划与合同管理信息系统。

    Therefore , in based on supply chain management , the design and realization plan and the contract management information system for this bureau .

  7. 然而,对于国家科技计划项目合同的性质,立法上没有明确规定,理论研究也少有涉及。

    However , the relevant laws and regulations do not clearly specify the nature of National Research and development Contracts which theoretical studies barely involve .

  8. 承包商应提交所有竣工图纸、报告、程序、计划和合同中规定的所有其它文件。

    This work includes the submission by the contractor of all as-built drawings , reports , procedures , plans and all other documents specified in the contract .

  9. 我们不再强调那些客户和管理者测量进展情况所传统使用的工具,例如:项目计划、合同、以及正式的状况报告。

    Yet we de-emphasize the tools that customers and managers have traditional used to measure progress towards goals , such as project plans , contracts , and formal status reporting .

  10. 空客则与川崎重工(KawasakiHeavyIndustries)结成了同盟,竞标这一名为“UH-X计划”的合同。

    Airbus teamed up with Kawasaki Heavy Industries to bid for the contract , known as the UH-X programme .

  11. 质量计划需符合合同要求,可操作性强;

    Quality plan shall meet contract requirements with high implementing availability .

  12. 根据文档化的过程定义,定义,计划子承包合同的工作。

    The work to be subcontracted is defined and planned according to a documented procedure .

  13. 无委托板坯匹配问题是研究如何将这些板坯合理分配给热轧计划中的合同。

    The open-order slab matching problem is how to assign these slabs to compatible orders in the hot-rolling plan .

  14. 在那次峰会上,中国做出承诺要加倍向非洲提供援助,同时还宣布了数十亿美元的信贷计划和商业合同。

    That meeting resulted in China pledging to double aid to Africa and announcing billions of dollars in credit lines and commercial deals .

  15. 具体采购业务的流程管理,按照先后顺序,包括采购计划,制定合同或订单,执行采购合同定单,产品接受和验证,付款及相关信息管理。

    Purchase procedure consequently including Purchase request , ordering ( contracting ), implement orders , receive and testing , payment and information managements .

  16. 介绍了太长高速公路建设采用菲迪克(Efidic)系统的计量支付、计划进度、合同管理3个模块的应用,实现了对各合同段工程全方位、有效的管理。

    The paper introduced the application of measurement payment , planned speed , contract management of realizing effective management of contract section engineering .

  17. 尤其是,德国工会已计划一份合同谈判,将极大地影响到欧洲最大经济体。

    In particular , the German union IG Metall is scheduled to negotiate a contract that affects much of Europe 's largest economy .

  18. 在有些情况下,共同制定经济方面的计划可以修正合同中的担保条款或现场服务的条款。

    In some cases , jointly developed the economic aspects of the plan can be modified in the contract of guarantee clause or field service terms .

  19. 企业预防型审计应当侧重于对经营决策、计划、经济合同、物资供应、成本费用效益、工程项目和经济责任的审计。

    The enterprise 's preventive audit must focus on the management policy , the plan , the economic contract , goods supply , the cost and expense and benefit , the engineering project and the economic responsibility audit .

  20. 计算机系统按备件管理的工作模式进行结构设计,包括计划管理、合同管理、资金管理、库存管理、帐表管理和系统管理等功能。

    The Management System For Spare parts is structurally designed according to the operation mode of spare parts management , include plan management , contract management , fund management , storage management , account book management and system management .

  21. 批量计划层包括合同计划优化模块和一体化批量计划优化模块,作业调度层包括作业调度优化模块,动态调度层包括基于规则的动态调度主控模块和实时控制器。

    Batch-planning layer includes an order-planning optimization module and an integrated batch-planning optimization module , task-scheduling layer includes a task-scheduling optimization module , and the dynamic scheduling layer includes a dynamic scheduling main-controlling module based on rules and a real-time controller .

  22. 本文根据备件系统的操作流程,阐述了江铜备件管理的数据传递,并且分别从计划管理、合同管理、库存管理、报表等几方面作了流程分析。

    Based on the operation flowsheet of spare parts system , this article describes transmission of spare parts management data of Jiangxi Copper , and makes an analysis on flow sheet for plan management , contract management , stock management and report .

  23. 在市场经济体制的建筑市场中,施工索赔工作对控制建筑成本、挽回经济损失、加强工程项目建设施工计划和施工合同管理有着重要的意义和促进作用。

    In the construction market under the market economy system , the construction claim possesses important significance and promoting function on controlling the construction cost , retrieving the economic losses , and strengthening the management of the construction plan and construction contract of the project item .

  24. 一旦紧缩计划实施,这些合同会首先遭到削减或取消。

    These have been among the first to be cut or cancelled when austerity bites .

  25. 该方法考虑发电-负荷平衡和检修计划,并对合同电量作滚动处理,可作为设计电力市场技术支持系统合同管理部分的参考。

    It can be looked as a reference when designing contract manage - ment system in deregulated power market .

  26. 美国几乎所有的法学院传统的第一年课程计划都包括:合同法、侵权法、财产法、刑法和民事诉讼法。

    The traditional first-year program offered in virtually all American law schools includes : contracts , torts , property , criminal law and civil procedure .

  27. 卡莫拉内西现在正在与尤文管理层商讨他的将来,而这家都灵的俱乐部计划与他将合同延长直到他在“老妇人”结束职业生涯为止。

    Camoranesi is now scheduled to meet Juve officials to discuss his future , as the Turin club plans to offer him an extension which would probably mean ending his career with the old lady .

  28. 随着我国科技管理体制的改革,国家科技计划项目实施引入合同制,通过合同明确项目主持部门与项目承担者之间的权利义务关系。

    With the management system reform , contract system is introduced to implement National R & D Programs . The contracts make the rights and obligations clear of the presiding departments and the undertakers of the projects .

  29. 介绍了管理评审程序、质量计划控制程序、合同评审程序、文件和资料控制程序、采购控制程序以及分承包方评定程序的要点。

    Elucidates the main points of procedure files which is in common used , include management assessment procedure , quality plan control procedure , contract assessment procedure , file and data control procedure , purchase control procedure and sub-contract assessment procedure .

  30. 从物流成本优化的角度出发,研究钢铁企业炼钢-连铸生产计划的编制流程,建立作业计划的合同组批模型,并用自适应遗传算法求解。

    A series of heuristic algorithms was designed to solve problems in optimization of short and unfixed order-grouping in steel tube production .