
jì suàn jī ān quán
  • computer security
  1. 计算机安全系统将由独立的技师来设计。

    Computer security systems will be designed by independent technicians

  2. 一个基于Multi-Agent的计算机安全免疫系统模型

    A Computer Security Immunology System Model Based on Multi-Agent

  3. 入侵检测系统IDS是一种实时的、动态的计算机安全技术。

    IDS ( Intrusion Detection System ) is a real-time , dynamic computer security technique .

  4. 论文工作分为理论分析与实验两个部分。在传统计算机安全理论的基础上,重点研究了网络环境中的安全问题,特别是HTTP协议之上的应用层安全。

    The research focus on the security issues in network computing environment , specially , the application layer security over HTTP .

  5. 目前计算机安全市场上的安全产品主要可分为反病毒、防火墙、商用密码、CA系统以及入侵检测与漏洞扫描。

    There are mainly six families in the security products market : Anti-Virus , Firewall , Crypto , Certificate Authority , Intrusion Detection and Vulnerability Assessment .

  6. 今天的计算机安全问题日益严重,不论是Unix的缓冲区溢出,还是微软的Internet浏览器所存在的漏洞,计算机系统在各个层次上都存在着安全隐患。

    Modern computer systems are plagued by security vulnerabilities . Whether it is the UNIX buffer overflow or bug in Microsoft Internet Explorer , our applications and operating systems are full of security flaws on many levels .

  7. 除“加拿大政府”链接外,其他所有链接都会带您进入nist网站的计算机安全资源中心区域。

    All links except for the government of Canada take you to the computer security resource centre area of the NIST site .

  8. 由于它具有保护网络安全更有效的功能,入侵检测产品现已成为计算机安全系统的一个主要集成部件,因此,评估IDS性能的技术就变得至关重要。

    Now , Intrusion detection products have become an major integrated components of computer security system due to the more effective function of protecting the Network , so the technology of assessing the function of IDS is becoming more and more important .

  9. 作为信息安全基础的公开密钥基础设施(PKI)已经成为当今计算机安全领域研究的热点问题,它为安全服务提供基础框架,并逐渐成为整个安全体系结构的核心部分。

    As an infrastructure of the information security , Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) is a hot topic in the research field of computer security which is the basic framework of secure service and becoming the nuclear part of the whole secure architecture .

  10. 目前在计算机安全企业F-Secure担任董事的基尔扬德表示,不管这给曾为诺基亚的成功做出贡献的人带来多大痛苦,诺基亚把手机业务出售给微软是合理的。

    Mr Kiljander , now a director at F-Secure , a computer security group , says however painful for those who contributed to Nokia 's success , the sale to Microsoft makes sense .

  11. 当前,计算机安全理论和方法学正在经历一个重大的变革。

    Current Internet Security theories and methodologies are experiencing fundamental changes .

  12. 恶意代码检测是计算机安全的一个重要领域。

    Malware detection is an important area in the computer security .

  13. 论引用监控机等若干关键计算机安全思想

    On reference monitor and several other key concepts of computer security

  14. 浅谈高校计算机安全管理

    A Tentative Discussion on Computer Safety Management in Colleges and Universities

  15. 试谈当前世界计算机安全动态

    On the Current Trends of the Computer Security in the World

  16. 关于银行计算机安全计算机系统管理员的网络服务

    ON THE SECURITY OF BANK COMPUTER SYSTEM Services by Computer Network Administrator

  17. 请依据“便携计算机安全提示”中的规定加以保护。

    Protect laptops in accordance with the " Laptop Security Tips " .

  18. 计算机安全标准演化与安全产品发展

    Evolution of Computer Security Evaluation Criteria and Progress in Computer Security Products

  19. 基于可信计算的计算机安全防护体系设计

    Design Secure Architecture to Defend Computer Based on Trusted Computing

  20. 计算机安全性与高性能兼顾的配置策略

    Computer System Configuration Tactics : - Compromise Between High Availability and High Performance

  21. 介绍了人工免疫系统的生物免疫背景和发展趋势,重点分析了用于计算机安全领域的人工免疫算法和模型。

    Analysis of the AIS , and its applications in computer security field .

  22. 这就是计算机安全产业的部分失误之处。

    That 's part of what is wrong with the computer security industry .

  23. 一种计算机安全发展的新技术:人工免疫

    A new computer security technology : artificial immune

  24. 指纹识别技术与计算机安全

    Fingerprint identifying technology and the computer security

  25. 21世纪威胁情报是一个致力于计算机安全研究的非盈利小组。

    21st century threat intelligence is a non-profit group that dedicate in computer security research .

  26. 网络入侵已经成为计算机安全和网络安全的最大威胁。

    Hacking into a computer has been the greatest threat to security and network security .

  27. 他们研究因特网的安全弱点,处理计算机安全事故并发布安全警告。

    They study Internet Security vulnerabilities , handle computer security incidents , and publish security alerts .

  28. 一种大规模计算机安全网络的密钥管理规程&分群式密钥管理系统

    A Key Management Scheme for a Large Computer Safety Network & The Grouped Key Management System

  29. 计算机安全审计技术研究

    Research on Computer Security Audit Technology

  30. 相对的,那些致力于计算机安全的电脑黑客则被称为“白帽”。

    In contrast , those hackers who engage themselves in computer security are called white hats .