
  • 网络Metering equipment;metering device
  1. 用于一般精度的温度测量和在计量设备,晶体管电路中的温度补偿。

    It is used to normal precise measure and measure equipment , temperature compensation of transistor circuit .

  2. 基于以太网和Internet的远程计量设备管理系统

    Remote Management System for Metrical Equipment Based on Ethernet and Internet

  3. 而且,在以往的PP发泡方法中,一般都需要特殊的发泡剂注入和计量设备以及较长的工艺流程,在很大程度上限制了PP发泡生产技术的推广与应用。

    Moreover , in the traditional technology used to make PP foam , special injection and measuring device or a long technology process is required , which greatly limited the popularization of the foaming technology .

  4. 自从我国许多大中水泥厂引进了德国Pfister公司研发的转子秤,这一构思新颖的计量设备后,使水泥的生产效率得到了较大的提高。

    Since some big and middle cement factories imported the rotor scale from Pfister corporation in German , this type of original device greatly improve produce efficiency of cement .

  5. 中密度稻草板生产纤维计量设备的研制

    Development and manufacture of meter equipment of fiber for straw board

  6. 电能计量设备管理信息子系统的研究

    Research of Sub Management Information System of Electric Energy Measuring Equipments

  7. 现代医院医疗计量设备管理系统初探

    Preliminary Exploration of Modern Hospital Medical Metering Equipment Management System

  8. 水泥行业重量计量设备的原理与应用

    Principle and Application of Weighing Equipment in Cement Industry

  9. 负责伟迈公司所有计量设备的管理和校验。

    Responsible for the management and the calibration for all measuring equipment at vimar shanghai .

  10. 电力计量设备的安全使用

    Safety Application of Power Metering Instruments

  11. 目的通过对心电图机的检定管理,探讨医疗计量设备的质量保障。

    Objective To detect the quality assurance of medical measure equipment by the test administration of electrocardiograph .

  12. 本文的研究为烟草业大型计量设备的采购管理提供了有益的借鉴。

    This article provides a useful reference of purchasing management on large-scale metrology device in the tobacco company .

  13. 熟料由库底计量设备卸出后,用带式输送机送入水泥磨。

    Clinker will be fed to cement mill by belt conveyor after discharged by weighing machines at the bottom of silos .

  14. 类系统更适合于电信、移动通信、计量设备和网络的大宗的、低价值的信息支付业务。

    These systems are suitable for a considerable of low value information-payment services on telecommunications , mobile communications , metering devices and networks .

  15. 这为新型智能化电力计量设备提供了绝佳的发展契机和广阔的市场前景。

    This situation provides a great opportunity for the development of intelligent electrical power measuring equipments and opens a vast market for these equipments .

  16. 阿尔泰克计量设备有限公司就两箱摆式加药装置和三箱加药装置在降低溶液制备成本可能性方面进行了研究。

    Study by Alltech Dosieranlagen GmbH to exhaust the cost-reducing potentials when using two-chamber pendulum type plants in comparison with the three-chamber preparation plants .

  17. 该研究选择了447位年龄介于30到54岁之间的男女,让他们连续7天佩戴身体运动计量设备,跟踪记录入睡和醒来的时间。

    For seven days , 447 men and women ages 30 to 54 wore devices that measured movement and tracked when they fell asleep and woke .

  18. 有效应用科学适用的评标方法是确保军事计量设备招标采购成功的关键。运用了模糊集合理论和方法;

    It is vital to effectively apply science and applicable method of judgment about tendering in order to insure the success for military metrology equipment bidding .

  19. 为改造现有计量设备,扩大微机应用范围,以提高旧设备的功能和效率,因此我们将上海机床厂生产的HYQ-14型圆度仪配置微机采集和数据处理系统,采用12位A/D转换器。

    The HyG-14 Roundness Measuring Instrument , produced by Shanghai Machinery Factory , is fitted with a microcomputer and data processing system assembled a 12-bit A / D transformer .

  20. 在电力系统,它可以刺激局部并联谐振或串联谐振,放大谐波,引发继电保护系统误差和扰乱电力能源计量设备。

    In power system , it can excite partial parallel resonance or serial resonance , enlarge the harmonic wave , trigger relay protection system in error and disturb electric power energy metering equipment .

  21. 通过对电能计量设备管理信息系统实际业务、客户需求和系统可行性分析,提出了适合本系统的多数据源传输与共享技术;

    Through the analysis to the users ' demand , the procedure of business and the feasibility of the system , put forward the data transmission and sharing strategy suitable for this system ;

  22. 本文工业称重仪表主要应用于定量包装称重领域,是将机械、电气、电子、计算机、自动控制结合在一起的计量设备。

    In this paper the industrial weighing instruments is mainly used in weighing the field of quantitative packing , which combined the mechanical , electrical , electronic , computer , automatic control knowledge .

  23. 计量设备从量值传递、检定(校准)测试的角度需要,对其使用和维护的环境条件有极其严格的要求,常在良好环境条件的实验室里工作。

    In needs of transfer value , verification ( calibration ) and testing , measure equipments used and protected in environment condition have strictly requirements , it means that they must be used in good labs .

  24. 本文介绍了国内外铁路粮食散装运输车辆及称重计量设备的发展概况,对国内外铁路粮食散运设备进行了比较;

    This article introduces the general situation of the development in the railway grain bulk transportation vehicles and the weighing equipments both at home and abroad and compares both domestic and foreign equipments for the railway grain bulk transportation .

  25. 由于传统电能计量设备和方式已不满足现今电力营销管理需求,在实际工作中,经营管理、电费结算均要求可靠传递大量数据信息。

    The traditional electricity measurement equipments cannot be satisfied for nowadays demand of power sale and management , and the reliable transmission of mass data information is needed for operation management and the settlement of charge of electricity in actual work .

  26. 电子式互感器的数字输出是采样值,它是继电保护以及计量设备的正确工作的基础,采样值服务具有较高实时性要求,因此采用较为简单的映射。

    The digital output of ECT / EVT is sampled value , which is foundation of correct working of relay protection and measuring devices . For sampled service has a strict command of real-time performance , it has a simple mapping method .

  27. 探讨了气源转换时原有输配系统的管道设施、调压设备、计量设备、用气设备与天然气系统相适应的问题,提出了相应的改造措施。

    This paper discusses the conformability for pipeline , pressure regulating and metering equipment , and gas appliances during the conversion of gas sources from existing transmission and distribution system to the natural gas system . Some appropriate measures are put forward .

  28. 目前,大多数既有建筑没有安装能耗细化计量设备、分项用能情况不明确,管理人员在制定节能措施和改善管理方式时缺乏科学的判断依据。

    At present , most of the existing building has not installed energy consumption refined measuring equipment and partial energy situation is indefinite , the supervisors are shot of scientific evidence for estimation when they make energy-conservation measures and improve management mode .

  29. 当今,渠道流量计量设备也是多种多样,选择一种精度较高,操作管理方便,且可以在灌区中大面积推广的灌区灌溉用水量测及管理信息系统成为当务之急。

    Nowadays , there was a variety of channel flow measurement equipments , and how to choose a highly precise , easily operated and managed water irrigation measurement and information controlled system , which can be extended in most irrigation regions has become a top priority .

  30. 本文论述了江西铜业公司所通过的ISO10012-1《计量检测设备的计量确认体系》与ISO9000系列标准的关系及生产级计量确认体系的建立。

    This article discusses the relations between ISO-10012-1 " The Measuring Device Verification System " and " ISO9000 Standard " and the establishment of the production-level measuring verification system .