
jì shí ɡōnɡ zī
  • Hourly wage;time wage;payment by the hour
  1. 你们采用的是计件工资还是计时工资?

    Do you use piece rates or an hour wage ?

  2. 你拿的是计时工资吗?

    Do you get paid on an hourly basis ?

  3. 加班费是正常计时工资的1.5倍。

    Overtime is pay at one and a half times the standard rate .

  4. 因为你现在加入计时工资制了

    Because you 're on the hourly plan now .

  5. 女性的计时工资比男性低。

    Women 's pay rate is lower than men 's.

  6. 中日投资促进委员会星期日双倍计时工资

    China-Japan Investment Promotion Committee Double-time for Sunday

  7. 计时工资函数与最优工资定价模型

    Timing Wage Function and Optimal Wage-pricing Model

  8. 一点五倍于一般基价的计时工资;加班所得。

    A rate of pay that is 1.5 times the regular rate ; for overtime work .

  9. 但在裕元工业,平均工资中只有大约三分之二来自计时工资。

    But at Yue Yuen , only about two-thirds of the average salary is attributable to hours worked .

  10. 这些公司一般提供免费的招聘和就业外包服务,但是会从计时工资中抽取一定提成。

    These firms typically offer free recruiting and placement services but take a cut of the hourly rate .

  11. 生产和服务岗位员工实行岗薪制与计时工资制相结合的结构工资制薪酬方案。

    For staff with production and service , it designs a structural wage system that integrates post wage with hourly wage .

  12. 结合外部薪酬调查和内部薪酬数据分析,提出将该公司计时工资制的薪酬体系改变成计件工资制的薪酬体系。

    By combination of the exterior salary investigation and the internal salary data analysis , the thesis proposes to adapt piece-rate salary system instead of time-rate salary system .

  13. 工资一般不包括计时工资、计件工资、奖金、津贴、补贴和加班加点工资,以及特殊情况下支付的工资。

    The salary is generally including time rate wage , piece rate wage , bonus , subsidy , allowance and overtime pay , and the salary paid in special circumstances .

  14. 工资总额由计时工资、计件工资、资金、津贴和补贴、加班加点工资、非凡情况下支付的工资等组成。

    Total wages is mixed by hourly wages , piece rate , capital , allowance allowance , work overtime the composition such as the salary , salary that pays below special situation .

  15. 但对员工而言其中大多数不是有小孩,就是有年迈的父母,或者两者都有,很多人还是单亲家长其中的不利之处是巨大的,无论他们收入丰厚,还是拿计时工资。

    But for workers most of whom have children , aging parents or both , and many of whom are single parents the downsides can be enormous , whether they work in high finance or hourly labor .

  16. 上述协议旨在暂时避开强制性裁员的需要,内容包括职员接受计时工资冻结不再涨薪、工时减少以及增加两年期合同中的养老金。

    That deal , aimed at staving off the need for compulsory redundancies , involves staff accepting a pay freeze on their hourly rate , a reduction in working hours , and enhanced pensions under a two-year deal .

  17. 但对员工而言——其中大多数不是有小孩,就是有年迈的父母,或者两者都有,很多人还是单亲家长——其中的不利之处是巨大的,无论他们收入丰厚,还是拿计时工资。

    But for workers - most of whom have children , aging parents or both , and many of whom are single parents - the downsides can be enormous , whether they work in high finance or hourly labor .

  18. 我希望我是计时算工资,而不是领月薪。

    I wish I got paid by the hour instead of on a salary .

  19. 多因素Logistic回归分析显示,个性维度中的N分较高(情绪稳定性差)、年龄小、文化程度及技术等级低、采用计件/计时方式计算工资等因素,可使职业伤害发生的危险性升高。

    It was showed by the unconditional logistic regression analysis that the higher N score in personality scale , the younger age , the lower education level , the lower skill grade and the earnings calculated by piece or by time were the risk factors of occupational injuries incidence .

  20. 现在,她和她丈夫拥有7家银矿快餐店,去年,他们还给所有的计时工涨了工资。

    Today , she and her husband own seven Silver Mine Sub Shops-and last year , they raised wages for all their hourly employees .