
  • 网络Performance pay system;Merit Pay System
  1. NS证券公司投资银行总部的绩效工资制度

    The Performance Wage System of Investment Banking Headquarters of NS Securities

  2. 实行义务教育阶段教师绩效工资制度。

    We implemented a performance-based pay system for compulsory education teachers .

  3. 事业单位岗位绩效工资制度改革的思考

    A Consideration on Reform of Post-Performance-Wage System of Institutions

  4. 2009年1月1日起,我国义务教育学校开始实施绩效工资制度。

    China began to implement pay compulsory school system from January . 1 .

  5. 不存在什么利益冲突,几乎不需要采取绩效工资制度。

    There is little conflict of interest and little need for performance pay .

  6. 但由于各方面因素的制约,现行的岗位绩效工资制度并未真正达到这一目的。

    But the working performance wages cannot take real effect because of some restricting factors .

  7. 实施绩效工资制度是教师人事制度改革的关键举措。

    The critical measure of Teacher Personnel System Reform is the implementation of paying for performance system .

  8. 此次研究目的是为了搞清楚教师绩效工资制度对教育质量到底有无产生影响。

    The purpose of the study is to understand whether the teacher performance-based pay system affects education quality .

  9. 其次,绩效工资制度有可能会导致诱导需求和额外的增加服务量。

    Secondly , the performance pay system could lead to additional induced demand and the increase in volume .

  10. 事业单位逐步实施绩效工资制度主要是给予员工激励,从而产生高的工作绩效。

    Institutions of the progressive implementation of performance salary system are mainly for staff motivation , resulting in high performance .

  11. 虽然,绩效工资制度的优点显而易见,但是,该制度的发展还处于尚不成熟的阶段,其弊端也随着制度的实施而逐渐显现出来。

    Although the performance-valued pay system has a lot of merits , it is still immature , and the shortcomings would gradually appear .

  12. 在这种背景下,探讨报社等新闻事业单位的绩效工资制度具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    On this background , exploring the performance wage system of journalism such as newspapers office has an important theoretical value and practical significance .

  13. 义务教育学校教师绩效工资制度的实施引起了全社会的广泛关注和讨论。

    The fact that the performance related pay system will be implemented among compulsory education school teachers has caused widespread concern in society and discussions .

  14. 绩效工资制度的发展经历了职务等级工资制、结构工资制、技术等级工资制和岗位绩效工资制。

    The development of performance pay system has experienced the post-rank salary system , structural wage system , technical grade wage system and job performance wage .

  15. 由于各地报社独特组织形式和运作模式,其绩效工资制度改革具有其独特性。

    Because of the unique organization form and the operation mode of the newspaper offices in various regions , their performance wage system reforms are particular .

  16. 通过分析认为,投资银行总部的绩效工资制度对该公司投资银行业务发展起到了积极作用,使其获得了竞争优势;

    With analysis of which , it states that the performance wage system plays a positive role to the development of investment banking 's business and makes it obtain the competitive edge .

  17. 我国事业单位从2009年1月1日开始陆续实施绩效工资制度,目的在于规范事业单位奖金、津贴等绩效工资的发放以确保收入分配的公平合理,改革员工激励机制以调动员工的工作积极性。

    From January 1st , 2009 , our institution began to implement performance-based pay system , which is designed to regulate the payment of wages , motivate staff and mobilize the enthusiasm of staff .

  18. 实行绩效工资制度,设计出有助于激发教师潜能和工作积极性,使学校和教师共同发展的绩效工资体系,将成为各大高校的工作重点。

    To implement of performance pay system will help university stimulating the potential and enthusiasm of teachers , so that schools and teachers can develop a merit pay system , which will be the focus of major colleges and universities .

  19. 要发挥绩效工资制度对中小学教师的有利影响需要切实贯彻执行这项政策,完善监督和考核机制。

    It contains implementation of the policy , the specific responsibility , the supervision mechanism and a scientific evaluation mechanism . To play a beneficial effect on the teacher performance pay system in compulsory education stage should conscientiously imply the policy .

  20. 于是查找义务教育学校实施过程中存在的问题,深刻分析其问题产生的原因,提出有益的对策和建议,进一步推进义务教育学校实施教师绩效工资制度有成了一个新的课题。

    So to find the problems in the implementation of compulsory education schools , profound analysis of the causes of their problems , and useful strategies and recommendations to further promote compulsory education schools teacher pay for performance system have become a new subject .

  21. 实行绩效工资分配制度是增强医院核心竞争力的有效措施。

    Practicing the performance salary distribution system is an effective measure for strengthening the core competitive power of the hospital .

  22. 从二级包干看高校岗位绩效工资分配制度改革

    On the Reform in the Post Performance Salary System in Universities from the Perspective of " Wages Total Dynamic Payment in Second College "

  23. 那么就需要有一套科学合理的绩效工资考核制度来进行分配,让高校教师的绩效工资收入公平合理地得到提高。

    You need to have a scientific and reasonable performance wage assessment system for distribution , let college teachers performance wage income is fair and reasonable to improve .

  24. 本文首先采用规范性分析方法,对企业基本工资制度的四种类型:基于岗位的工资制度、基于能力的工资制度、基于绩效的工资制度和基于市场的工资制度,进行对比分析。

    Firstly , in the thesis , the author uses the criterion analysis method , make a comparative analysis to the four types of pay systems : Post-based Pay System , Competency-based Pay System , Performance-based Pay System and Market-based Pay System .

  25. 实行一次结清绩效工资的薪酬制度,控制激励成本。

    Controlling incentive cost by carrying out reward system with non-installment salary .

  26. 中高级公务员权威衰减原因分析及对策这项新制度的实施将对政府官员的选任与委派、绩效管理、工资制度、培训方式等带来变化。

    Causes and Ways of Mid & senior Civil Servants ' Authority Degradation Under the new system , various changes will take place , including the designation and accreditation of senior civil servants , performance management , pay system and so on .

  27. 30年前,当我们仍在使用打字机、投资股市的家庭不足25%的时候,经济学家揣测,通过绩效工资(pay-for-performance)制度,员工将更加努力,并做出更好的决策。

    Thirty years ago , when we were still using typewriters and fewer than 25 per cent of households invested in the stock market , economists conjectured that employees would work harder and make better decisions under a pay-for-performance system .

  28. 对于发达国家高校从集权和分权两种类型出发,总结它们在教师薪酬结构、市场化水平、绩效工资改革、考核制度以及多元化福利待遇方面的成果和发展趋势。

    For developed countries , universities from the two types of centralization and decentralization proceed to sum up their teachers , salary structure , market level , performance pay reform , diversification of welfare benefits system and the evaluation results and trends .

  29. 目的:了解基层医疗卫生事业单位员工对现行绩效考核制度和绩效工资分配制度的满意情况,分析影响员工对绩效工资改革满意度的各方面因素,探究存在的主要问题并分析其成因。

    Objective : To understand the current status of satisfaction of personnel in community-level medical and health state-run institutions on performance appraisal & Performance Related Pay reform , analyzing the influencing factors and finding the problems .

  30. 本文通过运用文献法、个案法对黔南州布依族、苗族自治州的义务教育教师绩效工资情况进行行系统分析,找出民族地区义务教育教师绩效工资制度中存在的问题。

    This article through literature method and case method to system analyse compulsory education teachers ' performance salary in QianNan state . I hope that I can find out the problems of compulsory education teachers ' performance salary in national regions through the investigation of the region and argumentation .