
jì yōu ɡǔ
  • good performance stock;blue chip
  1. 文中运用Fisher判别方法给出了股票业绩的评价方法,得出了判断绩优股、垃圾股的判别函数;

    The article has provided one kind of the stock achievement assessment methods using the Fisher distinction method , the judgment blue chip , trash stock distinction function ;

  2. 绩优股一般来说会分股利,受到投资者的欢迎。

    Blue chips generally pay dividends and are favorably regarded by investors .

  3. 戴夫:或许一些传统绩优股,像是塑料跟砂糖。

    Dave : Probably old stalwarts like plastics and sugar .

  4. 绩优股的持有者表决的权利。

    Holders of preferred stock may or may not have the right to vote .

  5. 华尔街上的中国绩优股

    A Blue Chip from China on Wall Street

  6. “绩优股”在我们让他们滑坡时在年初有过提高。

    Headstart does raise scores in the early years and then we let them slip .

  7. 好吧如果包括你的“绩优股”这个预算是高。

    Well , the federal share is much higher than that if you include headstart .

  8. 二十四亿块钱,全都稳稳当当地投在绩优股上,财源茂盛,稳赚不赔。

    Twenty-four hundred millions , and all safely planted in good things , gilt-edged and interest-bearing .

  9. 但我们相信,目前正是趁弱势买入绩优股的好时机。

    We believe , however , that this is an opportunity to buy quality stocks on weakness .

  10. 更糟糕的是,他们是仅有的两家登上英国富时指数绩优股名单的创新技术企业。

    More damningly , they are the only two innovative tech outfits in the FTSE index of leading shares .

  11. 拉低一支绩优股持续下跌,对冲基金就能从快速换手中获利,而不必始终保持满仓操作。

    Keeping a great stock down allows them to profit from quick predetermined trades rather than being fully invested all the time .

  12. 这是因为绩优股并不象一般的股票那样在金融形势大好的情况下会快速的上涨。

    This is because the value of preferred shares will not rise as rapidly as that of common shares during a period of financial success .

  13. 波顿在挑选绩优股方面拥有令人惊叹的过往记录。他表示,这次大宗商品生产商或出口企业所占权重相对很小。

    Mr Bolton , who has a formidable track record at picking winning stocks , said he had taken on relatively little exposure to commodity producers or exporters .

  14. 道琼斯工业股票指数最近不断创造新高,频率异常。绩优股同时暴涨,带动道琼工业指数上涨三百三十八点。

    The Dow industrials has lately hit new highs with unusual frequency . Blue chip stocks also soared , carrying the Dow Jones industrials up more than 338 points .

  15. 通过对沪深两市绩优股龙头五粮液进行实例分析,该方法准确且无时延地识别出上涨行情的演化过程,对指导投资者理性投资具有较强的实用价值。

    Through the instance analysis to the preferred stock " Wu Liang Ye ", the technique shows great precision on identifying the evolving process of rising market , and provides practical value to rational investors .

  16. 它主要对所选择的40只绩优股,进行横向的比较,并根据第一主成分得分进行排序,给广大的投资者提供参考。

    We mainly carry out more lateral comparison for the 40 blue chips selected , and they have a rank according to the scores of the first principal component to offer reference to masses of investor .

  17. 绩优成长股股票定价模型研究

    Study on the Pricing Model of the Stock of Good Achievement and High Growing