
  • 网络Performance Evaluation Indicator;Performance Metrics
  1. KJB动迁员绩效考核指标体系的再设计

    Re-design of Performance Evaluation Indicator System for KJB Resettlement Clerks

  2. 风险控制制度至少应当包括投资决策流程、投资授权制度、研究报告制度、风险评估和绩效考核指标体系。

    The risk control system shall at least include an investment decision-making process , an investment authorization system , a research and report system , a risk assessment and performance evaluation indicator system .

  3. H市直属国有企业绩效考核指标体系研究

    The Study of Index System about the Performance Evaluation of State-owned Enterprises Directly Belonging to H City

  4. 基于AHP的企业员工绩效考核指标权重确定与实现方法

    Weight Determination and Implementing Method of AHP-based Coal Enterprise Staff Performance Appraisal Measures

  5. 通过对执业律师的绩效考核指标问卷的统计,初步选定绩效考核指标的范围。再由合伙人结合P律师事务所的战略目标和发展重点,确定针对律师考核的平衡计分卡指标。

    The author selected performance index initially by statistics on questionnaires in present performance index of practicing lawyers , and finally determined the assessment of the indicators of BSC for lawyers .

  6. 基于BSC的医院绩效考核指标体系构建

    Based on BSC for establishment hospital performance evaluation indicators system

  7. 为了响应中央政府的号召,一些城市已经不再把国内生产总值(GDP)当作一项绩效考核指标,转而强调环保和减贫。

    Responding to the central government 's lead , several cities have dropped gross domestic product as a performance metric and are emphasising environmental protection and poverty reduction instead .

  8. 本文设计了一套高校行政管理干部绩效考核指标体系,并用层次分析法借助SPSS软件包为各指标确定了权值。

    This author designs a set of index system and use the method of AHP with the help of SPSS package to determine the weight for each index .

  9. 从江西N县供电公司的绩效考核指标确定、考核主体和考核周期、考核结果的应用等方面,系统阐述江西N县供电公司的绩效考核的各种方法。

    From jiangxi N county electric power supply company performance evaluation index confirmation , evaluation and examination cycle , main body assessment results of application , the system elaborated the jiangxi N county electric power supply company performance evaluation methods .

  10. 最终构建了以CX大学为代表的高校行政部门绩效考核指标体系。

    Finally , it constructs a performance appraisal index system for university administrative departments by taking CX University as representative .

  11. 在绩效考核指标体系的设计中,介绍了JS集团的基本情况,阐述了JS集团当期绩效考核存在的问题。

    The basic situation of JS Group and the problems in current performance appraisal for the Group was introduced when designing the performance appraisal system .

  12. 基于KPI的企业绩效考核指标体系初探&以某物业管理公司建立绩效考核指标体系为例

    The Initial Search for the Performance Evaluation Index System on the Basis of KPI & Taking a Property Management Company Building Performance Evaluation Index System as an Example

  13. 最后,设计了管理和技术人才的绩效考核指标体系,并运用AHP法结合管理人才绩效考核指标体系构建了人才绩效考核的模式。

    Finally , in this paper , performance appraisals index system of personnel on management and technology was designed , and also the personnel performance appraisals model using AHP methodology combined with performance appraisals index system of management personnel .

  14. 第四部分,遵循KPI的完整思路,从公司、部门、个人的角度来论述了如何建立基于KPI理论的绩效考核指标体系。

    The fourth part , follow the complete idea of the KPIs from the point of view of the company , department and individual discuss how to create a KPI-based theory of performance evaluation index system .

  15. 文章借鉴了各种理论工具思想,通过访谈、统计等研究方法,以KPI理论工具为主导,建立了一套包括业绩指标和能力指标的适合HY公司特点的绩效考核指标体系。

    The article used various theories , Through interviews , statistics , research methods , To KPI theory-driven instrument , Set up a set of performance indicators , including indicators and capacity HY corporation fit the characteristics of performance appraisal index system .

  16. 笔者走访了多所中等职业技术学校,听取学校领导和教师的意见,并按照当前流行的KPI方法,建立了绩效考核指标;其次,合理分配指标权重。

    In order to develop more scientific assessment of performance indicators , the author interviewed more than in school , listen to the views of school leaders and teachers , and KPI according to the current popular method of establishing a performance index ; reasonable distribution of weights .

  17. 本文以JZ职业技术学院为样本,通过对其现行管理队伍考核制度的分析,找出主要问题,并针对这些问题构建了管理队伍绩效考核指标体系。

    This paper takes JZ career technical college as an example , through the analysis of the current management team evaluation system , find out the main problems , and aimed at these questions to build management team performance evaluation index system .

  18. 企业绩效考核指标设计及其实施方法

    The Index Design of Business Achievement Assessing and Its Implementing Method

  19. 第一轮是科室绩效考核指标的选择。

    The first round is the selecting of performance assessment index .

  20. 地方政府绩效考核指标体系与方法的研究

    Study on the Local Government Performance Evaluation Index System and Method

  21. 旅行社员工绩效考核指标设计

    Studies on evaluation target design of travel agency staff performance

  22. 我国非营利组织的绩效考核指标体系设计研究

    Study on performance index design of nonprofit organization in China

  23. 职业院校岗位绩效考核指标体系的设计研究

    On the Index System of Performance Evaluation for Positions in Vocational Colleges

  24. 研究型大学教师绩效考核指标体系研究

    A Study on Performance Appraisal Standard System of Teachers in Research University

  25. 完善的安全绩效考核指标体系是保证安全绩效考核科学、合理的关键。

    A reasonable indicator system is key for safety performance Scientific and rational .

  26. 简约型医院经营绩效考核指标体系的建立

    Establishment of the Simple Indicator System to Evaluate the Performance of Hospital Management

  27. 绩效考核指标的有效设定及实施策略

    Effective Setting and Implementation of Performance Appraisal Index

  28. 最终建立新的绩效考核指标体系,从而完善旧的绩效考核体系。

    Then new performance assessment system is built up to perfect the old system .

  29. 高校绩效考核指标体系构建研究

    Study of the performance indicator system in universities

  30. 完善曲江县电信分公司绩效考核指标体系研究

    The Research of the Indicator System about Performance - appraisal in QuJiang Telecom Corporation