
  • 网络Performance prediction;Performance Projection
  1. 选聘的首要问题在于绩效预测。

    The chief issue of recruitment is performance forecasting .

  2. 对贵州实施西电东送的绩效预测

    A Performance Prediction of the Implementation of " West-to-East Power Transmission " in Guizhou

  3. 工作绩效预测研究述评

    Review on the Predictive Research of Job Performance

  4. 基于系统动力学的医疗器械制造业企业绩效预测研究

    Study on Performance Prediction of the Medical Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises Based on System Dynamics

  5. 多变量整体模式累加多层统计模型的建立及其在组织绩效预测上的应用研究

    Setting up Accumulated Multilevel Statistical Models of Multivariate Full Model and Its Application in Forecasting Achievements of Associations

  6. 基于绩效预测的收益现值法收益现值法是资产评估的常用方法之一。

    Income Approach Based on Performance Anticipation Capitalized earning method is one of the popular methods in assets valuation .

  7. 在控制了人口学变量之后,坚韧性对工作绩效预测的相对贡献均高于主动性。

    After controlling the population variables , high relative contribution was found in prediction of " Persistent " for Work performance .

  8. 该文通过一个高成长性、早期无盈利的信息中介企业的案例,提供了基于绩效预测的收益现值法的基本思路,并提出了对传统收益现值法进行调整的方法。

    By case study , the author presents the basic rules of income approach based on performance anticipation and the adjustment on the traditional income approach .

  9. 对于矿山环境治理绩效预测这一块,数据的搜集和处理很重要,需要大量的整理和计算工作。

    For mine environment management performance forecast the piece , data collecting and processing is very important , need a lot of arrangement and calculation work .

  10. 第五章阐述了矿山环境治理绩效预测的方法和步骤,用已建立好的指标体系,通过粗糙集理论中的属性约简方法,约简了评价指标个数,再通过神经网络进行绩效的预测分析。

    The fifth chapter expounds the mine environment management performance prediction method and procedure , has established good index system , through the rough sets theory of attribute reduction method , reduction the evaluation index number , again through the neural network prediction of performance analysis .

  11. 通过预试性调查、交叉证实检验、法则有效性(NomologicalValidity)等定量分析方法反复检验问卷的信度和胜任力模型的构念效度以及胜任力模型对绩效的预测力。

    Quantitative methods such as cross-validation and nomological validity are used to test reliability , validity and the prediction to job performance of the questionnaire and the competency model .

  12. 变革型领导力和交易型领导力:团队绩效的预测指标

    Transformational and Transactional Leadership : The Predictor of Team Task-related Performance

  13. 生物教师职业认同及各维度对工作绩效有预测能力。

    Biology teacher professional identity and dimensions on performance have predictive power .

  14. 个性大五模型对工作绩效的预测效度分析

    The Big Five Model of Personality in Predicting Job Performance

  15. 员工组织支持感对周边绩效的预测力要高于对任务绩效的预测力。

    Perceived organizational support can forecast contextual performance higher than task performance .

  16. 内部从微观方面通过对制药工业市场集中度,绩效的预测分析,描述了产业组织的发展前景。

    From the view of interior we forecast the frame of pharmacy 's market and performance .

  17. 而任务多样性特征对员工绩效的预测作用不显著。

    But variety characteristic of task doesn 't obviously show the predictable function of subordinate performance .

  18. 研究发现,成就目标定向对绩效有预测作用。

    It is discovered recently that there is function of predicting on performance in achievement goal orientation .

  19. 对绩效的预测不完整&更多关注的是成就目标定向对任务绩效的影响,对绩效中周边绩效的预测和影响研究较少;

    The prediction of performance is incomplete - The prediction and influence of contextual performance are studied less ;

  20. 工作倦怠、工作满意度在角色冲突对工作绩效的预测中起到中介作用。

    Job burnout , job satisfaction at the role of conflict on job performance prediction plays an mediating effect .

  21. 本研究试图探讨员工成就动机和自我概念对工作满意度的作用机制;探讨员工成就动机和自我概念对工作绩效的预测作用。

    This research tries to discuss about the mechanism of how staff achievement motivation effect on self concept , and its predict effect on job performances .

  22. 英语预猜测能力培养与听力水平提高的有效途径浅析变革型领导力和交易型领导力:团队绩效的预测指标

    An Analysis on the Effective Method to Cultivate Prediction Ability and Improve Listening Achievement ; Transformational and Transactional Leadership : The Predictor of Team Task-related Performance

  23. 最后对我国民航市场未来的发展作出关于市场结构、市场行为、市场绩效的预测,提出了几点时效性、针对性的政策和管理建议,强调政府在其中的适度管理是很有必要的。

    Finally I tried to predict the future about market structure , market action and markt performance , giving some suggestion about regulations and administration and emphasizing the importance of the government 's proper management .

  24. 但是将工作满意度和组织承诺作为关系绩效的预测变量时,发现二者的因果关系非常不显著,因此推测工作满意度、组织承诺可能是关系绩效的前因中介变量或者调节变量。

    But taking job satisfaction and organizational commitment as predicting variables , the relation became unremarkable , therefore the author supposed that the variable of job satisfaction and organizational commitment would be mediating or moderating variables to the variable of contextual performance .

  25. 组织支持感对安全氛围和安全绩效有显著预测作用。

    Perceived organizational support could predict safety climate and safety performance .

  26. 高校组织气氛对教师工作绩效具有显著预测效果。

    Thirdly , organizational climate can forecast teachers ' job performance remarkably .

  27. 工程项目费用/进度绩效灰色整体预测模型

    Grey Entirety Forecasting Model for Project Cost / Schedule Performance

  28. 基于随机S曲线的项目绩效监测和预测研究

    Research on Monitoring and Forecasting of Project Performance Based on Stochastic S Curves

  29. 国内外大量研究表明职业自我效能感是员工工作绩效的重要预测指标之一。

    There is fewer that study the career self-efficacy of enterprise technician in China .

  30. 然后构建灰色马尔科夫预测模型对国有林权改革的未来绩效进行了预测。

    Then build the gray Markov prediction model to predict the future performance of state-owned forest tenure reform .