
jì xiào kǎo hé
  • Performance Appraisal;Performance Assessment;KPI
  1. 四是针对广东省P监狱绩效考核概况进行分析。

    The fourth section analyzes the performance assessment overview for Guangdong P Prison .

  2. 三是导入研究对象广东省P监狱目前的绩效考核概况。

    The third is the lead-in section of the performance assessment overview of Guangdong P Prison .

  3. GM公司作为珠宝公司,绩效考核有其特殊性。

    GM Company being a jewelry company , its performance appraisal should include its own specialty .

  4. SHY公司绩效考核系统设计与实施

    Design and Implement of SHY Corporation Performance Appraisal Systems

  5. 再次,结合N县审计局的职能特点,创新了平时绩效考核与年度绩效相结合的考核方法。

    Again , in combination with N county audit office functions , innovation method of performance appraisal at ordinary times combined with annual performance .

  6. LD酒店经理绩效考核机制与薪酬设计

    The Design of Performance Appraisal System and Compensation for the Manager of LD Hotel

  7. 福建省烟草公司基于KPI管理的绩效考核体系探讨

    A Study on Fujian Tobacco Company 's Performance Appraisal System Based on the KPI Management

  8. 本文从绩效考核理论出发,以江苏Z市为例对邮政基层员工原有的绩效考核体系作了全面地探讨。

    Based on the theory of performance appraisal , this paper tries to explore a comprehensive performance appraisal system for the line staff of Jiangsu Post in Z City .

  9. 而制药企业生产部员工特点更是决定了员工绩效考核方案对于制药企业的发展至关重要。本研究结合PL制药公司生产部绩效考核实际对其绩效考核方案进行改进研究。

    Staff characteristics of pharmaceutical companies to produce more is to determine the employee performance evaluation program is essential for the development of the pharmaceutical companies .

  10. 本文设计了一套高校行政管理干部绩效考核指标体系,并用层次分析法借助SPSS软件包为各指标确定了权值。

    This author designs a set of index system and use the method of AHP with the help of SPSS package to determine the weight for each index .

  11. 经过优化设计,基本健全了YL炼油厂中层管理人员的绩效考核体系。

    Optimized design , the basic sound of the YL refinery middle management staff performance appraisal system .

  12. THB公司高层管理人员绩效考核的体系设计

    A Design of Performance Appraisal of the Managers from THB Company

  13. 第三章:JZ供电公司绩效考核现状及问题分析。

    Chapter ⅲ shows an analysis of the performance appraisal situation and problems in the JZ-power branch .

  14. KX公司绩效考核研究

    Performance Appraisal Research of KX Company

  15. 然后,从企业文化背景分析和员工满意度调查入手,提出了基于企业和谐(BasedonEnterpriseHarmony,BEH)的绩效考核体系的思路与框架。

    Then , from the analysis of corporate culture and employee satisfaction surveys to start , put forward based on the enterprise harmony ( Based on Enterprise Harmony , BEH ) the idea of performance appraisal system and framework .

  16. 第四,文章对于XX银行将经济资本应用于资产定价、业务发展以及绩效考核等方面进行了探讨,并提出了一些建议。

    Fourth , the article for the XX bank will apply economic capital asset pricing , business development and performance assessment and other aspects were discussed and put forward some suggestions .

  17. 文章以KN涂料公司为例来分析大客户经理如何进行绩效考核及如何构建大客户经理的关键绩效指标考核体系。

    This test has analyzed how to evaluate the performance of key customer manager and how to construct the KPI system of key customer manager in KN coating company .

  18. 第三部分在介绍网络公司基本情况后,着重分析网络公司绩效考核中存在的问题及其根源,并分析了网络公司实施KPI方法的可行性。

    The third part in the introduction of the Networks Company , focusing on analysis of problems and their root causes in the performance appraisal of the Company Networks , and Networks companies implement KPI method feasibility .

  19. TCL明创公司的销售形式在很多工业消费品制造公司普遍存在,所以本文在销售人员绩效考核体系方面做的调查研究对其他工业消费品制造企业具有一定的借鉴意义。

    The sales form of TCL M-Trust company exists generally in the very many industry consumable manufacture company . So the investigation and study at the sales ' achievements inspection system aspect is much significance to other industrial product manufacture company .

  20. 最后,本文针对DLW服装公司在建立和实施绩效考核体系的过程中遇到的问题提出了对策建议。

    Finally , according to the problems we meet in process of building the performance appraisals in the company , the paper makes some suggestions for it .

  21. KPI的绩效考核方法是基于企业战略的考核方法,是从企业战略层层分解,分解为部门KPI、员工KPI,从而到达个人目标与企业战略的一致。

    KPI performance evaluation method is based on corporate strategy assessment methods , from a corporate strategy down to every level , broken down into departmental KPI , staff KPI , in order to reach personal goals in line with the corporate strategy .

  22. 德勤和思科基于咨询公司马库斯·白金汉(MarcusBuckingham)开发的方法出台了绩效考核项目,在这些项目中,经理们采用一套组合方式,包括定期“登记”,快速员工参与度调查,以及季度绩效“快照”。

    In the programmes being rolled out at Deloitte and Cisco , based on an ap-proach developed by consultancy Marcus Buckingham , managers use a combination of regular " check-ins , " backed up by instant staff engagement surveys and quarterly performance snapshots .

  23. 主要包括优化的目标、设计程序、绩效考核方法的选择,考核周期和考核频率的确定、绩效考核指标体系的设计等;第四章提出了XX民办高校教师绩效考核体系的实施保证。

    It mainly includes the optimizing optimum objective , design program , the choice of performance appraisal methods , the confirmation of examination cycle and assessment frequency , the design of performance evaluation indicator system , etc. ; The fourth chapter proposes implementation guarantee of teachers ' performance assessment system .

  24. 目前,YL炼油厂中层管理人员现行的绩效考核体系存在绩效考核细则不够完整,企业内部对绩效考核标准缺乏统一认识,绩效反馈与面谈存在缺陷,兑现与结果脱节等问题。

    Through in-depth research , YL refinery middle management of the existing performance appraisal system is incomplete performance appraisal rules , internal lack of a unified understanding of performance appraisal standards , performance feedback and interviews flawed , cash out of line with the results of other issues .

  25. 第五部分则探讨了WQ公司智能型员工绩效考核体系的保障要素,观念转变、考核机构设置、完善相关制度、加强培训与宣传、薪酬体系改革和信息支持系统建设都是重要的要素。

    The fifth part researched the protection of performance appraisal system elements , the concept of change , assessing institutional setup , and improve relevant systems , enhanced training and promotion , pay system reform and information support systems are important elements of building .

  26. 包括招聘、培训、绩效考核、薪酬管理。

    Including recruitment , training , performance appraisal , compensation management .

  27. 航天科研单位绩效考核体系探讨

    The Research of Performance Evaluation System in Astronautic Scientific Research Department

  28. 管理咨询类企业绩效考核模式探析

    Probe into the Performance Evaluation Mode of the Management Consultancy Enterprise

  29. 教师绩效考核是教育人事制度改革的关键。

    Teacher performance appraisal is the key to educational personnel reform .

  30. 提高事业单位绩效考核信度与效度的制度创新

    Institutional Innovation and Breakthrough of Personnel Performance Appraisal in Project Units